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S11 redirects here. For the Japanese TCG release with the set symbol S11, see Lost Origin (TCG).
Pokémon: DP Battle Dimension
Season 11

Logo for the season
Opening We Will Be Heroes
Episodes 52
Region Sinnoh
Series Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
Preceded by Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl
Followed by Pokémon: DP Galactic Battles

Pokémon: DP Battle Dimension is the eleventh season of the dubbed version of the Pokémon anime. It is the second season of Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl. It follows Ash as he continues gathering Badges in Sinnoh, and Dawn as she continues gathering Ribbons.

It originally aired in the United States as part of the 2008-2009 Cartoon Network Saturday morning lineup. It began on April 12, 2008 with the dub premiere Tears for Fears!, and concluded on May 2, 2009 with Sleepless In Pre-Battle!. This season began a new trend, similar to that in Japan where one episode is aired most weeks; there was no break between this season and the next one.

It also began airing on digital TV's Jetix in the United Kingdom in late 2008; on UK Freeview, on January 5, 2009, simultaneously on CITV and ITV4; and on YTV in Canada owned by Corus Entertainment on March 2, 2009.

It is preceded by Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl and succeeded by Pokémon: DP Galactic Battles.


It’s looking good for Ash as he works on his next three Gym Badges, but not so good for Dawn, coming off a pair of Contest defeats. Both will do what they can to become better Trainers, from entering the Wallace Cup competition to attending Professor Rowan’s Pokémon Summer Academy. Hopefully, the new tactics they pick up will give them the tools they need to succeed against the latest plot by Pokémon Hunter J—as well as the emerging threat of Team Galactic!

Important events

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Party changes


The following Pokémon are obtained:


The following Pokémon evolve or are revealed to have evolved:


The following Pokémon are traded:


The following Pokémon are released:

Gym battles

Ash battles the following Gym Leaders:

Badge Opponent Epicode Result
Cobble Badge Maylene DP068 Rewarded
Fen Badge Crasher Wake DP083 Victory
Relic Badge Fantina DP102 Victory

Pokémon Contests

Dawn and/or "Jessilina" participate in the following Pokémon Contests:

Location Epicode Victor
Solaceon Town DP061 Jessilina
Wallace Cup
Lake Valor
Celestic Town DP095 Dawn
Majolica Town DP102 Jessilina


Epicode Episode Title #
DP053 Tears For Fears! 1
DP054 Once There Were Greenfields 2
DP055 Throwing the Track Switch 3
DP056 The Keystone Pops! 4
DP057 Bibarel Gnaws Best! 5
DP058 Nosing 'Round the Mountain! 6
DP059 Luxray Vision! 7
DP060 Journey to the Unown! 8
DP061 Team Shocker! 9
DP062 Tanks for the Memories! 10
DP063 Hot Springing a Leak! 11
DP064 Riding the Winds of Change! 12
DP065 Sleight of Sand! 13
DP066 Lost Leader Strategy! 14
DP067 Crossing the Battle Line! 15
DP068 A Triple Fighting Chance! 16
DP069 Enter Galactic! 17
DP070 The Bells Are Singing! 18
DP073 Crossing Paths 19
DP074 Pika and Goliath! 20
DP075 Our Cup Runneth Over! 21
DP076 A Full Course Tag Battle! 22
DP077 Staging A Heroes' Welcome! 23
DP078 Pruning a Passel of Pals! 24
DP079 Strategy With a Smile! 25
DP080 The Thief That Keeps on Thieving! 26
DP081 Chim - Charred! 27
DP082 Cream of the Croagunk Crop! 28
DP071 Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 1 29
DP072 Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 2 30
DP083 A Crasher Course in Power! 31
DP084 Hungry For the Good Life! 32
DP085 Fighting Fear with Fear! 33
DP086 Arriving in Style! 34
DP087 The Psyduck Stops Here! 35
DP088 Camping It Up! 36
DP089 Up Close and Personable! 37
DP090 Ghoul Daze! 38
DP091 One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team! 39
DP092 A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine! 40
DP093 Playing The Leveling Field! 41
DP094 Doc Brock! 42
DP095 Battling The Generation Gap! 43
DP096 Losing Its Lustrous! 44
DP097 Double Team Turnover! 45
DP098 If the Scarf Fits, Wear It! 46
DP099 A Trainer and Child Reunion! 47
DP100 Aiding the Enemy! 48
DP101 Barry's Busting Out All Over! 49
DP102 Shield with a Twist! 50
DP103 Jumping Rocket Ship! 51
DP104 Sleepless In Pre-Battle! 52

Home video releases

North American DVD releases

Main article: List of English language Battle Dimension home video releases (Region 1)

Australian DVD releases

Main article: List of English language Battle Dimension home video releases (Region 4)


  • This is the first season to be dubbed by DuArt Film & Video
  • This is the last season of the Pokémon anime where all episodes are in 4:3 aspect ratio.
  • Starting from this season, Meowth makes an angry face in almost every recitation of Team Rocket's motto, unlike past seasons in which he would only smile.

In other languages

See also

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Original series (list) Indigo LeagueAdventures in the Orange Islands
The Johto JourneysJohto League ChampionsMaster Quest
Ruby and Sapphire (list) AdvancedAdvanced ChallengeAdvanced BattleBattle Frontier
Diamond and Pearl (list) Diamond and PearlBattle DimensionGalactic BattlesSinnoh League Victors
Black & White (list) Black & WhiteRival DestiniesAdventures in Unova and Beyond
XY (list) XYKalos QuestXYZ (Mega Evolution Specials)
Sun & Moon (list) Sun & MoonUltra Adventures‎Ultra Legends
Journeys (list) JourneysMaster JourneysUltimate Journeys (The Arceus Chronicles)
Horizons (list) Horizons
Specials (list) Pikachu's Winter VacationSide StoriesPokémon Chronicles
Planetarium specialsPikachu shorts
Mewtwo ReturnsThe Legend of Thunder!Pichu Bros. in Party Panic
The Mastermind of Mirage PokémonA Ripple in Time
Complete listMovies

This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.