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The narrator, as represented in JN119

The narrator is a third-person character of the Pokémon anime. He has been in almost every episode and movie up until the conclusion of Pokémon Journeys: The Series.


The narrator usually speaks at the beginning and ending of each episode. In the beginning of an episode, he usually informs the audience of what Ash Ketchum and his friends are doing or where they are heading. Sometimes, he will even explain what they did in the previous episode. He usually concludes the episode with what Ash and his friends have learned during the episode or say what they are planning to do next. In movies, he usually is only heard at the beginning, giving an overview of the Pokémon world.

There have been several instances of a character breaking the fourth wall and talking to the narrator, such as in Hypno's Naptime, where Misty told him not to congratulate her for unintentionally catching a Psyduck, and Radio Lulled the Mischievous Stars!, where Team Rocket interrupted the narrator's closing lines for the episode and gave him a listener mail to read for their radio show. In the clip show episodes JN119, JN121, and JN126, the narrator hosted radio shows under the pseudonyms of (Japanese: ナレーさん Mr. Narra), (Japanese: ナレー・ション Narra Tion), and (Japanese: ナレタ先輩 Nareta-senpai), respectively.

In some of the episodes featured in the Weekly Pokémon Broadcasting Station, regular characters would narrate in first-person in place of the narrator. When the episodes were dubbed in English, these were replaced with the regular narration. First-person narration was kept in English in Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire episode Get the Show on the Road. Lillie also regularly narrated Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon episodes in the first person from Now You See Them, Now You Don't! to The Professors' New Adventure! (apart from Night of a Thousand Poses!).

Following the conclusion of Pokémon Journeys: The Series and with Ash and Pikachu no longer main characters, the narrator was also retired (other than a brief voice-over at the beginning of The Pendant That Starts It All (Part One)), with Liko replacing him in providing the opening and ending narrations.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 石塚運昇 Unshō Ishizuka (EP001-SM091, JNS05, M01-M22)
堀内賢雄 Kenyu Horiuchi (PK13-PK22, SM095-JN147, M23)
佐藤 藍子 Aiko Satō (PK01)
さとう 珠緒 Tamao Satō (PK04)
高島 雅羅 Gara Takashima (PK05-PK06, PK08-PK09)
酒井 法子 Noriko Sakai (PK07)
遠藤久美子 Kumiko Endo (PK10)
ユウカ Yūka (PK11)
杉山佳寿子 Kazuko Sugiyama (Pichu Bros. in Party Panic)
飯塚雅弓 Mayumi Iizuka (Pichu Bros. in Party Panic "Narrated by Kasumi" version)
山田花子 Hanako Yamada (PK12)
山寺宏一 Kōichi Yamadera (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - Beyond Time & Darkness)
中川 翔子 Shōko Nakagawa (PK23)
夏菜 Natsuna (PK24)
前田敦子 Atsuko Maeda (PK25)
渡辺麻友 Mayu Watanabe (PK26)
手塚秀彰 Hideaki Tezuka (XYS01)
山本美月 Mizuki Yamamoto (PK27)
English Rodger Parsons (EP001-AG020*, The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon, AG146-JN147, M01-M05, M09-M23)
Mike Pollock (AG021-AG145, M06-M08)
Erica Schroeder (PK24)
Eileen Stevens (PK25)
H.D. Quinn (XYS01)
Sarah Natochenny (PK27)
Steven Blum (HZ001)
Arabic مروان فرحات Marwan Farhat (EP001-EP105)
جهاد الأطرش Jihad Al Attrash (EP106-EP209)
فادي الرفاعي Fadi Rifai (EP263-AG092)
بيير داغر Pierre Dagher (M07)
ريمون فرنسيس Raymond Francis (M22-M23, JN001-present and The Arceus Chronicles)
Chinese Cantonese 張炳強 Jēung Bíngkèuhng (Billy Cheung)
Mandarin Taiwan:
孫誠 Sūn Chéng
符爽 Fú Shuǎng (EP208-EP259)
于正昇 Yú Zhèngshēng (EP260-present)
Mainland China:
韓力 Hán Lì (EP001-EP053)
Czech Pavel Soukup (EP001-EP209, DP001-present, M01-M03, M11)
Aleš Jarý (M04)
Ladislav Cigánek (M06-M07)
Danish Torben Sekov
Dutch Jeroen Keers
Filipino Jefferson Utanes
Finnish Pasi Ruohonen (EP001-XY023, XY025-XY049, M01-M04, M10-M17, M22, MR, MoMP)
Markus Bäckman (XY024, XY050-present, M18-M21)
Unknown actor (M05-M07)
European French Jean-Daniel Nicodème
German Michael Schwarzmaier (EP001-BW048, M08-M13)
Manfred Trilling (BW049-present, M14-present)
Jürgen Jung (M01)
Frank Schaff (M02-M04)
Michael Förster (M05)
Mike Carl (M06-M07)
Jürgen Kluckert (M10)
Hebrew עמי מנדלמן Ami Mendelman
Hindi Darpann (S01-for some episodes) (Cartoon Network dub)
Anup Shukla (S09, S10, S14) (Cartoon Network dub)
Sanjay / Sourav (S13) (Cartoon Network dub)
Vinod Sharma (S04-present) (Hungama dub)
Hungarian Péter Tarján (original series and Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire)
Gábor Vass (Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl)
Icelandic Harald G. Haraldsson (M03)
Jóhann Sigurðarson (M05)
Indonesian Frenddy J.H. Pangkey (Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, BW001-present, M08-M13, M16)
Ary Wibowo (Pokémon the Series: XY, Mega Evolution Special)
Fitra Hartono (Pokémon the Series: XYZ)
Dadan Sundana (Pokémon the Series: Sun and Moon, RTV dub)
Biantoro (M22)
Turi Sandos (Pokémon Journeys: The Series, M23)
Italian Federico Danti (EP001-AG145, DP001-JN147, M02, M03, M09, M11-present)
Patrizia Salmoiraghi (AG146-AG192)
Maurizio Trombini (M01)
Roberto Draghetti (M04-M05)
Massimo Rossi (M06-M07)
Dania Cericola (M08)
Raffaele Farina (M10)
Roger Mantovani (Pichu Bros. in Party Panic)
Jolanda Granato (PK24-PK26)
Tania De Domenico (PK27)
Korean 양석정 Seok-jeong Yang
Norwegian Trond Teigen
Polish Mikołaj Klimek (EP001-AG040, DP053-JN008, M01-M22, Mewtwo Returns, PK07)
Piotr Bąk (DP001-DP052)
Jan Aleksandrowicz-Krasko (JN009-JN048)
Portuguese Brazil Fábio Moura (EP001-EP052, EP105-XY093, M01, M03-M18)
Marcelo Pissardini (EP053-EP104, M02)
José Augusto Sendim (XY094-XY140, XYS05, M19)
Filipe Albuquerque (SM001-JN147, M20-M23)
Thaís Dutra (HZ001)
Portugal Rui de Sá (EP001-EP209)
Rui Quintas (EP210-DP052, Pokémon Chronicles)
Mário Santos (DP053-present, M10-present)
Paulo B (M01)
Carlos Freixo (M02)
José Jorge Duarte (M03 and M04)
Unknown actor (M07)
Russian Николай Карцев Nikolay Kartsev (EP001-EP105)
Никита Прозоровский Nikita Prozorovsky (M01-M03)
Ярослав Агикян Yaroslav Agikyan (DP001-DP052)
Виктор Бакин Victor Bakin (DP053-DP104; M11)
Андрей Симанов Andrei Simanov (DP105-DP176; M12)
Петр Иващенко Petr Ivashenko (AG001-AG192, DP177-present; M08-M10, M13-present)
Spanish Latin America Gerardo Vázquez
José Antonio Macías (HZ001)
Diego Armando Nieves (M04-M05)
Diego Brizzi (M06-M07)*
Spain Eduardo del Hoyo
Nacho Aramburu (M19)
Amparo Valencia (PK25-PK27)
José Luis Angulo (PMDAS)
Fernando Castro (ORASAT)
Héctor Garay (Mega Evolution Pokédex Short)
Swedish Stephan Karlsén (S11)
Thai อภินันท์ ธีระนันทกุล Apinan Teeranantakul
สีรวีร์ จิรหิรัณย์ชาติ Siravii Jirahirunchart (PK27)
Turkish Devrim Parscan
Kadir Özübek
Ahmet Eres
Savaş Özdural (SM001-present)
Vietnamese Hồ Tiến Đạt
Nguyễn Trí Luân (M10-M18)
Thái Minh Vũ (M22)

This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.