Pokémon commercial

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Pokémon games, TCG sets, and other Pokémon-related merchandise often have commercials on TV and other platforms in order to spread knowledge of the product.


Generation I

Red and Green

By RobertNestaTravaglio
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Japanese Blue

By channel/UC86wBlxBNj0mSiZO4U_qfYQ

Red and Blue

By channel/UCD9ZNEV0-l_3i_UocFXUscQ

By channel/UCrfRX1SX7jYVMZHtx8aahaw



By @MrJonathanJoester


By channel/UCDi0klFO_qIyQ2vYuxqEASw

Side Games

Japanese Stadium

By channel/UCqLtGUTR746Xl-76CVMUVcw



By channel/UCqLtGUTR746Xl-76CVMUVcw


By channel/UCnV27YNfRqUVIeuobt9A18w

Japanese Stadium 2

By channel/UCqLtGUTR746Xl-76CVMUVcw


By channel/UCDi0klFO_qIyQ2vYuxqEASw

Generation II

Gold and Silver


By channel/UCBY3D5djtn-TQAuVeO-pM7Q


By channel/UCwCuosEnRmdBzY2HO6DadOw


By channel/UCrDL1e1AtWVYrqb6pzI72Cg



By channel/UCBY3D5djtn-TQAuVeO-pM7Q

By channel/UCbq1e_GAms4UPPX7GHIND9Q


By channel/UC4H6cg03pPHMXlZhbo9C9IA

Japanese Stadium: Gold & Silver

By channel/UCBY3D5djtn-TQAuVeO-pM7Q

Stadium 2

By channel/UChMvwEbndP4kFF79Dg0NWOA

By channel/UCrfRX1SX7jYVMZHtx8aahaw

Generation III

Ruby and Sapphire


By channel/UCnV27YNfRqUVIeuobt9A18w


By channel/UCdsnIg-fSwB-bUQSnFhajXA

Pinball: Ruby and Sapphire


By channel/PokemonDungeon



By channel/UCyKrBQ9i07k5dSZnUwkNUkQ




By channel/Japancommercials4U2

Mystery Dungeon Red and Blue Rescue Team

An announcer asks as a Totodile wakes up in first person "What if you woke up one day," the Totodile inspects its hands as the announcer says this, saying "whoa" in the process. It then proceeds to go over to the lake to inspect its face and the anouncer continues, "and you were a pokemon?" Totodile then gives a shocked expression with a more enthusiastic "whoa!" The commercial then cuts to game footage


By channel/e7wXSe6N8bnfbQdf9g

Generation IV

Diamond and Pearl

In a commercial for Diamond and Pearl, various people can be seen. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Poké Balls start randomly raining down from the sky.


By roses108
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Mystery Dungeon Explores of Time and Darkness

Three children, a girl and two boys, stand amidst a rocky landscape. The children proclaim their types (Electric, Water and Fire) and favorite moves (ThunderShock, Hydro Pump and Flamethrower). The girl declares herself to be Pikachu, and the two boys are Mudkip and Chimchar. A preview of gameplay is shown, followed by the game's slogan, "Discover your inner Pokémon."



By Jamesobv
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Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky


By channel/UCrfRX1SX7jYVMZHtx8aahaw

HeartGold and SoulSilver


By majkeld2
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By majkeld2
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Generation V

Black and White


By Nintendodsuk
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Black 2 and White 2

By pokemon
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By pokemon
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By pokemon
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By pokemon
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By pokemon
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By pokemon
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Mystery Dungeon Gates to Infinity

By Nintendo
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By pokemon
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By pokemon
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Generation VI

X and Y

By pokemon
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By pokemon
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By pokemon
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By pokemon
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By pokemon
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By pokemon
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Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

By Nintendo
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Generation VII

Sun and Moon


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Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

By GameTrailers
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Generation VIII

Sword and Shield

By goHuntEnt
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By DaddyGamerFred
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Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

By Foulowe59
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Legends Arceus

By NintendoOfficialChannelSoutheastAsia
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Generation IX

Scarlet and Violet

By Nintendo
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WiiWare Games

My Pokémon Ranch


By FreebieHunterX
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PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure!

By moviemaniacsDE
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This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

Pokédex 3D


By Nintendo3DSuk
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By Nintendo3DSuk
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By Nintendo3DSuk
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By Nintendo3DSuk
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By Nintendo3DSuk
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Pokédex 3D Pro

By pokemon
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Pokémon Dream Radar

By pokemon
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Super Pokémon Rumble


By deathbyscarf
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Super Mystery Dungeon


By PokemonCoJp
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By PokemonCoJp
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3DS Virtual Console

Japanese Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow

By Nintendo 公式チャンネル

By Nintendo 公式チャンネル

Red, Blue, and Yellow

By Nintendo UK

Trading Card Game

Sets for the Trading Card Game are the most common version of Pokémon commercials.

English TCG

Gym Heroes

By Rampag3EditionMedia
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Gym Challenge

Neo Genesis

By NordicNostalgia
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EX Emerald

By NL Cartoons/Anime NL
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EX Deoxys

By NL Cartoons/Anime NL
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EX Dragon Frontiers

By pokemonzeo
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Great Encounters

By grievous33
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This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.


By Japancommercials4U2
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By Japancommercials4U2
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HeartGold & SoulSilver

By AdsNTrailers
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By 0NeoDestiny
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By 0NeoDestiny
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By 0NeoDestiny
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Call of Legends

By lovexpokemon
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Black & White

By OfficialPokemonShow
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Emerging Powers

By MMOregion
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Noble Victories

By BergsalaEnigma
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Next Destinies

By pokemon
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Dark Explorers

By pokemon
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Boundaries Crossed

By pokemon
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Plasma Storm

By pokemon
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Plasma Blast

By pokemon
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Legendary Treasures

By pokemon
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Japanese TCG

Expansion Pack

By Japancommercials4U2
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Reviving Legends

By Callyfin
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Steelix Constructed Standard Deck/Tyranitar Constructed Standard Deck

By Callyfin
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Clash at the Summit

By Callyfin
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Beginning Set

By DragoniteManaphy
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Black & White Collection

By PokemonCardsUK
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Battle Strength Decks

By pidgiwiki
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Red Collection

By victini2929
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Psycho Drive/Hail Blizzard

By pidginet
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Commercials were also formerly made for anime episodes, but they have stopped being produced in the US. From time to time, Pokémon marathons aired on Cartoon Network will be given a commercial. Currently, commercials on Saturday's new episode time slots have Pokémon mentioned in it.


Commercial for the anime on Fox Kids Netherlands.

By channel/UCsiDv_TT_bFmC3CRbXt24SQ

Commercial for a VHS of season 1.

By channel/UC9rs75Q6_ID70hTOq0ZkHJQ

Commercial for season 13 of the anime on Disney XD Netherlands

By channel/UCNNByrG-6sJP343_GNsd1Tg

' Commercial for Zoroark: Master of Illusions on Disney XD Netherlands

By channel/UCNNByrG-6sJP343_GNsd1Tg

Commercial for season 18 of the anime on Disney XD Netherlands

By channel/UCqyFv6QcmSKrnC2zvzWUqjg

Commercial for Hoopa and the Clash of Ages on Disney XD Netherlands

By channel/UCEzhW0zad-52Wu8xiC-MgpQ

Commercial for "Pokémon weekend" on Disney XD Netherlands

By Disney XD Nederland

Commercial for "Pokémon month" on Disney XD Netherlands

By Disney XD Nederland

Trading Figure Game

Commercials for sets of the Trading Figure Game were produced during its short lifespan.

United States

By Japancommercials4U2

By jameshernandez45e_01
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

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This article is part of Project Mass Media, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on official Pokémon publishing, broadcasting, communications, and other media.