Team AWD

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Team AWD
チームMAD Team MAD

Team AWD
Debuts in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness
Gender Female (Weavile)
Male (Drapion, Arbok)
Ability Weavile: Pressure
Drapion: Battle Armor and SniperTDS/UnknownSMD
Arbok: Intimidate and Shed SkinTDS/UnknownSMD
Current location Unknown
Weavile Drapion Arbok

Team AWD (Japanese: チームMAD Team MAD) is an exploration team in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. The team consists of Arbok, Weavile, and Drapion. They also appear on the cover of Explorers of Time.

In the games


Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky

Team AWD is known as a band of thieves with a bad reputation. Their boss is Weavile, known as 'Lady Weavile' by Arbok and Drapion, who hold her in high respect.

In the main story, they make various appearances around Treasure Town and once inside of Wigglytuff's Guild looking for clues about a place called Zero Isle, seeking to claim its rumored treasures.

After the player and partner graduate from the guild, Team AWD reappears outside it and claim to have found Zero Isle, introducing the exploration team to its four dungeons: Zero Isle North, Zero Isle East, Zero Isle South, and Zero Isle West. In Explorers of Sky, the dungeon Zero Isle Center is also present but not unlocked at this point. They return to Treasure Town after the player's team explores Aegis Cave, having failed to clear the dungeons.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Team AWD are also shown in the Team Charm Special Episode, Here Comes Team Charm!, being the major antagonists of the story. They are searching for treasure in Limestone Cavern, and end up in conflict with Team Charm after the female team hears from a passing Sentret of their misdeeds. The Sentret turned out to be a Ditto who was protecting a Time Gear at the dungeon's end and was trying to lead the two teams into taking each other out. Both teams leave peacefully when the truth is revealed, with even the notorious thieves of Team AWD flatly refusing to take a Time Gear.

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Super Mystery Dungeon

All three members appear as recruitable characters. They all connect with the player if Weavile is defeated in her challenge request.


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Reason: Starting movesets in SMD

Here Comes Team Charm!

Dark Ice
Held item:
Weavile Lv.33
Icy Wind
Ice Special
Faint Attack
Dark Physical
Nasty Plot
Dark Status
Fury Swipes
Normal Physical
Poison Dark
Battle Armor and Sniper
Held item:
Drapion Lv.29
Ice Fang
Ice Physical
Knock Off
Dark Physical
Scary Face
Normal Status
Dark Physical
Poison Unknown
Intimidate and Shed Skin
Held item:
Arbok Lv.26
Dark Physical
Poison Special
Poison Sting
Poison Physical
Dark Physical

In the manga

In the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness manga

Team AWD appeared in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness.

In other languages

Language Name Origin
Japanese チームMAD Team MAD Uses the initials of マニューラ Manyula, アーボック Arbok, and ドラピオン Dorapion, in that order
English, Italian Team AWD Uses the initials of Arbok, Weavile, and Drapion, in that order
French Équipe DDA Uses the initials of Dimoret and/or Drascore, then Arbok
German Team SPA Uses the initials of Snibunna, Piondragi, and Arbok, in that order
Spanish Equipo WAD Uses the initials of Weavile, Arbok, and Drapion, in that order
Korean PAD 팀 PAD Team Uses the initials of 포푸니라 Popunira, 아보크 Abok, and 드래피온 Drapion, in that order
Rescue Teams: Team Go-GettersTeam MeaniesTeam A.C.T.
Exploration Teams: Team PoképalsTeam SkullTeam CharmTeam AWD

Characters in the Mystery Dungeon series
Red HeroPartnerCaterpieMetapodWhiscashLombre
Team A.C.T.Team MeaniesFull list
Time HeroPartnerWigglytuffChatotLoudredSunfloraBidoofTorkoalLapras
GrovyleCelebiDusknoirDarkraiPrimal DialgaPalkiaDrowzeeUxieArmaldo
Wigglytuff GuildTeam SkullTeam CharmTeam AWDAmp Plains tribesFull list
WiiWare See here
Gates HeroPartnerAzumarillDunsparceEmolgaHydreigonKeldeoKyuremMunnaGurdurrTimburr
MeloettaUmbreon and EspeonVictiniVirizionQuagsireScraggy
PawniardSwannaBittercoldFull list
Super HeroPartnerAmpharosArchenCarracostaKrokorokKrookodileLegendary beasts
BeheeyemNuzleafXerneasYveltalVoid ShadowsDark Matter
Expedition SocietyStudentsTeam A.C.T.Team SkullTeam CharmTeam AWDFull list

This article is part of both Project CharacterDex and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on characters in the spin-off games.