Pokémon mate
- If you were looking for the phone app, see Pokémate.
Pokémon mate was a large collection of different Pokémon merchandise produced and distributed by Tomy in Japan in 1997. Some of the earlier playsets were released into the English market via the US under the name Pokémon House.
Jakks Pacific's Pokémon Deluxe Micro Playset Series, released in 2009, shares many characteristics with Pokémon Mate.
Mini playsets
Picture | Name | Figures Included | Case Colour | Release Date |
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A-Type | Clefairy & Diglett | Turquoise | 1997 |
Description: This playset is based on Kanto's Mt Moon, it features a blue moon stone, a buildable rock archway alongside Clefairy and Diglett figures. A removable dome covers the most of the upper half to give the illusion of a mountain. | ||||
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B-Type | Snorlax & Chansey | Yellow | 1997 |
Description: This playset is based Kanto's Safari Zone. It features an entry building with a removable roof and a brick path that leads to the upper half. The small penned areas fit one figure each. The upper left corner includes a tree, capable of spinning, which serves as an outlook. | ||||
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C-Type or Forest Adventure | Pikachu & Oddish | Light Blue | 1997 |
Description: This playset is based Viridian Forest. A swinging pink hammock hangs in the center of the playset, and the tree stump in the lower half spins around. | ||||
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D-Type or Beach Adventure | Poliwhirl & Squirtle | Light Pink | 1997 |
Description: This playset is based on a tropical setting. It includes a movable water wheel, spinning island and removable island that can hide a small figure underneath it. | ||||
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City Adventure | Eevee & Charmander | Light Green | 1997 |
Description: This playset is based on a township. It includes a house with a removable roof, a seesaw and a Pokémon Center complex. | ||||
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Pokémon Paradise | Pikachu & Togepi | Light Purple | 1998 |
Description: This playset is a direct tie into Pikachu's Vacation short. It features a slide, climbing set and other interactive features. | ||||
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Orange Islands A-Type | Vileplume & Lapras | Orange | 1999 |
Description: This playset is based on the Tangelo Island, though it features a sign that states "Seafoam Island". It features an entry gate with closing doors, two palm trees and a Pokémon transfer station building. A track in the water section connects only with Lapras, giving the illusion the Pokémon is swimming in the ocean. | ||||
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Orange Islands B-Type | Pink Rhyhorn & Psyduck | Dark Blue | 1999 |
Description: This playset is based on the Pinkan Island, hence the reason for the Rhyhorn figure’s unusual color. The upper half includes a gym stadium ground, which can either be the standard setup or the two halves fold out to reveal a water terrain. Two Pinkan berry trees help to complete the scenery, and a press-button pusher can send a figure flying across the playset. | ||||
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Ice Island | Articuno | Dark Blue | 1999 |
Description: This playset is based on Ice Island, a setting featured in The Power of One. It includes Articuno's shrine and a blue elemental orb. The two ice sheets separate to reveal several water Pokémon wading in the water. | ||||
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Lightning Island | Zapdos | Yellow | 1999 |
Description: This playset is based on Lightning Island, a setting featured in The Power of One. It includes Zapdos' shrine used to house a yellow elemental orb above a water-filled caldera volcano. The caldera volcano opens, allowing for figures and pieces to be stored inside. A water spout sits on a spinning turntable in the lower half to give the illusion of a chaotic storm brewing. | ||||
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Fire Island | Moltres | Red | 1999 |
Description: This playset is based on Fire Island, a setting featured in The Power of One. It includes Moltres’ shrine and a red elemental orb. The featured volcano splits open, whilst moveable waves and a water spout create a scene of natural disaster. | ||||
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I-Type | Pikachu & Totodile | Light Yellow | 2000 |
Description: This playset is a re-release of the D-Type set, only featuring different figures a lighter recoloring. | ||||
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Forest Adventure II | Pikachu & Chikorita | Purple | 2000 |
Description: This playset is a re-release of the C-Type set, only featuring different figures a lighter recoloring. | ||||
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Pokémon Paradise II | Pikachu & Pichu | Pink | 2000 |
Description: This playset is a re-release of the Pokémon Paradise set, only featuring different figures a lighter recoloring. | ||||
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Laboratory Adventure | Pikachu & Cyndaquil | Light Orange | 2000 |
Description: This playset was the only original-style set of its respective series, and is based on Professor Elm's laboratory in New Bark Town. |
Clefairy Diglett closed
Clefairy Diglett open
Eevee Charmander closed
Eevee Charmander open
Pikachu Chikorita open
Pikachu Cyndaquil closed
Pikachu Cyndaquil open
Pikachu movie closed
Pikachu movie open
Pikachu Oddish closed
Pikachu Oddish open
Pikachu Pichu closed
Pikachu Pichu open
Pikachu Totodile closed
Pikachu Totodile open
Poliwhirl Squirtle closed
Poliwhirl Squirtle open
Snorlax Chansey open
Deluxe playsets
Picture | Name | Figures Included | Release Date |
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Deluxe Type A – Shamouti Island | Slowking & Lugia | 2001 |
Description: This playset is based on Shamouti Island, a setting featured in The Power of One. It includes a shrine to contain all three of the elemental orbs (also included with the set) to summon Lugia, as well as a detachable lighthouse. This set can be connected with the regular Pokémon Mate playsets using the small bridges included with them. A play-mat featuring a frozen ocean and whirlpools was also included with the set. | |||
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Deluxe Type B – Crystal World | Charizard, Pikachu, Teddiursa, Phanpy & Entei | 2001 |
Description: This playset is based on the events of The Spell of the Unown, featuring the Hale Mansion in Greenfield, Johto. The sets of stairs travel through the two locations where Brock and Misty battled against Molly Hale and her Illusion Pokémon, and the top tier is Molly Hale’s bedroom. The crystals around the spinning Unown section light up a red color. Unlike other Deluxe playsets this set does not feature any removable pieces. | |||
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Deluxe Type C – Pokémon Center | Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Farfetch’d & Nurse Chansey | 2001 |
Description: This playset is based on a Pokémon Center and to the right a Pokémon Mall. The Pokémon Center roof hinges open to reveal an image of the three legendary birds and Arcanine (much like the one seen in Pokémon Emergency!), a reception and attached nurse’s station as well as an operating theater. The Pokémon Mall to the right is a three tiered building (two shopping floors and one roof deck complete with tables and snack machines). To the left of the Pokémon Center is a tree with swing; Farfetch'd is th only figure that can sit on the piece that moves the swing. And a river with a red boat causes a Magikarp to jump out of the water, a pedestrian bridge to separate and a trio of Diglett to emerge from the ground. Like the Deluxe Type A, the Type C has the capacity to connect to two of the regular playsets. This is the only Deluxe set not based on the events or setting of either a Pokémon Movie or Short. | |||
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Deluxe Type D – Tree | Pikachu, Togepi, Elekid, Marill, Ledyba & Bellossom | 2001 |
Description: This playset is based on Pikachu's Rescue Adventure short, and includes a play-mat. This playset features a lot of hiding places. The waterspout in the tree trunk can be raised like a lift, transporting a Pokémon through the tree to the top. The tree top opens up to reveal even more play space. Other Pokémon featured in the set include Gyarados, Exeggcute, Gloom and Vileplume. | |||
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Deluxe Type E – Pichu Brother’s Town | Pikachu, Window Cleaner Meowth, 2× Pichu, Furret, Igglybuff, Hoppip & Hitmontop | 2001 |
Description: This playset is based on the events of the Pikachu & Pichu short, in Big Town, Johto. It is foldable, much like the regular Pokémon Mate sets, and includes a convenient handle to carry. The elevator shaft attaches to the right of the set via pins, it has a wind up wheel which moves the platform. A window washer platform connects with two holes on the left side of the set. Next is the clock tower, with movable hands and weather vane. The blue slide connects to the clock tower. The building next to the clock tower features a rooftop deck, an events room celebrating Pikachu and Ash’s first anniversary, and on the ground level a bus depot. The Hitmontop figure has a small knob on top of its "horn," which fits into a hole. Hitmontop can spin upside down, and cause the grey pipes to rise and fall, like a seesaw. A black tire and pin staircase are also included. | |||
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Hide-and-Seek Mansion | Pikachu, Sandshrew, Cyndaquil, Togepi, Larvitar, Rollout Donphan, Azurill, Kecleon | 2003 |
Description: This playset is based on the events of the Pikachu’s Pikaboo short. This set is also foldable revealing three different sections, and includes a hedge maze playmat. Other pieces includes are a fountain, a bowl, a purple hydrant statue, a tree, Wailmer's waterspout, and a wind-up lawnmower. In addition to the listed figures, an Oddish, Wailmer and Diglett are also featured though not movable. | |||
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Deluxe- Lake of Life | Scizor, Tyranitar, Pikachu, Suicune, and Celebi (the latter 3 are magnetic) | 2003 |
Description: This playset is based on the events of the Pokémon 4Ever - Celebi: The Voice of the Forest movie. It features the Lake of Life, a setting central to the movie's plot, near Arborville, Johto. The magnetic figures can attach to platforms located in the lake, with a nearby wheel causing it to spin. When the magnetic pole is spun it changes the image featured in the tree tops to either flying Butterfree, a group of Celebi or Celebi's twig monster form. | |||
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Deluxe- Campfire Train | Pikachu, 2× Pichu, Wynaut, Volbeat & Duskull | 2003 |
Description: This playset is based on the events of the Camp Pikachu short. The set features a train which travels along tracks, a water mill with an opening roof. The tracks diverge in two directions, wither towards the station or further down. This train can travel onto the tracks included with the various Tomy Plarail sets. This playset also features a storage hatch for character figures at the back. |
In addition to the sets pictured above, a further three Tomy sets are known to exist. Two were based on the events of M05, one for Latios featuring only a Latios figure based on Alto Mare's Secret Garden, and the another for Latias, which features only Latias and is based on the city and canals of Alto Mare. The third set is based on the Gotta Dance short, and features a Pikachu, Torchic, Meowth and three conjoined Whismur holding maracas. They are uniquely cube shaped and foldable.
A series of characters and buildings were released to mark M06, a Japanese exclusive that featured Absol and Salamence, amongst others.
Deluxe Type's C and D were later also rereleased to mark the Advanced Generation. These sets only feature different figures and are slightly lighter in color. The Type C remake includes Pikachu, Blissey, Treecko, Torchic and Mudkip figures. And the Type D remake includes Pikachu, Meowth, Mew, Marshtomp Spheal and Munchlax.
Deluxe Type A boxed
Deluxe Type A - Shamouti Island
Deluxe Type B - Crystal World
Deluxe Type B - Crystal World playmat
Deluxe Type C - Pokémon Center
Deluxe Type D - Tree
Deluxe Type D - Tree playmat
Deluxe Type E - Pokémon Town
Deluxe Type E - Pokémon Town open
Hide-and-Seek Mansion
Hide-and-Seek Mansion playmat
Ilex Forest playmat
Campfire Train
Figure packs
Pokémon Mate also included individually sold figure packs, including main characters from the original series of the anime and sets of seven Pokémon figurines.
Human figurines
- Main article: Pokémon Roll & Play Stampers
Pokémon Wind-Ups
Model kits
Several of these are known to exist including:
- Venusaur
- Charizard
- Blastoise
- Pikachu
- Surfing Pikachu
- Nidoking
- Clefairy
- Parasect
- Psyduck
- Poliwrath
- Shellder
- Cubone
- Rhydon
- Lapras
- Magikarp
- Porygon
- Dragonite
- Mewtwo
Wind-up Poké Ball playsets
The two figures in each set are protected by a clear plastic dome, and they move when the winding mechanism is turned. Only three varieties of these miniature sets are known to exist.
External links
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This article is part of Project Merchandise, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all Pokémon toys, dolls, books, and collectible merchandise. |