The Area Zero Underdepths (Japanese: ゼロの大空洞Great Zero Hollow) is an area located within the Great Crater of Paldea at the center of the Paldearegion, but even deeper than Area Zero.
The Area Zero Underdepths is a large cavern, roughly 3,300 feet below the surface, located beneath Area Zero. It is only accessible via the elevator in Professor SadaS/Professor TuroV's Zero Lab and only unlocked by using the Indigo Disk.
From the composition of the rock, the underdepths likely formed approximately 2 million years ago, predating even the formation of the Great Crater of Paldea. It experienced numerous cave-ins in the past, likely due to erosion and tectonic activity, but has remained stable since the last major cave-in. There are also indications that many objects or creatures filled the space prior to the current cavern's formation.
The Area Zero Underdepths consist of several large chambers connected by tunnels. It is filled with large Terastal crystals, similar to those found at the bottom of Area Zero. These crystals increase with depth until the deepest tunnel is made from solid crystal. Also near the bottom of the Underdepths is a subterranean lake. On an island in this lake is a large tree, seemingly covered in or made from crystal.
Several Pokémon species also inhabit the Underdepths, primarily Rock- or Ground-type Pokémon. Prior to certain seismic shifts, Terapagos supposedly lived there before becoming nearly extinct.
Places of interest
Terapagos slumbering in the deepest cavern of Area Zero Underdepths
Tera crystal clusters
There're several clusters of Tera crystals blocking paths around Area Zero Underdepths. According to Briar, they're likely a manifestation of pure Terastal energy. She also also has no idea what might happen if they're destroyed with brute force. For that reason, the player has to defeat a StellarTera type Pokémon near it, which causes the cluster to be desintegrated.
Crystal tree
A cavern flooded with water and with an island in center where a large, crystallized tree is located in. This tree is similar to others up in Area Zero, however unlike them, it is completly crystallized and way bigger than the others. One of the Stellar Tera Type Pokémon that needs to be defeated to progress further into the underdepths is located there: a Garganacl.
Secret cavern
A secret cavern filled with different items that is blocked by one of the Tera crystals clusters until the optional Stellar Tera type Garchomp is defeated.
Terapagos's cavern
The cavern where the Legendary PokémonTerapagos has slumbers in the form of a crystal. This Terapagos appears to be the last one of its kind after seismic shifts brought the species to the brink of extinction. The cavern is located at the very bottom of the Underdepths.
This section is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
This section is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it. Reason: Complete list of Pokémon encountered and table, see bottom sections of "titan_fixed_sl.3.0.0" or "titan_fixed_vl.3.0.0" from here for a list of encounters.
All Pokémon that appear in this zone area considered wanderer encounters internally, and therefore always have the standard 1/4096 chance to be Shiny, ignoring any bonuses, and additionally ineligible for naturally generating Marks (except for the Jumbo and Mini marks).[1][2]
A variety of Stellar Tera Pokémon must be defeated in order to shrink the crystals blocking the way during the events of The Indigo Disk, allowing the player, Carmine, Kieran, and Briar to progress further into the Underdepths. None of them can be caught, and they are coded to never be Shiny.
A Garchomp can be encountered and subsequently defeated in order to shrink a crystal in the room prior to one that wraps downwards in a staircase. It cannot be caught, and is coded to never be Shiny.
After Kieran has been defeated, he will attempt to Terastallize Terapagos, causing it to become uncontrollable. The player must battle it with no opportunity to change teams or heal from the end of the previous battle; losing this battle will revert the game back to before the player's battle against Kieran. It must be caught by the player upon its defeat, and is coded to never be Shiny. Additionally, this Terapagos is always coded to be male, despite it having a gender ratio of one male to one female.
In the battle against Stellar Form Terapagos, it has four times the usual amount of health (with a large health bar across the top of the screen in a similar fashion to Titan Pokémon and Starmobiles, which identifies it as Terapagos, the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero), and unlimited PP for all of its moves, but its Teraform Zero ability does not function. Similar to a Tera Raid Battle, it can put up a shield to become immune to many status moves and reduce the damage it takes from attacking moves, and the player will be unable to Terastallize their Pokémon until they charge the Tera Orb by hitting with a certain number of damaging moves, but only two attacks are required to charge it, instead of the three from standard Tera Raid Battles. Unlike Tera Raid Battles, there is no time limit and no cheering, and the player can switch Pokémon and use items from the Bag.
Terapagos will put up three shields over the course of the battle: one at the beginning, and the others immediately after the previous shield is broken. Each shield covers 27% of Terapagos's health bar, and if any attack deals enough damage to break the shield, all further damage from that attack (including from multistrike moves) is prevented, similar to Pokémon Sword and Shield's Max Raid Battles. When a new shield is put up, Terapagos is cured of any status condition, all stat modifiers to any Pokémon are erased (but other field effects such as weather and Light Screen remain in place), and if any of the player's Pokémon have been Terastallized, they lose that status. The Tera Orb must be recharged before the player can Terastallize a Pokémon again.
In the first phase of the battle, Terapagos is Normal type, and Carmine participates as a partner using her Sinistcha. If Sinistcha faints, the player must continue the remainder of the phase alone. If Sinistcha has not yet fainted when the shield breaks, Terapagos uses Zen Headbutt on Sinistcha at that time, even if an effect such as Imprison would normally prevent the move from being used. This extra move ignores the usual accuracy and damage formulas and is configured to deal 9999 damage; then, if Sinistcha somehow has any HP remaining afterwards, its HP will be forcefully set to 0 anyway, ensuring that Sinistcha faints and does not participate in later phases.[3][4]
In the second phase, Terapagos changes to a Psychic type, and the player must face it alone.
In the third phase, Terapagos changes to a Water type, and Kieran joins as a partner using his remaining five Pokémon. Terapagos will remain Water type after the final shield is broken.
When Kieran is controlling Terapagos, it possesses twice the usual amount of HP and has a large HP bar at the top of the screen that identifies it as Terapagos, the Indigo Disk.
Area Zero Underdepths is introduced as a Stadium card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English Scarlet & Violet Series (the Japanese Scarlet & Violet Era). It was first released in the Japanese Stellar Miracle expansion and the English Stellar Crown expansion, with artwork by MARINA Chikazawa. As long as this Stadium is in play, each player may have up to 8 Benched Pokémon (an increased amount from the normal limit of 5) if they have any Tera Pokémon in play. If a player no longer has any Tera Pokémon in play, they discard Benched Pokémon until they have 5 remaining. If this Stadium is removed from play, both players discard Benched Pokémon until they have 5 remaining, and the player who played the Stadium discards first.