User:Lewtwo/Kris/Kris (Gallery)

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Crystal Navigation
Cross-media counterparts

This is the gallery for Kris, a list of images pertaining to the character and their cross-canon counterparts.

Core Series


From Crystal by
Ken Sugimori
Early design from Crystal by
Hitomi Sato[1]

Sprites & Models

Crystal Trainer Sprite Crystal Back Sprite Crystal Overworld Sprite
HeartGold & SoulSilver Unused PokéGear icon

Other Games


Masters EX
Dream Team Maker with Totodile
Masters EX
Villain Arc Johto (Part 2) by
Megumi Mizutani[2]

Sprites & Models

Stadium 2
Credits icon
Masters EX
VS sprite
(Normal colors)
VS sprite
(EX colors)
6★ model
(Normal colors)
6★ model
(EX colors)
Trainer emote
Trainer emote
Watch out!
Trainer emote
Let's do this!
Trainer emote
Masters EX (Sygna Suit)
VS sprite
(Normal colors)
VS sprite
(EX colors)
6★ model
(Normal colors)
6★ model
(EX colors)
Trainer emote
Trainer emote
Watch out!
Trainer emote
Let's do this!
Trainer emote
1★ Team Rocket Attacks
2★ Team Rocket Attacks
3★ Team Rocket Attacks
Stronger Together
Masters EX (Sync Move Mindscapes)
(Indigo Plateau)
Sygna Suit Kris
(Indigo Plateau)

Trading Card Game

Merchandise Artwork

For images of the physical merchandise lines, see Kris' collectables page.

Cross-canon counterparts


This is a section for Marina, a cross-canon counterpart from the The Legend of Thunder!

File:Kris and Misdreavus.png
Screenshot Eyecatch Artwork from the GAME FREAK website by
Ken Sugimori
Settei by
Ken Sugimori


This is a section for Crystal, a cross-canon counterpart from Pokémon Adventures.

Artwork from the Gold, Silver & Crystal arc by
Satoshi Yamamoto
Artwork from the Emerald arc by
Satoshi Yamamoto
Artwork from the HeartGold & SoulSilver arc by
Satoshi Yamamoto
Artwork on The Art of Pocket Monsters Special by
Satoshi Yamamoto
Artwork on the Pokémon Adventures 20th Anniversary Calendar by
Satoshi Yamamoto


This is a section for Chris, a cross-canon counterpart from Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys.

From GB15 by
Muneo Saitō

Other Artwork

This is a section of other official artwork of Kris.

From the GAME FREAK website by
Ken Sugimori
