Only accessible after the SecretPotion has been given to Jasmine in the Olivine Lighthouse, Route 47 is vastly different from all other routes in Johto, being carved out of the face of the sheer cliffs west of Cianwood.
The route begins rather high up as Trainers exit from Cliff Edge Gate, and heads due west past a Hiker, where it takes its first branch. From here, Trainers can go north two paces and into Cliff Cave, which connects the various levels of the route, or continue westward across a bridge in front of a roaring waterfall. There is very little across the bridge, however, as only a Camper appears, separating the player from a Revive.
Inside Cliff Cave, the player can either go up or down; each path contains its own perks. Going down and out from Cliff Cave leads the player to the sea, where they can explore, and with HM07 (Waterfall), climb to the only tall grass on the route.
Further west is another waterfall; climbing it will lead the player to a White Flute, otherwise obtainable only via transfer from Generation III or trading with Platinum.
The upper path will take travelers to Route 48 and Johto's brand-new Safari Zone; a Double Team waits to challenge any player exiting the Cliff Cave. Passage is free to the west, across several bridges over beautiful waterfalls, and eventually onto a grassy path near a billboard advertising the Safari Zone. North of here are the final Trainers on the route, a Young Couple, and a bit further north, Route 48.
Cliff Cave assists in navigating between the levels of Route 47; going up leads to Route 48, while going down leads to Embedded Tower and the only tall grass and surfable ocean on the route.
Accessible only with HM08 (Rock Climb), Embedded Tower is the whereabouts of KyogreHG, GroudonSS, or Rayquaza (if both are captured and shown to Professor Oak). West from the entrance to Embedded Tower is the westernmost accessible point in Johto, a small spit of beach at the bottom of climbable rocks.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Trainers with a telephone symbol by their names will give their Pokégear number to the player, and may call or be called for a rematch with higher-level Pokémon.
Route 47 was mentioned by Norman and Ruby in PS611 as the location of the Embedded Tower. They planned to go there to find Rayquaza, but they located it before they could even head there.
Young Couple Duff & Eda's Pokémon of choice, Onix and Cloyster, may together considered to be an innuendo.