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If you were looking for the performances delivered by Coordinators in Pokémon Contests, see Appeal.
Technique redirects here. For Pokémon moves, which were also referred to as techniques, see Move.
A Typhlosion's performance

A Pokémon's performance (Japanese: パフォーマンス performance) is made up of stats that exist for use in the Pokéathlon. There are five different performance stats; Speed, Power, Skill, Stamina, and Jump.

A Pokémon's ability in a performance stat can range from 1 to 5, though the maximum value of a given stat is determined by the Pokémon's species and is often lower than 5. The maximum values are unrelated to the species' base stat total. The default value for a given stat is also determined by the Pokémon's species, and the actual value varies further on a daily basis based on the Pokémon's Nature. In order to maximize a performance stat that is not already at the species' maximum value, the Pokémon can be given Apricorn juice, which can be made with an Apriblender or purchased at the Pokéathlon Dome.

As an example, a Typhlosion's Skill performance can range from 1 to 3, with a default value of 2. If the Typhlosion has a Serious nature, on some days (without the effects of any Aprijuice) it may be 1; if it has a Calm nature, it may be 3 (It cannot be 4, as that is beyond the maximum value for the species).



Speed (Japanese: スピード Speed) is an important stat for a Pokémon that is competing in any Pokéathlon games involving any sort of racing. In order to perform well in such events, a Pokémon will need to have a high Speed performance stat. It is not to be confused with the Speed (Japanese: すばやさ Speed) stat used in Pokémon battles. Natures that benefit the Pokémon's Speed stat benefit its Speed performance stat. Speed is used in Hurdle Dash, Relay Run, Circle Push, Ring Drop, Disc Catch, Goal Roll, and Pennant Capture.


Power (Japanese: パワー Power) is an important stat for a Pokémon that is competing in any Pokéathlon game involving fighting or the usage of physical force. In order to perform well in such events, a Pokémon will need to have a high Power stat. Natures that benefit the Pokémon's Attack stat benefit its Power. The Power performance stat is the most commonly used stat in the Pokéathlon, being used in every event with the exception of Hurdle Dash.


Skill (Japanese: テクニック Technique) is an important stat for a Pokémon that is competing in any Pokéathlon games involving strategy. In order to perform well in such events, a Pokémon will need to have a high Skill stat. Natures that benefit the Pokémon's Special Defense stat benefit its Skill. Skill is used in Lamp Jump, Snow Throw, Pennant Capture, Hurdle Dash, Relay Run, Block Break, and Goal Roll.


Stamina (Japanese: スタミナ Stamina) is an important stat for a Pokémon that is competing in any Pokéathlon games involving a risk of fatigue. In order to perform well in such events, a Pokémon will need to have a high Stamina stat. Natures that benefit the Pokémon's Defense stat benefit its Stamina. Stamina is used in Ring Drop, Snow Throw, Relay Run, Block Break, Lamp Jump, Circle Push, Goal Roll, and Pennant Capture.


Jump (Japanese: ジャンプ Jump) is an important stat for a Pokémon that is competing in any Pokéathlon games involving jumping. In order to perform well in such events, a Pokémon will need to have a high Jump stat. Natures that benefit the Pokémon's Special Attack stat benefit its Jump. Jump is the least commonly used stat in the Pokéathlon, being used only in Hurdle Dash, Ring Drop, Lamp Jump, and Disc Catch.


The type of star used to display a Pokémon's performance stat indicates where the stat currently is in relation to the default value for the species:

Symbol Meaning
Greater than base performance
Equal to base performance
Less than base performance

Daily stat changes

The day-to-day performance of a Pokémon in the Pokéathlon changes based on the day of the month, their Nature, and their personality value. The extent of the change may increase or decrease an attribute by up to 4 stars, subject to the Pokémon's species minimums and maximums, though changes beyond 1-2 stars in either direction cannot be achieved without Aprijuice. The specifics of how performance is influenced is covered here.

Below is a list of Natures, which performance stat they affect and to what degree the stats can fluctuate. Each value below is the highest extent to which each performance stat can improve or be hindered without Aprijuice.

Nature Speed Power Skill Stamina Jump
Hardy -1 +1
Lonely +2 -2
Brave -2 +2
Adamant +2 -2
Naughty +2 -2
Bold -2 +2
Docile +1 -1
Relaxed -2 +2
Impish +2 -2
Lax -2 +2
Timid +2 -2
Hasty +2 -2
Serious +1 -1
Jolly +2 -2
Naive +2 -2
Modest -2 +2
Mild -2 +2
Quiet -2 +2
Bashful -1 +1
Rash -2 +2
Calm -2 +2
Gentle +2 -2
Sassy -2 +2
Careful +2 -2
Quirky +1 -1  

Pokéathlon events

Pokéathlon event Speed Power Skill Stamina Jump
Hurdle Dash Yes No Yes No Yes
Ring Drop Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Snow Throw No Yes Yes Yes No
Lamp Jump No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Relay Run Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Block Smash No Yes Yes Yes No
Circle Push Yes Yes No Yes No
Disc Catch Yes Yes No No Yes
Pennant Capture Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Goal Roll Yes Yes Yes Yes No


  • Every event in the Pokéathlon requires either three or four performance stats.
  • Sunkern has a possible five stars in all performance stats, the highest possible total—the same as Mew, Ditto, Origin Forme Giratina, and Arceus. Ironically, it has the lowest base stat total of any Pokémon in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.

In other languages


Language Title
French Performance
German Leistung
Italian Prestazione
Korean 퍼포먼스 Performance
Spanish Rendimiento
Vietnamese Hiệu suất


Language Title
Finnish Nopeus
French Vitesse
German Tempo
Italian Velocità
Korean 스피드 Speed
Spanish Velocidad
Vietnamese Tốc độ


Language Title
Finnish Voima
French Force
German Kraft
Italian Forza
Korean 파워 Power
Spanish Fortaleza
Vietnamese Sức mạnh


Language Title
Finnish Taito
French Habileté
German Technik
Italian Abilità
Korean 테크닉 Technique
Spanish Precisión
Vietnamese Kĩ thuật


Language Title
Finnish Kestävyys
French Endurance
German Ausdauer
Italian Resistenza
Korean 스태미나 Stamina
Spanish Resistencia
Vietnamese Sức bền


Language Title
Finnish Hyppy
French Saut
German Sprung
Italian Agilità
Korean 점프 Jump
Spanish Salto
Vietnamese Sức bật

See also

Pokémon individuality
LevelStatsFriendshipGenderAbility (Hidden Ability) • NatureCharacteristic
Effort valuesIndividual valuesGo PowerEffort level
This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.