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This page lists the appearances of all Pokémon Red has owned in the Pokémon Adventures manga. The Pokémon are in the order of debut in the series.
- PS001 - A Glimpse of the Glow (debuts as a Poliwhirl)
- PS002 - Bulbasaur, Come Home!
- PS003 - The Secret of Kangaskhan
- PS004 - Wanted: Pikachu!
- PS005 - Onix Is On!
- PS007 - Raging Rhydon
- PS008 - Suddenly Starmie
- PS009 - ...But Fearow Itself!
- PS010 - Danger: High Voltorb (also seen as Poliwag in flashback)
- PS011 - Buzz Off, Electabuzz! (evolves into Poliwrath, also seen as Poliwag in flashback)
- PS012 - Wake Up—You're Snorlax!
- PS013 - Sigh for Psyduck
- PS014 - That Awful Arbok!
- PS015 - Wartortle Wars
- PS017 - The Jynx Jinx (also seen as Poliwhirl in flashback)
- PS018 - A Tale of Ninetales
- PS020 - Meanwhile...Vileplume!
- PS022 - A Hollow Victreebel
- PS024 - What a Dragonite
- PS025 - You Know...Articuno!
- PS026 - Holy Moltres
- PS031 - The Art of Articuno
- PS034 - And Mewtwo Too?!
- PS035 - And Mewtwo... Three!
- PS037 - Golly, Golem!
- PS038 - Long Live the Nidoqueen?!
- PS039 - Just a Spearow Carrier
- PS040 - A Charizard...and a Champion (also seen as Poliwag and Poliwhirl in flashback)
- PS041 - Ponyta Tale (flashback)
- PS046 - Whacked by Marowak! (dream)
- PS058 - The Kindest Tentacruel (flashback)
- PS059 - Hitmonlee, Baby! (One More Time) (fantasy)
- PS066 - Punching Poliwrath
- PS084 - Clefabulous Clefable
- PS105 - Smeargle Smudge/VS. Smeargle (silhouette)
- PS108 - Quilava Quandary/VS. Quilava (photo)
- PS115 - Forretress of Solitude/VS. Forretress
- PS259 - Rayquaza Redemption II/VS Rayquaza II (fantasy)
- PS271 - ...Now You Don't
- PS278 - Put Your Beast Foot Forward
- PS280 - Some Things Are Better Left Unown
- PS282 - Going Green
- PS284 - Red, Green, Blue and Mewtwo Too
- PS287 - Secrets from Sneasel (flashback)
- PS299 - Distant Relation Deoxys
- PS301 - Storming the Forretress (flashback)
- PS302 - Phew for Mew
- PS334 - The Final Battle VII/The Final Showdown VII
- PS335 - The Final Battle VIII/The Final Showdown VIII
- PS448 - Pleased as Punch With Parasect/VS Parasect (flashback)
- PS460 - All About Arceus IX/VS Arceus IX (flashback)
As Mega Venusaur
- PS002 - Bulbasaur, Come Home! (debuts as a Bulbasaur)
- PS003 - The Secret of Kangaskhan
- PS004 - Wanted: Pikachu!
- PS005 - Onix Is On!
- PS006 - Gyarados Splashes In!
- PS008 - Suddenly Starmie
- PS009 - ...But Fearow Itself!
- PS010 - Danger: High Voltorb
- PS011 - Buzz Off, Electabuzz!
- PS012 - Wake Up—You're Snorlax!
- PS013 - Sigh for Psyduck
- PS014 - That Awful Arbok!
- PS015 - Wartortle Wars (evolves into Ivysaur)
- PS017 - The Jynx Jinx
- PS018 - A Tale of Ninetales
- PS019 - Blame It on Eevee
- PS020 - Meanwhile...Vileplume!
- PS021 - Long Live the Nidoking!
- PS022 - A Hollow Victreebel
- PS024 - What a Dragonite (also seen as Bulbasaur in flashback)
- PS025 - You Know...Articuno!
- PS027 - Kalling Kadabra
- PS028 - Peace of Mime
- PS030 - Zap! Zap! Zapdos!
- PS033 - The Winged Legends (evolves into Venusaur)
- PS034 - And Mewtwo Too?!
- PS035 - And Mewtwo... Three!
- PS036 - Drat That Dratini!
- PS037 - Golly, Golem!
- PS038 - Long Live the Nidoqueen?!
- PS040 - A Charizard...and a Champion (also seen as Bulbasaur in flashback)
- PS041 - Ponyta Tale
- PS042 - Do Do That Doduo (flashback)
- PS046 - Whacked by Marowak! (dream)
- PS059 - Hitmonlee, Baby! (One More Time) (flashback)
- PS067 - Can You Diglett?
- PS068 - Jigglypuff Jive
- PS078 - Victim of Venusaur
- PS084 - Clefabulous Clefable
- PS085 - Gimme Shellder (flashback)
- PS090 - The Legend
- PS099 - Sunkern Treasure/Sunshine Sunkern (silhouette)
- PS105 - Smeargle Smudge/VS. Smeargle (silhouette)
- PS111 - Tyranitar War/VS. Tyranitar
- PS115 - Forretress of Solitude/VS. Forretress
- PS153 - Oh, It's Ho-Oh!/The Mightiest Ho-Oh (video)
- PS175 - The Last Battle IX
- PS179 - The Last Battle XIII
- PS180 - The Last Battle XIV
- PS259 - Rayquaza Redemption II/VS Rayquaza II (fantasy)
- PS269 - Return to Pallet Town/The Invisible Attacker
- PS270 - Now You See Me...
- PS271 - ...Now You Don't (fantasy)
- PS272 - Old Ultima Puts Them to the Test
- PS273 - Red and Blue Make Purple Opponents (fantasy)
- PS274 - Double Dealing with Deoxys
- PS276 - My, My, My Mimic
- PS277 - A Beastly Cold Reception
- PS278 - Put Your Beast Foot Forward
- PS279 - Don't Doubt Deoxys
- PS280 - Some Things Are Better Left Unown
- PS282 - Going Green
- PS284 - Red, Green, Blue and Mewtwo Too
- PS285 - Once More into the Unown (flashback)
- PS286 - Meet Deoxys, and Deoxys, and Deoxys, and...
- PS287 - Secrets from Sneasel
- PS288 - Give It Your Best, Blastoise (is traded to Blue)
- PS289 - Surprised by Sneasel
- PS294 - Mewtwo and Mew Too
- PS302 - Phew for Mew (is traded back to Red; offscreen)
- PS335 - The Final Battle VIII/The Final Showdown VIII
- PS336 - The Final Battle IX/The Final Showdown IX
- PS337 - Epilogue (photo)
- PS460 - All About Arceus IX/VS Arceus IX (flashback)
- PAORAS11* - Omega Alpha Adventure 11 (Mega Evolves for the first time)
- PAORAS12* - Omega Alpha Adventure 12
- PAORAS20* - Omega Alpha Adventure 20
- PAORAS21* - Omega Alpha Adventure 21
The rounds in which Venusaur is seen as Mega Venusaur are marked with an asterisk (*).
- PS004 - Wanted: Pikachu!
- PS005 - Onix Is On!
- PS007 - Raging Rhydon
- PS008 - Suddenly Starmie
- PS009 - ...But Fearow Itself!
- PS010 - Danger: High Voltorb
- PS011 - Buzz Off, Electabuzz!
- PS012 - Wake Up—You're Snorlax!
- PS013 - Sigh for Psyduck
- PS014 - That Awful Arbok!
- PS015 - Wartortle Wars
- PS018 - A Tale of Ninetales
- PS020 - Meanwhile...Vileplume!
- PS021 - Long Live the Nidoking!
- PS022 - A Hollow Victreebel
- PS024 - What a Dragonite
- PS025 - You Know...Articuno!
- PS028 - Peace of Mime
- PS029 - Go for the Golbat
- PS030 - Zap! Zap! Zapdos!
- PS031 - The Art of Articuno
- PS032 - A Little Kadabra'll Do It
- PS033 - The Winged Legends
- PS034 - And Mewtwo Too?!
- PS035 - And Mewtwo... Three!
- PS036 - Drat That Dratini!
- PS037 - Golly, Golem! (flashback)
- PS038 - Long Live the Nidoqueen?!
- PS039 - Just a Spearow Carrier
- PS040 - A Charizard...and a Champion
- PS041 - Ponyta Tale
- PS042 - Do Do That Doduo (joins Yellow's team)
- PS043 - Sea Sea Seadra
- PS044 - Do Wrong, Dewgong!
- PS045 - Cloystered
- PS046 - Whacked by Marowak!
- PS047 - Purrrr-sian
- PS048 - Paras Sight
- PS049 - As Gastly as Before
- PS053 - Can't Catch Caterpie!
- PS054 - Pidgeotto Pick-Me-Up
- PS056 - The Coming of Slowpoke (Eventually)
- PS057 - Ekans the Ecstasy
- PS058 - The Kindest Tentacruel
- PS059 - Hitmonlee, Baby! (One More Time)
- PS060 - Breath of the Dragonair Part 1
- PS061 - Breath of the Dragonair Part 2
- PS062 - Breath of the Dragonair Part 3
- PS063 - Extricated from Exeggutor
- PS064 - Putting It on the Line...Against Arcanine
- PS065 - Karate Machop!
- PS066 - Punching Poliwrath
- PS068 - Jigglypuff Jive
- PS069 - Playing Horsea
- PS070 - Allied by Alakazam!
- PS074 - Make Way for Magikarp
- PS075 - Electrode's Big Shock!
- PS078 - Victim of Venusaur
- PS079 - Airing Out Aerodactyl
- PS080 - Draggin' In Dragonair
- PS081 - Aerodactyl Redux
- PS082 - Eradicate Raticate!
- PS083 - Bang the Drum, Slowbro
- PS085 - Gimme Shellder (flashback)
- PS086 - Double Dragonair
- PS087 - Rhyhorn Rising
- PS088 - The Beedrill All and End All
- PS089 - The Might of... Metapod?!
- PS090 - The Legend (rejoins Red)
- PS099 - Sunkern Treasure/Sunshine Sunkern (silhouette)
- PS108 - Quilava Quandary/VS. Quilava (photo)
- PS111 - Tyranitar War/VS. Tyranitar (flashback)
- PS115 - Forretress of Solitude/VS. Forretress
- PS116 - Rock, Paper...Scizor/VS. Scizor (joins Yellow's team again)
- PS140 - Do-Si-Do with Dodrio/Dodrio, Watchout!
- PS141 - Hello, Lickitung/Sticky Lickitung
- PS142 - Really Remoraid/Duck, It's Remoraid!
- PS152 - Buzz Off, Butterfree!/Butterfly Butterfree (flashback)
- PS159 - Popular Pupitar/Returning Pupitar
- PS160 - Playful Porygon2/Claws on Porygon2 (revealed to have created an Egg with Chuchu)
- PS173 - The Last Battle VII
- PS178 - The Last Battle XII
- PS179 - The Last Battle XIII (rejoins Red)
- PS180 - The Last Battle XIV
- PS259 - Rayquaza Redemption II/VS Rayquaza II (fantasy)
- PS270 - Now You See Me...
- PS271 - ...Now You Don't
- PS273 - Red and Blue Make Purple Opponents (fantasy)
- PS274 - Double Dealing with Deoxys
- PS276 - My, My, My Mimic
- PS278 - Put Your Beast Foot Forward
- PS279 - Don't Doubt Deoxys
- PS280 - Some Things Are Better Left Unown
- PS282 - Going Green
- PS283 - It Takes Patience, Knowledge and a Really Quick Beedrill
- PS284 - Red, Green, Blue and Mewtwo Too
- PS287 - Secrets from Sneasel (flashback)
- PS293 - Down-for-the-Count Deoxys
- PS299 - Distant Relation Deoxys
- PS302 - Phew for Mew
- PS330 - The Final Battle III/The Final Showdown III
- PS334 - The Final Battle VII/The Final Showdown VII
- PS335 - The Final Battle VIII/The Final Showdown VIII
- PS336 - The Final Battle IX/The Final Showdown IX
- PS337 - Epilogue (photo)
- PS460 - All About Arceus IX/VS Arceus IX (flashback)
- PS012 - Wake Up—You're Snorlax!
- PS015 - Wartortle Wars
- PS023 - Make Way For Magmar!
- PS024 - What a Dragonite
- PS025 - You Know...Articuno!
- PS034 - And Mewtwo Too?!
- PS035 - And Mewtwo... Three!
- PS037 - Golly, Golem!
- PS038 - Long Live the Nidoqueen?!
- PS040 - A Charizard...and a Champion
- PS059 - Hitmonlee, Baby! (One More Time) (fantasy)
- PS068 - Jigglypuff Jive
- PS085 - Gimme Shellder (flashback)
- PS105 - Smeargle Smudge/VS. Smeargle (silhouette)
- PS108 - Quilava Quandary/VS. Quilava (photo)
- PS115 - Forretress of Solitude/VS. Forretress
- PS175 - The Last Battle IX
- PS259 - Rayquaza Redemption II/VS Rayquaza II (fantasy)
- PS273 - Red and Blue Make Purple Opponents
- PS274 - Double Dealing with Deoxys
- PS279 - Don't Doubt Deoxys
- PS280 - Some Things Are Better Left Unown
- PS282 - Going Green
- PS284 - Red, Green, Blue and Mewtwo Too
- PS287 - Secrets from Sneasel (flashback)
- PS299 - Distant Relation Deoxys
- PS301 - Storming the Forretress
- PS302 - Phew for Mew
- PS337 - Epilogue
- PS460 - All About Arceus IX/VS Arceus IX (flashback)
- PS019 - Blame It on Eevee (debuts as a wild Eevee)
- PS020 - Meanwhile...Vileplume! (caught by Red)
- PS025 - You Know...Articuno!
- PS033 - The Winged Legends (also seen as Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon in flashback)
- PS038 - Long Live the Nidoqueen?! (flashback)
- PS058 - The Kindest Tentacruel (flashback)
- PS084 - Clefabulous Clefable
- PS108 - Quilava Quandary/VS. Quilava (photo)
- PS115 - Forretress of Solitude/VS. Forretress (revealed to have evolved into Espeon)
- PS116 - Rock, Paper...Scizor/VS. Scizor
- PS157 - Magnificent Magnemite/Electrifying Magnemite (flashback; also seen as Eevee in fantasy)
- PS167 - The Last Battle I (seen as Eevee in flashback)
- PS175 - The Last Battle IX
- PS176 - The Last Battle X
- PS287 - Secrets from Sneasel (flashback)
- PS337 - Epilogue
- PS006 - Gyarados Splashes In! (debuts as Misty's Pokémon)
- PS007 - Raging Rhydon
- PS008 - Suddenly Starmie
- PS024 - What a Dragonite
- PS025 - You Know...Articuno! (traded to Red)
- PS026 - Holy Moltres
- PS027 - Kalling Kadabra
- PS031 - The Art of Articuno (flashback)
- PS034 - And Mewtwo Too?!
- PS035 - And Mewtwo... Three!
- PS036 - Drat That Dratini!
- PS038 - Long Live the Nidoqueen?!
- PS040 - A Charizard...and a Champion (fantasy)
- PS046 - Whacked by Marowak! (dream)
- PS047 - Purrrr-sian (flashback)
- PS048 - Paras Sight (flashback)
- PS059 - Hitmonlee, Baby! (One More Time) (fantasy)
- PS066 - Punching Poliwrath
- PS067 - Can You Diglett?
- PS068 - Jigglypuff Jive
- PS090 - The Legend
- PS105 - Smeargle Smudge/VS. Smeargle (silhouette)
- PS108 - Quilava Quandary/VS. Quilava (photo)
- PS115 - Forretress of Solitude/VS. Forretress
- PS160 - Playful Porygon2/Claws on Porygon2 (revealed to have been traded to Blue)
- PS161 - Entranced by Entei/Flames From Entei
- PS178 - The Last Battle XII (flashback)
- PS259 - Rayquaza Redemption II/VS Rayquaza II (fantasy)
- PS273 - Red and Blue Make Purple Opponents (revealed to have been returned to Red)
- PS274 - Double Dealing with Deoxys
- PS279 - Don't Doubt Deoxys
- PS280 - Some Things Are Better Left Unown
- PS282 - Going Green
- PS284 - Red, Green, Blue and Mewtwo Too
- PS287 - Secrets from Sneasel (flashback)
- PS299 - Distant Relation Deoxys
- PS302 - Phew for Mew
- PS460 - All About Arceus IX/VS Arceus IX (flashback)
- PS026 - Holy Moltres (revived from a Old Amber, the Old Amber was received in Make Way For Magmar!)
- PS028 - Peace of Mime
- PS034 - And Mewtwo Too?!
- PS035 - And Mewtwo... Three!
- PS036 - Drat That Dratini!
- PS037 - Golly, Golem!
- PS038 - Long Live the Nidoqueen?!
- PS040 - A Charizard...and a Champion (fantasy)
- PS059 - Hitmonlee, Baby! (One More Time) (fantasy)
- PS068 - Jigglypuff Jive
- PS090 - The Legend (silhouette)
- PS105 - Smeargle Smudge/VS. Smeargle (silhouette)
- PS108 - Quilava Quandary/VS. Quilava (photo)
- PS259 - Rayquaza Redemption II/VS Rayquaza II (fantasy)
- PS270 - Now You See Me...
- PS274 - Double Dealing with Deoxys
- PS278 - Put Your Beast Foot Forward
- PS279 - Don't Doubt Deoxys
- PS280 - Some Things Are Better Left Unown
- PS282 - Going Green
- PS284 - Red, Green, Blue and Mewtwo Too
- PS289 - Surprised by Sneasel
- PS299 - Distant Relation Deoxys
- PS301 - Storming the Forretress
- PS302 - Phew for Mew
- PS334 - The Final Battle VII/The Final Showdown VII
- PS460 - All About Arceus IX/VS Arceus IX (flashback)
- PAORAS11 - Omega Alpha Adventure 11