Ramos (Masters)

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フクジ Fukuji

Ramos's model
No. 50
English voice actor Unknown
Japanese voice actor Hiroshi Naka[1]
Description An elderly Grass-type Gym Leader with a calm nature, his work as a gardener keeps him physically strong. He'll go wherever he needs to to harvest his favorite tea leaves.

Ramos (Japanese: フクジ Fukuji) is a Pokémon Trainer in Pokémon Masters EX, based on the character of the same name in the core series games. He forms a sync pair with Weepinbell and its evolved form, Victreebel. The sync pair can be obtained through the sync pair scout.

In the games

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Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: History & Role in Pokémon Masters EX

Weepinbell → Victreebel

Ramos's Weepinbell and its evolved form Victreebel appear alongside Ramos as a sync pair. Weepinbell can evolve into Victreebel once it has reached level 30 through its sync pair story Weepinbell's Evolution.

Type Grass
Move type Grass
Role Tech
Base Potential ★★★
Weepinbell Weakness Ice
Weepinbell has a large hook on its rear end. At night, the Pokémon hooks on to a tree branch and goes to sleep. If it moves around in its sleep, it may wake up to find itself on the ground.
Stats HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Lv. 140, Base Potential 539 243 146 183 158 272
Lv. 140, Max Potential 659 303 206 243 218 332
Mega Weepinbell
Lv. 140, Base Potential
Lv. 140, Max Potential

Type Grass
Move type Grass
Role Tech
Base Potential ★★★
Victreebel Weakness Ice
Victreebel has a long vine that extends from its head. This vine is waved and flicked about as if it were an animal to attract prey. When an unsuspecting prey draws near, this Pokémon swallows it whole.
Stats HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Lv. 140, Base Potential 554 270 148 186 161 292
Lv. 140, Max Potential 674 330 208 246 221 352
Mega Victreebel
Lv. 140, Base Potential
Lv. 140, Max Potential


Ramos is available in the permanent sync pair scout pool, and has been since the game's release.


Ramos's Weepinbell uses Grass Sync Impact as its sync move. Upon evolution, Victreebel learns the upgraded Old Growth Razor Leaf.

Name Type Category Move gauge Base Power Max Power Accuracy Target Description
Bullet Seed Grass
Physical 2 15 18 100% An opponent Attacks the target two to five times in a row.
X Speed None Status 0
(2 uses)
Self Raises the user's Speed by two stat ranks.
Sleep Powder Grass
Status 2 75% An opponent Puts the target to sleep.
Not Too Late to Bloom! None Status 0
(2 uses)
Self Raises the user's Attack by two stat ranks. Applies the Gradual Healing effect to the user.
Sync moves
Grass Sync Impact Grass
Physical 200 240 An opponent No additional effect.
Old Growth Razor Leaf Grass
Physical 200 240 An opponent This attack's power increases when the target is asleep.


Name Description
Passive Skills
Defense Crush 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Theme Skills
Grass Tech Raises allies' Attack and Sp. Atk by 12 when using Grass-type attacks.
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 12.
Kalos Tech Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by 1.
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1.
Gym Leader Tech Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by 1.
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1.
Nature Lover Tech Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by 2.
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 2.
Veteran Trainer Tech Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by 2.
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 2.
Expedition Skills
Soothing ↑ 1 Wistful ↑ 1 Raises the following discovery levels by 1:
Soothing Crystal
Wistful Crystal

Sync grid

The sync grid for Ramos & Weepinbell was expanded on March 25, 2022.

Name Effect Energy required Sync orb required Move level required
HP +10 HP +10 0 5 1
HP +10 HP +10 2 24 1
HP +10 HP +10 2 24 1
Attack +5 Attack +5 0 5 1
Attack +5 Attack +5 0 5 1
Attack +5 Attack +5 2 24 1
Attack +5 Attack +5 2 24 1
Attack +10 Attack +10 4 48 2
Defense +5 Defense +5 0 5 1
Defense +5 Defense +5 2 24 1
Defense +5 Defense +5 2 24 1
Defense +10 Defense +10 4 48 2
Sp. Def +5 Sp. Def +5 0 5 1
Sp. Def +5 Sp. Def +5 2 24 1
Sp. Def +5 Sp. Def +5 2 24 1
Sp. Def +10 Sp. Def +10 4 48 2
Speed +5 Speed +5 0 5 1
Speed +5 Speed +5 2 24 1
Speed +5 Speed +5 2 24 1
Speed +5 Speed +5 2 24 1
Speed +5 Speed +5 2 24 1
Speed +10 Speed +10 4 48 2
Bullet Seed: Power +1 Bullet Seed: Power ↑ +1 3 36 1
Bullet Seed: Power +1 Bullet Seed: Power ↑ +1 3 36 1
Bullet Seed: Power +1 Bullet Seed: Power ↑ +1 3 36 1
Bullet Seed: Power +1 Bullet Seed: Power ↑ +1 3 36 2
Bullet Seed: Power +1 Bullet Seed: Power ↑ +1 3 36 2
Bullet Seed: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Bullet Seed: Defense Crush 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. 8 96 3
Sleep Powder: Accuracy +5 Sleep Powder: Accuracy ↑ +5 3 36 1
Sleep Powder: Accuracy +10 Sleep Powder: Accuracy ↑ +10 5 60 2
Sleep Powder: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 1
X Speed: MP Refresh 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 1
Not Too Late to Bloom!: MP Refresh 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 2
Not Too Late to Bloom!: Berserker 1 Raises the user's Attack by 1 stat rank when its move is successful. 8 96 2
Wide Awake Prevents the user from falling asleep. 5 60 1
Antitoxin Prevents the user from getting poisoned or badly poisoned. 7 84 1
Good Night-mare 3 Powers up the user's moves when the target is asleep. 8 96 2
First Aid 2 Restores the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle. 8 96 2
Superduper Effective 2 Powers up moves that are super effective. 8 96 3
Double Down 3 Powers up sync moves that are super effective. 8 96 3
Rude Awakening 3 Powers up the user's sync moves when the target is asleep. 8 96 3
Pinpoint Entry 1 Raises the user's accuracy by 1 stat rank when it enters a battle. 8 96 3
Healing Sun 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action while the weather is sunny. 8 96 3
Sharp Entry 1 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat rank when it enters a battle. 9 108 3
Speeding Sun 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is sunny. 9 108 3
Old Growth Razor Leaf: Power +25 Old Growth Razor Leaf: Power ↑ +25 5 60 3
Old Growth Razor Leaf: Power +25 Old Growth Razor Leaf: Power ↑ +25 5 60 3


Battle appearances

Ramos & Weepinbell can be battled against in:

Ramos & Victreebel can be battled against in:

Ramos has also been shown to pair alongside Gogoat and can be battled against in:

Story appearances

Ramos appears in his normal outfit in the following story areas:

Sync pair stories

  • A Day with Ramos


Name Trainer Pokémon Price First-Time Rewards
Weepinbell's Evolution

Evolution Shard ×5 Weepinbell evolves into Victreebel
Gems ×30


Main article: Ramos/Quotes → Pokémon Masters EX


VS model Ramos & Weepinbell on
Pokémon Masters EX Dream Team Maker
Ramos's sync move mindscape
(Coumarine Gym)
Trainer emote
Trainer emote
Watch out!
Trainer emote
Let's do this!
Trainer emote



Ramos's design is based on his appearance in Pokémon X and Y. Weepinbell is one of the Pokémon that Ramos uses during the Gym battle against him in the core series games, while Victreebel is used during the rematches against him at the Battle Chateau. Weepinbell and Victreebel's Dex entries come from Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.

In other languages

Not Too Late to Bloom!

Language Title
Japanese 老いてなお花咲く Oite Nao Hanasaku
Mandarin Chinese 老樹開花 Lǎoshù Kāihuā
French La fleur du grand âge !
German Im Alter blüht man erst auf!
Italian Tarda fioritura
Korean 늙어도꽃을피운다 Neulgeodo Kkocheul Piunda
Spanish ¡Fresco como una lechuga!

Old Growth Razor Leaf

Language Title
Japanese 老いてなお花咲かす はっぱカッター Oite nao Hanasakasu Happa Kattā
Mandarin Chinese 老樹開花之 飛葉快刀 Lǎoshù Kāihuā zhī Fēiyè Kuàidāo
French Coupe de printemps ! Tranch'Herbe !
German Rasierblatt der Unvergänglichkeit
Italian Foglielama sempreverdi
Korean 늙어도 꽃을 피우는 잎날가르기 Neulgeodo Kkocheul Piuneun Ipnalgareugi
Spanish Hoja Afilada de Viejos Brotes


  1. Nintendo DREAM (vol. 329)
Characters appearing in Pokémon Masters EX
Pasio ScottieBettieLearRachelSawyerPauloTina
Kanto BrockMistyLt. SurgeErikaBlaineLoreleiBrunoAgathaJanineKogaBlueGiovanniLeafLanceProfessor OakRedSabrinaJessieJamesAshElaineChase
Johto KrisBugsyWhitneyPryceClairWillKarenLyraEthanSilverJasmineMortyFalknerEusineArcherArianaPetrelProtonChuck
Hoenn BrendanRoxanneBrawlyFlanneryNormanWinonaTateLizaPhoebeDrakeNolandGlaciaZinniaStevenWallaceWallyLucyLisiaMayMaxieArchieSidneyCourtneyGreta
Sinnoh BarryRoarkGardeniaMayleneCrasher WakeCandiceFlintThortonCherylMarleyCynthiaFantinaDawnCyrusVolknerDarachLucasAaronBerthaLucianLookerAdamanIridaPalmerArgentaAkariReiRileyDahliaVolo
Unova RosaClaySkylaBrycenIrisRoxieMarlonShauntalMarshalCherenHilbertHildaElesaCaitlinGrimsleyBurghAlderNateBiancaNGhetsisIngoEmmetHughColressLenoraBrycen-ManBellelba
Kalos GrantKorrinaRamosWulfricSieboldWikstromViolaCalemValerieClemontSerenaLysandreProfessor SycamoreDianthaEvelynNitaHelenaKaliShaunaEmmaOlympiaDrasnaDanaKatherineTiernoMorganMalvaTrevor
Alola HauSophoclesMinaOliviaHapuKahiliNanuAcerolaKukuiPlumeriaGuzmaLusamineGladionLillieMolayneMallowSeleneElioLanaKiaweHalaThe Masked RoyalNaomiAnabelRyuki
Galar GloriaPiersLeonMarnieRaihanNessaBeaHopAllisterSoniaBedeGordieMelonyVictorBall GuyRoseOleanaEvePeteyKabuKlaraAvery
Paldea NemonaPennyIonoGrushaGeetaJacqRikaPoppyLarryArven
NPCs Professor BellisTristaTriciaTrinniaMeowthTabithaMattShellyMarsJupiterSaturnCilanChiliCressKiyoShadow TriadFabaArceusBrandonBengaTeam Break

This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.