Thunder Crag

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Thunder Crag カミナリ高原
Thunder Plateau
Description: A meadow covered in thunderclouds. Besides Electric-type Pokémon, a startling variety of other Pokémon live here.
Predominant type: Electric
Capacity: 11RB
Method to obtain: Buy for 1,000RB / 600RTDX Poké
Friend Area

Thunder Crag (Japanese: カミナリ高原 Thunder Plateau)RTDX or Thunder Meadow (Japanese: かみなりこうげん Thunder Plateau)RB is a Friend Area in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team and a rescue team camp in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX in the Badlands area. In Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, it has a capacity of 11 Pokémon. Many of the Pokémon that reside here are Electric-type.

It can be purchased from the Wigglytuff Club for 1,000RB / 600RTDX Poké.


Thunder Crag has a rough landscape, consisting of rough grass, with a dead tree that was struck in two by lightning near the entrance. There is also a small fissure at the end of the cliff. The sky shows a storm on the horizon.


Generation III

Pokémon Location
Sentret Sentret Sinister Woods (3F-6F)
Furret Furret Evolve Sentret
Mareep Mareep Lightning Field (1F-5F)
Flaaffy Flaaffy Evolve Mareep
Lightning Field (7F-13F)
Ampharos Ampharos Evolve Flaaffy
Electrike Electrike Mt. Thunder (1F-4F)
Lightning Field (1F-6F)
Wish Cave (B26F-B33F)
Oddity Cave (B1F-B4F)
Manectric Manectric Evolve Electrike
Plusle Plusle Thunderwave Cave (B4F-B5F)R
Lightning Field (7F-19F)R
Joyous Tower (5F-8F)R
Minun Minun Thunderwave Cave (B4F-B5F)B
Lightning Field (7F-19F)B
Joyous Tower (5F-8F)B
Castform Castform Mt. Faraway (20F-29F)
Chimecho Chimecho Mt. Freeze (7F-12F)
Solar Cave (B12F-B17F)

Generation VIII

Pokémon Location
Sentret Sentret Sinister Woods (3F-6F)
Buried Relic (Fainted Pokémon)
Purity Forest (19F-21F)
Oddity Cave (7F-8F, Fainted Pokémon)
Remains Island (7F-9F)
Marvelous Sea (7F-9F)
Fantasy Strait (7F-9F, Fainted Pokémon)
Furret Furret Mt. Blaze (Fainted Pokémon)
Frosty Forest (1F-3F)
Purity Forest (61F-63F)
Mareep Mareep Lightning Field (1F-5F)
Pitfall Valley (Fainted Pokémon)
Far-Off Sea (Fainted Pokémon)
Flaaffy Flaaffy Stormy Sea (Fainted Pokémon)
Lightning Field (7F-13F)
Northwind Field (Fainted Pokémon)
Pitfall Valley (Fainted Pokémon)
Remains Island (10F-12F)
Marvelous Sea (10F-13F)
Fantasy Strait (10F-13F)
Ampharos Ampharos Sinister Woods (3F, 7F-9F, 11F-12F)Shiny
Lightning Field (16F-21F, Mystery House)
Buried Relic (32F-37F)
Purity Forest (31F-33F)
Electrike Electrike Mt. Thunder (1F-5F)
Lightning Field (1F-7F, Fainted Pokémon)
Northern Range (Fainted Pokémon)
Wish Cave (28F-33F)
Waterfall Pond (Fainted Pokémon)
Far-Off Sea (Fainted Pokémon)
Purity Forest (30F-34F)
Manectric Manectric Mt. Thunder (6F-12F)
Lightning Field (23F-29F, Mystery House)
Wish Cave (36F-40F)
Joyous Tower (36F-40F)
Purity Forest (36F-40F)
Plusle Plusle Tiny Woods (Fainted Pokémon)
Thunderwave Cave (3F-5F)
Stormy Sea (Mystery House)
Lightning Field (7F-19F, Mystery House)
Buried Relic (Mystery House)
Solar Cave (Mystery House)
Joyous Tower (10F-12F)
Purity Forest (10F-12F)
Minun Minun Tiny Woods (Fainted Pokémon)
Thunderwave Cave (3F-5F)
Stormy Sea (Mystery House)
Lightning Field (7F-19F, Mystery House)
Buried Relic (Mystery House)
Solar Cave (Mystery House)
Joyous Tower (10F-12F)
Purity Forest (10F-12F)
Castform Castform Mt. Faraway (1F-30F)
Wish Cave (12F-20F, 30F-39F, 53F-59F, 70F-79F, 90F-98F)
Murky Cave (1F-19F)
Purity Forest (13F-20F, 34F-38F, 70F-79F)
Chingling Chingling Lightning Field (Fainted Pokémon)
Western Cave (Fainted Pokémon)
Buried Relic (Fainted Pokémon)
Desert Region (Fainted Pokémon)
Remains Island (1F-12F)
Chimecho Chimecho Frosty Forest (Fainted Pokémon)
Mt. Freeze (6F-12F)
Western Cave (12F-17F)
Buried Relic (Fainted Pokémon)
Solar Cave (12F-17F)


In other languages

Language Title
French Plateau Orageux
German Gewitterplateau
Italian Prato Tuono
Korean 번개 고원
Spanish Prado del Trueno

Rescue team camps
Badlands Eastern Ponds Relics Beach Volcano River Northern Sea
Thunder Crag
Ravaged Field
Magnetic Quarry
Tadpole Pond Aged Chamber A–N
Aged Chamber O–?
Ancient Relic
Shallow Beach
Ice Floe Beach
Scorched Plains
Volcanic Pit
Rub-a-Dub River Bountiful Sea
Serene Sea
Deepsea Current
Pond Western Isles Desert Mountain Range Jungle Northern Lakes Eastern Lakes
Turtleshell Pond Final Island Withering Desert Mt. Green
Mt. Cleft
Mt. Moonview
Rainbow Peak
Mt. Discipline
Darkness Ridge
Jungle Mystic Lake Waterfall Lake
Sky Northern Isles Cave Southwest Isles Western Forest Marsh Ruins
Stratos Lookout Legendary Island Echo Cave
Cryptic Cave
Dragon Cave
Boulder Cave
Enclosed Island Mushroom Forest
Healing Forest
Evolution Forest
Secretive Forest
Gourd Swamp
Poison Swamp
Decrepit Lab
Power Plant
Eastern Forest Southern Sea Southern Isles South Plains Plains Glacier
Stump Forest
Flyaway Forest
Overgrown Forest
Vibrant Forest
Treasure Sea
Deepsea Floor
Seafloor Cave
Southern Island Wild Plains
Beau Plains
Sky-Blue Plains
Sacred Field
Frigid Cavern
This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.