Slateport City (Japanese: カイナシティKaina City) is a port town on the southern coast of Hoenn. It is the ninth largest city in the Pokémon world.
Slateport was created because the clean water made the food abundant in the area, so a local market started to grow. The city then soon became a harbor where ships and boats come and go. There is a lighthouse near the south of Slateport that illuminates the sea for passing ships. It is a great shopping destination with a local Slateport Market. Captain Stern is a big name in Slateport. He is an undersea explorer who runs Stern's Shipyard, the local Oceanic Museum and also works on the S.S. Tidal which runs in and out of Slateport City after its completion.
The city has three major entrances, one from the north of Slateport City, Route 110, which has a bicycle route as well as a path to Mauville City, one directly south of the city leading to the beach of Route 109, and one east of the city that is the ocean path of Route 134, where the water's currents are too strong to Surf east.
The port where people and Pokémon cross paths with nature. (Japanese: ヒトと ポケモンが いきかう みなとThe port where people and Pokémon cross paths with nature.)
Places of interest
Slateport Market
"Unique items found nowhere else!"
The Slateport Market (Japanese: カイナ市場Kaina Market) is an open-air bazaar featuring items that cannot be easily found anywhere else. The Slateport Market has been in business since the creation of Slateport City itself as the clean water made the food abundant in the area, so a local market started to grow. The Slateport Market is situated next to the ocean, so the scent of the salty sea seeps through the air. There is a place to buy Secret Basedecorations, vitamins, IncensesORAS, and fresh seaweed there.
Doll shop
There is a shopkeeper in the bottom-left corner that sells Pokémon dolls.
The Energy Guru will occasionally hold a sale where he sells everything at half price. In Generation III, after entering the Hall of Fame, the sale occurs at random, and is announced on Hoenn TV's Pokémon News. In Generation VI, the sale occurs every Monday.
Additionally, the woman standing next to the Energy Guru will award the Pokémon in front of the player's party with an Effort Ribbon, provided that the Pokémon does not have the Ribbon already and the Pokémon has previously acquired 510 effort values.
In Pokémon Emerald, there is a woman in the northern part of the market who concocts a variety of medicines from Berry Powder and will exchange Berry Powder for herbal medicine and vitamins. When she is first visited, he gives the player the Powder Jar, and will ask the player to make some Berry Powder from the new machine that crushes Berries in the Pokémon Center upstairs. There is also a sign next to her that keeps a record of pressing-speed ranking the player achieves.
The Oceanic Museum is a large two-floored museum located in the eastern district of Slateport. The museum was built by Captain Stern to teach others of the ocean and the ocean floor. There is a $50 entrance fee which must be paid upon entry. The first floor contains information about the sea. There are seven exhibits, each with a different piece of information about the sea. On the western wing, there are experiments and displays involving Whirlpools, Waterfalls, buoyancy, and fossilization. While, on the eastern wing, there are displays and samples of ancient beach sand, and old sedimentary rocks, as well as fun facts about the sea. On the second floor, there are nine more exhibits, which include models of the Hoenn region and the ship S.S. Anne. The museum can be entered free of charge before Team Magma or Team Aqua leave, as the reception believes that the player is part of their group. However, this only works if the player lacks the money needed for the $50 fee.
Slateport is the home to the headquarters for the Hoenn branch of the Pokémon Fan Club. The Fan Club is a place for people to meet and chat about their favorite Pokémon and to show off their collections to each other. In general, the members are usually more oriented to unevolved, cute Pokémon and Pokémon Contests than Pokémon battles. The people in the Fan Club adore their Pokémon and give friendly advice. One of the women in the Fan Club will give away a Soothe Bell if the player's Pokémon has a high friendship. In Emerald, people show off their Pokémon in Contests because the Contest Hall in Lilycove City is too far to travel. Gabby and Ty often visit the Club House in Hoenn to do interviews with enthusiastic Trainers.
Trainers of the Poké FanTrainer class are members of the Pokémon Fan Club. The Hoenn Pokémon Fan Club Chairman sits in the center of the club house. He claims to have raised over 100 different Pokémon in his lifetime. He travels across the nation on his Fearow.
Stern's Shipyard is a building owned by Captain Stern. Stern's Shipyard is a large brown building located next to the ocean. In front of the building are two houses, and around the building are three small wooden boats. It is located in the eastern part of Slateport City, and is where the S.S. Tidal was constructed. The Shipyard also takes old boats and sinks them, to make habitats for the Pokémon who live around the city and its neighboring beaches.
The Name Rater of Hoenn lives in northern district of Slateport City. As always, he allows Trainers to change the nickname of any Pokémon they captured or received in-game. Those traded from outside sources will not be able to be renamed. If the Pokémon was caught by the player that currently owns it, he'll say that the name could be better and offer the player the option of changing it. If the Pokémon he is judging was obtained via a trade, he will say that the name is perfect and refuse to change it. However, if both players have identical Trainer IDs and secret IDs, he will allow name changes.
The Battle Tent can only be found in Pokémon Emerald. It is one of the three Battle Tents found in Emerald. Entrants pick out three Pokémon from a list of 6 random rentals, all at level 30. Then, three Trainers battle, having a chance after each battle to possibly trade a Pokémon for one from the person that was just defeated.
Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
In Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, the population of Slateport City is 76, making it the second largest city in Hoenn, behind Lilycove City. Slateport City's high population can be attributed to a number of factors, such as its market, beach, and shipyard.
Pokémon Emerald
In Pokémon Emerald, the population of Slateport City is 60, making it the third largest city in Hoenn after the cities of Lilycove and Rustboro.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Trainers with a PokéNav by their names will be registered in the Trainer's Eyes or Match Call function after the first battle, and may have a rematch with the player with higher-level Pokémon.
Trainers with a PokéNav by their names will be registered in the Trainer's Eyes or Match Call function after the first battle, and may have a rematch with the player with higher-level Pokémon.
In Having a Wailord of a Time, it was revealed that Slateport City's Nurse Joy, in addition to being responsible for the health and well-being of Pokémon at the Pokémon Center, gives new Trainers their first partner Pokémon. Joy explained that Littleroot Town's location may be difficult for some Trainers to reach, and Slateport City offers a convenient alternative. New Trainers have the choice of Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip. However, Ash's Corphish inadvertently caused Nurse Joy's Torchic to evolve into Combusken, forcing it to stay behind at the Pokémon Center. Meanwhile, Mudkip and Treecko were given out to Stephanie and her father, respectively, the latter being assured that it is never too late to become a Trainer.
Slateport Contest quarterfinalists
The Slateport Contest took place in Win, Lose or Drew!. While May, who was participating in a Contest for the first time, had a shaky start out of nervousness, the judges felt her performance in the Appeals Round was impressive enough, and she was among the eight Coordinators moving on to the Contest Battles, along with Drew and Robert. In the Battle Round, May faced against Drew, whose Roselia defeated her Beautifly, knocking May out of the Contest. In his second battle, Drew was defeated by Robert and his Milotic, who went on to win the Contest and earn the Slateport Ribbon.
In The Spheal of Approval, Ash and Max visited the Oceanic Museum and met Captain Stern, but they were caught in an attack by Team Magma. The thief got away with only half of the volcanic stone, while Captain Stern was able to recover the other half to continue his research.
After learning that the Hoenn Grand Festival would be held in Slateport City, May and her friends traveled there aboard the S.S. St. Flower in The Ribbon Cup Caper. The event took place from Hi Ho Silver Wind! to Rhapsody in Drew. May, Drew, Harley, Robert, and Anthony were ultimately among the 247 Coordinators who qualified for the competition. During the competition, May was able to defeat Harley and Anthony, but lost to Drew in the quarterfinal round. In the end, Robert emerged victorious by defeating Drew in the finals, earning the Ribbon Cup and becoming a Top Coordinator.
In Looking Out for Number Two!, Ash and Goh visited Slateport City again for Goh's Project MewTrial Mission, which involved him finding and catching a wild Kingdra. While searching for it off Slateport's coast, they encountered Drake, who let them use his diving equipment in exchange for helping him in his treasure hunt.
In A Flood of Torrential Gains!, Goh arrived in Slateport City following a summons from Project Mew and met up with the other members of the research team, including Gary and Horace, before departing with them to Faraway Island. Once the expedition to the island had concluded, the research team returned to Slateport in In the Palms of our Hands! before splitting up.
In Flying Pikachu, Rising Higher and Higher!, Orla was revealed to have previously worked as a mechanic in Slateport City. Friede had come to her with the request of making Ludlow's boat fly. Accepting this job, Orla had converted the boat into an airship that Friede would go on to name Brave Olivine. She had subsequently joined Friede and Ludlow to form the Rising Volt Tacklers in order to keep working on the airship she had built.
After Team Magma and Team Aqua had awakened Groudon and Kyogre at Seafloor Cavern, Slateport City was struck by a tsunami. In Always Keep Whiscash on You for Emergencies, Ruby returned to the flooded city to compete in the Hyper RankPokémon Contests, despite being the only competitor. However, he failed to obtain the Hyper Rank BeautyRibbon due to his Feebas, Feefee, being outperformed by a mystery competitor. Angered by this, Ruby vented his frustration out on Feefee, who swam away and appeared to get trapped by the collapsing Contest Hall. After being taken to a nearby hospital unconscious, Ruby decided to help the Hoenn Gym Leaders and Sapphire deal with the crisis.
In It All Ends Now VIII, the destroyed Slateport Contest Hall was revealed to have been rebuilt as a Battle Tent, though it still maintained the function of hosting Pokémon Contests.
In Salamence Evolves, Lisia discussed about Ruby at the reconstructed Slateport City Contest Spectacular Hall with Chaz, introducing him to the concepts of Cosplay Pikachu and Contest Costumes that Ruby had invented.
In Omega Alpha Adventure 21, Ruby and Sapphire performed together in a Contest Spectacular at the Slateport City Contest Spectacular Hall.
Spoilers end here.
As Hoenn coincides with Kyushu, Slateport coincides with Nagasaki's location.
Name origin
カイナシティ Kaina City
From 灰 kai (gray), 海 kai (sea), and possibly 腕 kaina (arm)