Pokémon Action Flipz Series One

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Pokémon Action Flipz Series One is the second set of Pokémon Action Flipz made by Artbox, following the Premier Edition. In this set, there are a total of 90 Action Flipz to collect: 80 regular Action Flipz and 10 3-D Chase. In addition there are 54 stickers in the set: 18 Chromium stickers, 18 Holochrome stickers, and 18 Prism stickers, some of which are similar to the Artbox Pokémon sticker series.

These Action Flipz were sold in individual packets. One packet contained four Flipz (with a chance of one of them being a 3-D Chase) and one sticker.

Pokémon Action Flipz

Regular Action Flipz

Set # Front Pokémon
01 Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur
02 Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard
03 Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise
04 Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree
05 Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill
06 Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot
07 Rattata/Raticate
08 Spearow/Fearow
09 Ekans/Arbok
10 Pikachu/Raichu
11 Sandshrew/Sandslash
12 Nidoran♀/Nidorina/Nidoqueen
13 Nidoran♂/Nidorino/Nidoking
14 Clefairy/Clefable
15 Vulpix/Ninetales
16 Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff
17 Zubat/Golbat
18 Oddish/Gloom/Vileplume
19 Paras/Parasect
20 Venonat/Venomoth
21 Diglett/Dugtrio
22 Meowth/Persian
23 Psyduck/Golduck
24 Mankey/Primeape
25 Growlithe/Arcanine
26 Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Poliwrath
27 Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam
28 Machop/Machoke/Machamp
29 Bellsprout/Weepinbell/Victreebel
30 Tentacool/Tentacruel
31 Geodude/Graveler/Golem
32 Ponyta/Rapidash
33 Slowpoke/Slowbro
34 Magnemite/Magneton
35 Farfetch'd
36 Doduo/Dodrio
37 Seel/Dewgong
38 Grimer/Muk
39 Shellder/Cloyster
40 Gastly/Haunter/Gengar
41 Onix
42 Drowzee/Hypno
43 Krabby/Kingler
44 Voltorb/Electrode
45 Exeggcute/Exeggutor
46 Cubone/Marowak
47 Hitmonlee
48 Hitmonchan
49 Lickitung
50 Koffing/Weezing
51 Rhyhorn/Rhydon
52 Chansey
53 Tangela
54 Kangaskhan
55 Horsea/Seadra
56 Goldeen/Seaking
57 Staryu/Starmie
58 Mr. Mime
59 Scyther
60 Jynx
61 Electabuzz
62 Magmar
63 Pinsir
64 Tauros
65 Magikarp/Gyarados
66 Lapras
67 Ditto
68 Eevee/Vaporeon
69 Eevee/Jolteon
70 Eevee/Flareon
71 Porygon
72 Omanyte/Omastar
73 Kabuto/Kabutops
74 Aerodactyl
75 Snorlax
76 Articuno
77 Zapdos
78 Moltres
79 Dratini/DragonairDragonite
80 Mewtwo

3-D Chase

Set # Front Pokémon
S-1 Pikachu
S-2 Venusaur
S-3 Charizard
S-4 Blastoise
S-5 Pikachu & Ash
S-6 Pikachu & Ash
S-7 Pikachu & Ash
S-8 Mewtwo
S-9 James
S-10 Jessie

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