Flabbergast (Skill)

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Revision as of 22:07, 22 August 2024 by Storm Aurora (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Red sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect." to "Red sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.")
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Flabbergast 相手に技後混乱付与
Inflict Confusion On Opponent After Attack
Flavor text
Passive Skill
Has a chance (X%) of leaving the target confused when a move targeting that opponent is successful.*
Leaves the target confused when the user’s move targeting that opponent is successful.*

Flabbergast (Japanese: 相手に技後混乱付与 Inflict Confusion On Opponent After Attack) is a family of skills in Pokémon Masters EX.


The Pokémon has a chance of confusing the target when an attack move against the target is successful. The higher the skill rank, the greater the chance of confusion.

Skill rank Chance
Flabbergast 1 20%
Flabbergast 2 30%
Flabbergast 3 40%
Flabbergast 4 50%
Flabbergast 5 60%
Flabbergast 6 70%
Flabbergast 7 80%
Flabbergast 8 90%
Flabbergast 9 100%


Flabbergast 2

As grid skill (red tiles)

Red sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.

Erika & VileplumeErika & Vileplume
& Vileplume

(Stun Spore)

Olivia & CarbinkOlivia & Carbink
& Carbink

(Smack Down)

Raihan & GigalithRaihan & Gigalith
& Gigalith

(Smack Down)

Flabbergast 4

As grid skill (yellow tiles)

As grid skill (red tiles)

Red sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.

Leaf & ClefableLeaf & Clefable
& Clefable

(Disarming Voice)

Skyla & UnfezantSkyla & Unfezant
& Unfezant

(Aerial Ace)

Flabbergast 5

As grid skill (red tiles)

Red sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.

Flabbergast 9

As grid skill (red tiles)

Red sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.

In other languages

Language Title
Japanese 相手に技後混乱付与
Mandarin Chinese 對手中招後賦予混亂
French Capa. Confusion
German Attacken-Verwirrung
Italian Confondimpatto
Korean 상대에게기술후혼란부여 Sangdae-ege Gisulhu Honlan Buyeo
Spanish Movimiento Desorientador +
This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.