Salazzle lives deep in caves and forces the Salandit it has attracted with its pheromones to serve it.
洞窟の 奥深くに 棲み フェロモンで メロメロに した ヤトウモリたちを 侍らせている。
Release information
This card was included in the Unified Minds expansion, first released in the Charizard Deck of the Sun & Moon Family Pokémon Card Game. The Battle Academy 2020, the English equivalent of the Family Pokémon Card Game, later included three copies of this card in its Charizard Deck. Both versions of the Charizard Deck have a silhouette of Charizard in the bottom right of the cards, with the Battle Academy cards also being numbered. The copies of Salazzle are numbered 7, 23, and 49.