Breloom is a bipedal, mushroom-like Pokémon with some kangaroo and dinosaur-like qualities. Most of its body is green, but its head to its neck and its tail are beige. On top of its head is a green, mushroom-like cap with beige gills underneath and a round, red berry-like growth with a hole in the middle on either side. It has oval, black eyes, a beak-like mouth, and frilled segments around the base of its neck. There are two red claws on each of its hands and feet. At the end of its tail, there are seed clusters made of hardened toxic spores that are horrible to eat.
Breloom can stretch its short arms to deliver fast punches. Additionally, it has light, springy footwork that allows it to get close to opponents. Another way it closes in on opponents is by incapacitating them with spores released from the holes in its cap. Its technique is equal to that of professional boxers. It prefers to live in tropical forests, where it feeds on decomposing trees and plants.
Breloom closes in on its foe with light and sprightly footwork, then throws punches with its stretchy arms. This Pokémon's fighting technique puts boxers to shame.
The seeds ringing Breloom's tail are made of hardened toxic spores. It is horrible to eat the seeds. Just taking a bite of this Pokémon's seed will cause your stomach to rumble.
Breloom closes in on its foe with light and sprightly footwork, then throws punches with its stretchy arms. This Pokémon's fighting technique puts boxers to shame.
The seeds ringing Breloom's tail are made of hardened toxic spores. It is horrible to eat the seeds. Just taking a bite of this Pokémon's seed will cause your stomach to rumble.
Breloom made its main series debut in A Shroomish Skirmish, where they attacked Ash and his friends after evolving from Shroomish because of Team Rocket stealing their food. May's newly evolved Combusken took on the leader Breloom in a vicious hand-to-hand fight and suddenly declared a truce between them, saving the day.
In A Windswept Encounter!, a wild male Breloom was in love with an Orange Flower Floette and had three Beedrill followers. He fought Noibat over the Floette, who didn't reciprocate his feelings, but later worked together with Noibat to defeat Team Rocket.
In Zoroark: Master of Illusions, multiple Breloom were living in Crown City. Two of them worked with the other Pokémon in surrounding Zorua with the intention of attacking him, angry for what Zoroark did to the city. Before a fight broke out, the Breloom, along with the other Pokémon, were calmed down by Celebi.
Breloom, the Mushroom Pokémon. Breloom is the evolved form of Shroomish. Its excellent footwork gets it within striking distance of its opponent, where it unleashes a barrage of punches.
Breloom seems to be based on a mushroom, specificially agaric types. The red nodules on its head resemble the berry-like arils on a yew tree. The shape of its head is reminiscent of a kasa, traditional Japanese hats with wide brims. Some of these hats were worn by monks, samurais, and soldiers, which may explain Breloom's Fighting type. Its body structure resembles a kangaroo, so its Fighting type and boxing behavior could also be inspired by the boxing kangaroo. It may also be based on a dinosaur due to its claws, its dome-shape head resembling that of a pachycephalosaurus, its club-shaped tail resembling that of an ankylosaurus, and its pre-evolution Shroomish resembling a dinosaur egg.
Name origin
Breloom may be a combination of umbrella and mushroom. It may also incorporate brawl. Incidentally, Breloom is also an anagram of "bloomer".
Kinogassa may be a combination of キノコ kinoko (mushroom) and 笠 kasa (traditional Japanese hat) or 傘 kasa (umbrella). It may be derived from 衣笠茸 kinugasatake (bamboo mushroom).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.