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These are Cheryl's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series games

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

Eterna Forest
  • Entering
"Hello, my name's Cheryl. And you are...? OK, so your name is <player>. I'm sincerely glad to meet you. <Player>, may I ask a big favor of you? I want to get through this forest, but I'm afraid of doing it alone. I've heard that there is a sinister group of people called Team Galactic about. I think there'd be safety in numbers. Please, may I go through with you? I'll keep your Pokémon in perfect health."
  • Exiting
"Oh! There's the exit! I'm so relieved... We finally got here. I would've never been able to get through this by myself. Thank you so much, <player>!"
  • When walking
"It's startling to see two wild Pokémon appearing at the same time."
"My Pokémon is an excellent healer. But attacking isn't its strong point."
"<Player>, battling with you makes me feel elated. If I could predict what you're about to do, we would make a fierce combo!"
  • If leaving before finishing the escort
"Oh? Are you going back? I'll wait here for you, then."
  • Returning
"Oh, hi <player>! I've been waiting like I said. Let's get through this forest together."

Pokémon Platinum

Eterna Forest
"Hello, my name's Cheryl. And you are...? OK, so your name is <player>. I'm sincerely glad to meet you. <Player>, may I ask a big favor of you? I want to get through this forest, but I'm afraid of doing it alone. I've heard that there is a sinister group of people called Team Galactic about. I think there'd be safety in numbers. Please, may I go through with you? I'll keep your Pokémon in perfect health."
"Oh! There's the exit! I'm so relieved... We finally got here. I would've never been able to get through this by myself. Thank you so much, <player>! This is my token of appreciation. Please accept it! I'm sure we'll meet again somewhere! Bye for now!"
  • When walking
"It's startling to see two wild Pokémon appearing at the same time."
"My Pokémon is an excellent healer. But attacking isn't its strong point."
"<Player>, battling with you makes me feel elated. If I could predict what you're about to do, we would make a fierce combo!"
The Battleground
Initial battle
  • Before battle
"Oh, hello, <player>. You're my opponent of the day?"
No: "Oh, but my Pokémon were itching for a battle..."
"<Player>, may I ask you for a battle?"
Yes: "My Pokémon have been itching for a battle."
  • During battle
"I can't keep up with healing..."
  • When defeated
"Striking the right balance of offense and defense... It's not easy to do."
  • After being defeated
"Thank you, <player>! Thanks to you, my adorable Pokémon became a little tougher."
  • Before battle
"It's been a long time... Hasn't it? Would you care to have a battle with me?"
No: "Giggle... Pokémon would get all worn out if we battled all the time, wouldn't they?"
"...Yes? Would you like to battle after all?"
Yes: "I should warn you, my Pokémon can be quite rambunctious."
  • During battle
"I can't keep up with healing..."
  • When defeated
"Striking the right balance of offense and defense... It's not easy to do."
  • After being defeated
"Being a Trainer isn't easy. The more you battle, the more you discover. But, you know? I love Pokémon for that, too!"

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Cheryl (Masters)
Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"Hello, my name's Cheryl. I'm a Pokémon Trainer. It's nice to meet you!"
  • Subsequent recruitments
"How wonderful! Even my Pokémon seem more cheerful when I'm with you!"
  • Sync pair viewer
"It's all about striking the right balance of offense and defense."
"When I get lonely, I have my Pokémon. I also have all of you, so really, I never get lonely!"
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Please. May I go with you?"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"Until we meet again."
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"We did it!"
  • Upon leveling up
"I've grown some more. I might start jumping with joy!"
  • Upon reaching max level
"We've become much stronger. I feel so happy!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"I feel new possibilities!"
  • During conversation
"Pardon me."
"Ehehm, hh!"
"Eheheheh, hh!"
"Ahahaha, hh!"
"Ah, hahaha, hh."
"Amazing! You're wonderful!"
"Give it your all."
"Oh, dear..."
"I swear!"
"No no!"
"Uh-hh, huuuh..."
"Oh no...!"
"What's this?"
"Thank you so much!"
"I'm very sorry!"
"Of course."
"Absolutely not!"
"I hear you."
"Oh. Hehmhm!"
"Until we meet again."
"Here we go!"
"Time to do our thing!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning! I hope this is a happy day for you!"
"That scent in the air when you wake up early in the morning is the scent of adventure!"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Hello there. Why don't you take a few deep breaths with me and enjoy a slow day?"
"This is the time of day when my Pokémon and I have the most energy!"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"Good evening! I think it's almost bedtime."
"I know you're working very hard, but if you stay up too late, you or your Pokémon could fall ill."
  • During special gift conversation
"Here's a gift from me!"
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
  • VS screen
"I'll do it! We won't lose!"
  • Sending out Pokémon
  • Using Pokémon move
"Go on!"
  • Using item
"Leave it to me."
  • Using Trainer move
"Now's our chance!"
  • Using sync move
"At last!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill
"At last!"
  • Uh-oh!
"Here we go!"
  • Switching in
"So much energy!"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"Your Pokémon are strong."
  • "Nice" emote
  • "Watch out" emote
"Be careful!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
"We're about to get rambunctious!"
  • "Thanks" emote
"Thank you so much!"
  • Defeat
"Oh my, is this what you call a downer?"
  • Victory
"Ehehm, hh!"
"It's all about balance."
Legendary Adventures - New World Dilemma
  • The Man from Another Dimension
"We just heard about a group of Team Break members who have been injured."
"Will you help us look for the person who attacked them?"
  • Creating a New World
  • Off-screen, as "???"
  • After appearing, as Cheryl
"You're Cyrus, the leader of Team Galactic. I can't believe you're here on Pasio."
"What are you doing here?"
"Cynthia told me that your plans were foiled in the place called the Distortion World."
"Destroy the world?!"
"We have to stop him, <player>!"
"Look out, Blissey!"
"Pikachu! All this for Blissey's sake..."
"He's gone!"
  • Sophocles the Brave
"Would you mind telling us what you two talked about, Sophocles?"
"Maybe Cyrus wants to go back to where he came from."
"Cyrus is trying to obtain the power that brought him to Pasio."
"If that's the case, he'll want to see Lear, the host of the PML. There's a good chance that we can ambush him while he's heading to Lear's villa."
"Come to think of it, I remember this story I heard when I was in Sinnoh visiting Sunyshore City."
"A boy named Cyrus used to live there, and he would spend all his time doing nothing except playing with machines."
"Assuming it's the same person..."
"I'll go, too. Let's stop Cyrus together."
  • Bonds of Spirit
"So this is the power of a Legendary Pokémon..."
  • Off-screen
  • A Perfect, Complete Answer
"Cynthia's sync stone is shining!"
"Do you think he'll change?"
I do.: "I'd like to hope so, too."
I don't know.: "I know how you feel. It's very difficult for people to change their way of thinking."
Main Story Villain Arc - Sinnoh - Dreaming in Darkness
  • Cyrus's True Ambitions
"... ... ..."
Story Event - Baking Buddies
  • Clumsy but Genuine
"Don't worry! I know you'll do a good job with this recipe."
"Oh, hello, Serena and Dawn. Ah, <player> is here, too, I see."
"Are you all here to gather what you need for Palentine's Day sweets?"
"Well, the truth is..."
"I thought she might have a better chance with a simple recipe, so I told her one that I know."
"But she said that she still wasn't confident in her ability with just the recipe alone, so..."
  • Pal Collaboration!
"I'm not sure what could have caused an explosion, but why not try reducing the amount of ingredients you use?"
  • Thank-Yous All Around
"But you were trying so hard. Do you really want to give up?"
"Well, I think that explains why the ingredients didn't work together!"
"In that case, why don't we increase the amounts of the ingredients you're using and tweak the recipe a bit as well?"
Solo Event - With Beauty and Grace
  • Grown-Up Advice
"OK then. Let's look for the medicinal plants I taught you about earlier."
"No it's not, I'm afraid..."
"No, that's not it either..."
Special Event - Electricity Disruptors
  • If spoken to
"Not too long ago...something pretty scary happened to me..."
"Oh... Won't the lights hurry up and come back on already?!"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Cheryl
"Oh, hello, <player>. Are you seeking out new Trainers to battle with again today?"
Just taking a break.: "Really? In that case, I know a lovely spot for relaxing."
Something like that.: "I see. Are you feeling tired at all? How about taking a little break for a change? I know a lovely spot for relaxing."
"Not many people go there, so it should be nice and quiet."
"I can show you the way. Come on—let's go!"
"Oh dear... This is all my fault."
"It looks like you might have scraped your knee. May I take a look?"
I'd appreciate it.: "I'll fix you right up. Hold still for just a moment, OK?"
I'm fine.: "Nonsense! Come now—let me take a look. You don't want it to get infected, do you?"
"Blissey, dear!"
"That should do it."
"It almost looks like you never scraped your knee at all. I'm so glad you're OK."
"Although...I can't help but feel a little giddy about all of this."
"Your strong, steady determination is a constant support for me..."
"but it's not often that I get the chance to return the favor and be helpful to you, <player>."
"Wait... But it was my fault that you got injured in the first place today, wasn't it? Oh dear, I'm sorry!"
It's OK! Thanks for your help./Don't worry about it.: "Oh, you're a dear, <player>... Just being around you always seems to make my heart bubble up with joy."
"Compared to you, I think I... I still have a lot of room to grow in that area."
"Did you know that Blissey are called the Happiness Pokémon? Making others happy brings them joy."
"That means that when other people are happy, Blissey feels happy, too. It's contagious!"
"For a while, I used to be really hesitant when it came to asking my Pokémon to battle. I sort of felt bad for them, you see..."
"But then my dear Blissey here, still a Chansey at the time, decided to evolve so that she could help me work through those feelings."
"Blissey was actually my inspiration for participating in the PML. I knew that I wanted to make people happy, just like her."
You can do it!: "You know, it's so strange... For some reason, when I hear you say that, I really believe that I CAN."
I'll be rooting for you!: "You know, it's so strange... For some reason, when I hear you say that, I really believe that I can do it!"
"I must be the luckiest Trainer in the world to have such a great role model as a friend."
"Moving forward, I hope that you'll continue to teach us all sorts of new things. That would make us both so happy."
Sync Pair Story - Piplup's Evolution
  • Before battle
"Who, me? Of course. I'll be your opponent."
"I'm not sure how well I'll battle, but I'll give my absolute best!"
  • After being defeated
"What a strong Piplup you have! I couldn't help myself from being impressed."
"Huh? What's happening to Piplup? Could this be Evolution?"
Pokémon Center
  • Random conversation
"When you wander the land as I do, you get the chance to chat with all sorts of different Trainers."
"Some want to be stronger—some want to gain a closer friendship with their Pokémon."
"What they wish to achieve with their Pokémon varies a lot depending on the person."
"But one thing they all share in common..."
"is the incredibly strong bond they have with their Pokémon."
  • If spoken to again
"Blissey and I have traveled far and wide together."
"After all this time, our sync strength must be strong indeed."
  • Random conversation
"When I'm out on a journey, if I ever feel close to breaking down and giving up..."
"I think about you and my Pokémon and I suddenly feel energized and ready to press on again."
"It's good for Trainers to remember that our Pokémon are always by our side."
"Never forget that, all right? The people around you are always there to support you when you need it."
  • If spoken to again
"The Old Chateau was a really frightening place, even with my Pokémon there beside me."
"But you know, the only reason I am who I am today is because my Pokémon was there for me."
"Trusting and believing in your Pokémon is so, so important."
  • Random conversation
"My Blissey's egg makes everyone smile, no matter who they are!"
"Sometimes she even lets me hold it. Feeling its soft warmth in my arms really puts me at ease."
"It feels like holding a little ball of happiness!"
"If you're ever feeling worn out, you should try borrowing Blissey's Egg as well. I'm sure it'll make you feel much better."
  • If spoken to again
"Did you know that my Blissey can immediately spot when I'm feeling down?"
"She has such a kind heart. Just having her by my side makes me feel 100 percent better."
  • Random conversation
"Sometimes it's good to loaf around and relax with your Pokémon."
"You never know—you might discover a new side of your Pokémon that it doesn't show during battles."
"For example, if Blissey cuddles me when we're taking a nap, I sleep like a baby!"
  • If spoken to again
"Pokémon are all so fluffy and cute, but..."
"it would take some courage to take a nap with a Wailord."
  • Random conversation
"I usually do all of my hair styling myself..."
"but sometimes Blissey really wants to do it for me."
"The results aren't always the most polished, but I let her do it anyway because she looks so cute when she's excited!"
  • If spoken to again
"I have really long hair, but it's much easier to deal with when it's braided like this."
"Funnily enough, Pokémon are attracted to my braid as it sways while I'm walking. It makes them want to pounce!"
"Does it make you want to pounce, <player>?"
  • Random conversation
"I've been having so much fun recently."
"I mean, relaxing and taking naps with my Pokémon is great and all, but..."
"going out and exploring with you recently has been such a delight!"
"Adjusting our strategies to match our opponents, battling side by side... It's all just so exciting!"
"I find myself thinking about our next adventure all the time now!"
  • If spoken to again
"There are some opponents I would be a little worried about battling by myself..."
"but if we challenge them together, I feel confident that things will work out somehow!"
  • Random conversation
"My Pokémon aren't just cute—they pack a lot of punch as well! Tee-hee!"
"I have a friend who's an incredibly talented Pokémon Trainer."
"Meeting that friend is actually what helped me realize how much I enjoy Pokémon battling!"
"Even now...I'm just itching to go out there and find someone to battle with!"
  • If spoken to again
"I'd love to make more friends who enjoy Pokémon battling like I do."
"I would be nice if we could be friends."
"Or rivals! Rivals are great, too!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Oh, hello, <player>. I hope you're faring well today."
"I'm feeling quite blissful today! The happiness of my Pokémon tends to rub off on me."
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning! I hope this is a happy day for you!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"That scent in the air when you wake up early in the morning is the scent of adventure!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Hello there. Why don't you take a few deep breaths with me and enjoy a slow day?"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"This is the time of day when my Pokémon and I have the most energy!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"Good evening! I think it's almost bedtime."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"I know you're working very hard, but if you stay up too late, you or your Pokémon could fall ill."
  • Special gift conversation
"I had a dream that I was riding on a Pelipper on an adventure through the clouds..."
"and when I woke up, I was holding this in my hand."
  • After giving out item
"Isn't that odd? I suppose stranger things have happened."
"Maybe I'll find something even nicer in my hand the next time I wake up from a nap! Tee-hee!"
  • Special Type Team-Up (2023) Daily Type Rotation event conversation with Hugh and Gladion
"*giggle* Thank you. I appreciate the thought, but I don't think that's necessary."
"My Pokémon are itching for a battle!"