Pokémon Chrome Trading Cards Series 1

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A packet of Pokémon Chrome Trading Cards Series 1

Pokémon Chrome Trading Card Series 1 was a set of Pokémon cards produced by Topps in 2000. It consisted of 78 cards covering the first 78 Pokémon. The artworks on the cards of 1 to 76 were also released in Pokémon Trading Cards series 1 and cards 77 and 78 in Pokémon Trading Cards series 2.

The Chrome cards can be easily distinguished from the regular cards by the Topps Chrome logo on the front and back of the cards. The cards are also heavily embossed and very thick, so although the artworks match, there is a huge difference between the cards.

Each of these cards came in a standard base Chrome as well as having three variants included as random inserts: Spectra-Chrome, Sparkle-Chrome, and Tekno-Chrome. Cards were sold in randomly distributed packs of five. The variant inserts could be found at odds of 1:2 per pack for Spectra-Chrome, 1:10 for Sparkle-Chrome, and 1:15 for Tekno-Chrome.

The different card backs of Chrome, Spectra, Sparkle and Tekno. On the right side added text can be seen for the special versions.

Collecting summary

Set Example front No. of cards Cards each pack Packs needed to finish
Base Chrome 78/78 cards 41/3 out of 5 cards each pack 18 packs
Spectra Chrome 78/78 cards 1 every 2 packs 156 packs
Sparkle Chrome 78/78 cards 1 every 10 packs 780 packs
Tekno Chrome 78/78 cards 1 every 15 packs 1.170 packs
Promo: preview sheet 6/6 sheets n/a n/a

Cards in Chrome Series 1

Set # Chrome base Spectra Sparkle Tekno Pokémon Back
1 Bulbasaur
2 Ivysaur
3 Venusaur
4 Charmander
5 Charmeleon
6 Charizard
7 Squirtle
8 Wartortle
9 Blastoise
10 Caterpie
11 Metapod
12 Butterfree
13 Weedle
14 Kakuna
15 Beedrill
16 Pidgey
17 Pidgeotto
18 Pidgeot
19 Rattata
20 Raticate
21 Spearow
22 Fearow
23 Ekans
24 Arbok
25 Pikachu
26 Raichu
27 Sandshrew
28 Sandslash
29 Nidoran♀
30 Nidorina
31 Nidoqueen
32 Nidoran♂
33 Nidorino
34 Nidoking
35 Clefairy
36 Clefable
37 Vulpix
38 Ninetails[sic]
39 Jigglypuff
40 Wigglytuff
41 Zubat
42 Golbat
43 Oddish
44 Gloom
45 Vileplume
46 Paras
47 Parasect
48 Venonat
49 Venomoth
50 Diglett
51 Dugtrio
52 Meowth
53 Persian
54 Psyduck
55 Golduck
56 Mankey
57 Primeape
58 Growlithe
59 Arcanine
60 Poliwag
61 Poliwhirl
62 Poliwrath
63 Abra
64 Kadabra
65 Alakazam
66 Machop
67 Machoke
68 Machamp
69 Bellsprout
70 Weepinbell
71 Victreebell[sic]
72 Tentacool
73 Tentacruel
74 Geodude
75 Graveler
76 Golem
77 Ponyta
78 Rapidash

Preview sheets

The preview sheets were made from the eventual printing sheets

A set of six preview sheets were also manufactured for Chrome series 1. These preview sheets were made to show the high quality of the card stock for retail/collectible stores. The sheets were named after the pokemon in the middle of the sheet. There were also preview sheets made of the Spectra, Sparkle and Tekno versions, but use extreme caution with collecting these. The Sparkle Charizard preview sheet has known knock-offs!

  1. Ivysaur
  2. Charizard
  3. Wigglytuff
  4. Rattata
  5. Sandslash
  6. Psyduck

Preview sheets

Set # Front Pokémon
Preview sheet 1/6 Ivysaur
Preview sheet 2/6 Charizard
Preview sheet 3/6 Wigglytuff
Preview sheet 4/6 Rattata
Preview sheet 5/6 Sandslash
Preview sheet 6/6 Psyduck
Backside Backside

Topps Pokémon Trading Cards
Pokémon Trading Cards series 1series 2series 3
Pokémon Johto Trading Cards series 1Pokémon Johto Series 3
Pokémon Johto League Champions Trading CardsPokémon Advanced Trading CardsPokémon Advanced Challenge Trading Cards
Pokémon the First Movie Trading CardsPokémon the Movie 2000 Trading Cards
Pokémon Top 10 Collector Cards • Pokémon Chrome Trading Cards (series 1, series 2)
This article is part of Project Merchandise, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all Pokémon toys, dolls, books, and collectible merchandise.