This friendly Pokémon doesn't like being alone. Pay it even the slightest bit of attention, and it will follow you forever.
人懐っこくて 寂しがり。 ちょっと かまっただけでも いつまでも 後を ついてくるぞ。
Release information
This card was included as a Regular card and a Full Artillustration rare card in the Scarlet & Violet expansion, first released in the Japanese Violet ex expansion. The Regular print features artwork by yuu, while the Full Art illustration rare print features artwork by sowsow. The Regular print was later reprinted as a Mirror Holofoil in the Japanese ex Special Set. A version of the Regular print, featuring a Pikachu jack-o'-lantern stamp in the bottom right corner of the artwork, was available in Trick or Trade 2023 BOOster Bundles from September 1, 2023.