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Revision as of 01:59, 15 September 2024 by Elementcollector1(talk | contribs)(→Origin: As the one who attempted translation in the previously linked page, this is no longer the most likely accurate translation. Oops.)
Regigigas is a large, white, golem-like Pokémon. It has large yellow bands on its shoulders and wrists, and a yellow sloping section on its chest that appears to be its head. This section contains seven black circular "eyes" arranged in a specific pattern. The pattern is Regigigas's way of showing its anger; its eyes glow red when it is provoked. It has six spots that are apart from its eyes, which appear to be gemstones. These gemstones seem to represent the original three legendary giants, with red gems representing Regirock, blue gems indicating Regice, and silver gems representing Registeel. Regigigas has long arms, with three fairly human-like white fingers, and short legs. Its body is covered in black stripes, and it has large bushes of moss growing in its back and feet.
Regigigas is a skilled craftsman. It created golems out of inanimate objects and elemental energies in its image, bringing them to life. Regigigas is also capable of controlling these legendary giants, even if they already belong to a different Trainer. It can also survive extreme conditions as it is able to work with the boiling temperatures of magma as well as frigid ice (−328 °F / −200 °C). When Regigigas is disturbed from its slumber, it goes on a rampage and shoots powerful beams of energy. When it is befriended, however, it is calm and gentle, as seen in Pillars of Friendship!. According to Sinnoh legend, Regigigas's strength enables it to move continents. Regigigas can be summoned or awakened by the legendary giants.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness: Regigigas appears as a statue, along with four Bronzong and four Hitmonlee, in Aegis Cave. When the player's team and Team Charm reach them, the statues come to life and battle the two teams. After being defeated, Regigigas rises again and smashes the ground with its fist, causing the earth outside to heave up and reveal the entrance to the Concealed Ruins. Afterward, Regigigas can be battled again and recruited.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
According to legend, Regigigas pulled landmasses together and bound them with rope to create the continent of Hisui. Though I have my doubts, the story could well contain a shred of truth.
Regigigas debuted in Giratina and the Sky Warrior. It lives in a temple in the mountains of Ten'i Village and had been asleep for centuries, subsequently having moss growing on its feet and shoulders. However, when Zero entered the Reverse World and began shattering pillars of ice within it, the glacier in front of Regigigas' temple suffered catastrophic explosions and began moving. This disturbed its slumber, rousing it into action. When Dawn's Buneary and Swinub failed to stop the glacier with the help of a large group of wild Pokémon, Regigigas appeared and commanded a herd of dozens of Mamoswine to hold the glacier back. Once the crisis was resolved, Regigigas returned to its temple. It was last seen using Hyper Beam on Team Rocket during the ending credits.
Regigigas made its main series debut in Pillars of Friendship! at the Snowpoint Temple. J wanted to steal it, and a result, it was rudely awakened. It went on a rampage afterwards, using Hyper Beam on anything. It even used Confuse Ray to control Brandon's set of legendary giants and force them to help it. At the end of the episode, it healed Brandon and his giants using Hidden Power to restore them from their petrification. It was then taken back to the temple to return to its slumber.
In the beginning of Hoopa and the Clash of Ages, a Regigigas was summoned by a Hoopa Unbound in Dahara City one hundred years prior to the events of the movie, alongside a Reshiram and Zekrom. The three fought Hoopa, but were easily defeated and sent back through portals to their original homes.
In The Adventure, a wild Regigigas was awakened in the Snowpoint Temple by a nearby battle between Red's Pikachu and a wild Probopass. It proceeded to easily smack Probopass aside, shrug off Pikachu's Electric attack, and retaliate with a devastating attack of its own.
A Regigigas briefly appeared as a silhouette in GOTCHA!.
Regigigas's silhouette was first seen inside the Snowpoint Temple in Bogging Down Quagsire. When Platinum, Maylene, and Candice were about to freeze in a blizzard following their defeat at the hands of Jupiter, it was the one who carried them to safety. Whilst in her trance, Platinum unconsciously rolled over an empty Poké Ball to the creature, and it ended up in her bag before choosing to join Diamond in an effort to stop Dialga and Palkia's clash. It was later named "Reg."
Regigigas and Slaking also have the highest base Attack stat of all Normal-type Pokémon.
Regigigas is the only one of the legendary giants not to have its type referenced in its name.
In Platinum, by hacking to obtain Cherish Balls, it is possible to trick the game into opening Rock Peak, Iceberg, and Iron Ruins: by catching the in-game Regigigas in a Cherish Ball, the game thinks the Regigigas was obtained at an event.
In Generation IV, Regigigas is the only Pokémon required to acquire the diploma that cannot be obtained without the use of Pal Park or an event, even with all Generation IV titles. This limitation occurs because Regigigas cannot be obtained without the use of the other legendary giants, which in turn cannot be obtained without either transferring them from Generation III or obtaining them in Platinum with an event Regigigas.
Regigigas is the only Generation IV Legendary Pokémon whose Attack stat is higher than its Special Attack stat.
Regigigas, Magikarp, and Gyarados are the three Pokémon that can be encountered in the wild at the lowest and highest levels.
Regigigas is the lowest-leveled Legendary Pokémon that can be encountered in the wild, being level 1 when fought in Pokémon Platinum.
Regigigas and Eternatus have very similar category names in Japanese, with the only difference being in how they're written: Regigigas's category name is in hiragana (きょだいポケモン), while Eternatus's category name is in katakana (キョダイポケモン). In either case, the category name is pronounced the same: Kyodai Pokémon.
Regigigas seems to be based on the golems of Hebrew legend. Specifically, Regigigas seems to have parallels to the Legendary Golem of Prague, whose immense power also intimidated people, and which ultimately resulted in it being subdued and sealed away. The seven dots on Regigigas's face may be based on the Braille alphabet, which was necessary to use in order to encounter the legendary giants for the first time in the Sealed Chamber, possibly alluding to the writing placed on the forehead of Hebrew golems.
Alternatively, Regigigas may be based on the Titans of Greek mythology, with it being sealed away likely being a reference to the aftermath of the titanomachy, which resulted in the titans being imprisoned in the underworld.
Regigigas also shares some similarities with the Daidarabotchi, a gigantic yōkai. Regigigas's Pokédex entries seem to reference the Kunibiki myth, which describes how Oumitsunu, a demigod said to have the strength and size of a Daidarabotchi, pulled huge chunks of land via ropes to expand his kingdom.
Regigigas's three pairs of eyes might represent its servant golems that were introduced before it: the red pair might represent Regirock, the blue pair might represent Regice, and the gray pair might represent Registeel. Its overall form also resembles that of a Blemmyes.
Name origin
Regigigas may be a combination of regis (Latin for royal) and gigas (Latin for giant).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.