Piloswine is a big, brown, furry porcinePokémon with an impressive hump on its back. It also has two tusks made of ice, which seem small but can be lethal. These tusks thicken when it snows, and they are smaller on a female Piloswine than on a male. It has floppy ears that are sensitive to sound. Piloswine has two beady eyes in its head; however, these are usually covered up by tufts of fur. As it is usually unable to see, it checks surroundings with its sensitive pig-like nose instead. As a result, Piloswine is constantly charging at foes when it moves. The hairs on its back stands up straight as a warning sign for this.
Piloswine's thick fur allows it to survive in harshly cold environments that it inhabits, such as icy caves, mountainous regions and frozen tundra. Its fur is so long that it usually covers its small, hooved legs. Despite the small size of its legs, its hooves ensure even footing on icy ground. Piloswine often digs for food buried beneath snow and ice using its tusks.
Because the long hair all over its body obscures its sight, it just keeps charging repeatedly. (Pokémon Red, Silver, or Crystal inserted) If it charges at an enemy, the hairs on its back stand up straight. It is very sensitive to sound. (Pokémon Blue, Gold, or Yellow inserted)
Piloswine is covered by a thick coat of long hair that enables it to endure the freezing cold. This Pokémon uses its tusks to dig up food that has been buried under ice.
Piloswine is covered by a thick coat of long hair that enables it to endure the freezing cold. This Pokémon uses its tusks to dig up food that has been buried under ice.
The long fur of this Pokémon covers its eyes, ears, and even limbs, allowing Piloswine to resist harshly frigid conditions. The Pokémon's white tusks can be used to defeat its enemies.
Pryce's Piloswine first appeared in As Cold as Pryce, thus also marking the species' main series debut. Pryce thought that it abandoned him when he was a young Trainer after the two of them got hit by a Magmar's Fire Blast, and thus became cold and bitter. When Pryce found his Piloswine in a cave and frozen solid with a Burn-Healing Herb, Pryce let go of his coldness. Pryce used Piloswine in his Gymbattle against Ash in the following episode.
In the banned episodeEP250, the Nurse Joy living inside the Ice Cave has multiple Piloswine. They wore harnesses and were used for sledding through the cave.
Piloswine, the Swine Pokémon and the evolved form of Swinub. Piloswine's entire body is covered with fur, which makes it hard to see, so it uses its nose to sense its environment instead.
No other Pokémon has the same typecombination as Piloswine and its evolutionary relatives.
Piloswine's type combination is also the only possible combination weak to all three first partner Pokémon types (Grass, Fire and Water), as Rock (the only other type besides Ground, Fire and Water that is weak to either Grass or Water) resists Fire while Bug and Steel (the only types besides Grass or Ice weak to Fire) both resist Grass.
Piloswine may be a combination of pilose (covered with fine hair) and swine, as well as a play on pile of swine. It may also involve פיל píl (Hebrew for elephant).
Inomoo may be a combination of 猪 inoshishi (boar) and ブーブー būbū (onomatopoeia for oinking).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.