6★ EX

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EX styles of the Battle Chatelaines

6★ EX[1] (Japanese: ★6EX) is the highest level of potential that a sync pair can achieve in Pokémon Masters EX. Introduced in version 2.0.0, raising a sync pair to 6★ EX will change the Trainer's pose in menus, upgrade their sync move, and unlock their EX style.

This feature was initially limited to 5★ sync pairs, but it has since been expanded to 3★ sync pairs such as Iris & Haxorus and 4★ sync pairs such as Thorton & Bronzong. In addition, certain sync pairs such as Bugsy & Scyther have the ability to be upgraded to 6★ EX without having an EX style. A sync pair that has the ability to be raised to 6★ EX can also be described as having 6★ EX unlocked.

Not all sync pairs are eligible to be raised to 6★ EX. A sync pair that does not have 6★ EX unlocked can still have their potential maxed through the use of 5★ Power-Ups, but their sync move cannot be upgraded. Starting from December 25, 2021, one sync pair has 6★ EX unlocked on each Pokémon Masters Day.


To perform the 6★ EX upgrade, the target sync pair must increase their potential using 5★ Power-Ups ×20. Players will then be able to use 50 Champion Spirits (or Legendary Spirits for Legendary Adventures sync pairs). For sync pairs who start at a potential below 5★, their potential must first be upgraded to 5★ through the use of 3★ and 4★ Power-Ups before they can use 5★ Power-Ups.

EX style

Hop's EX style, which is based on the color scheme of his partner Zamazenta

An EX style[2] (Japanese: EXカラー衣装 EX Color Costume) is a special recolored version of the Trainer's outfit, which is usually based on the color scheme of their partner Pokémon. Once an EX style has been unlocked, the trainer in that sync pair can freely switch between their standard outfit and the EX style.

Lisia's EX style, which is based on the Shiny color scheme of her partner Altaria

Excluding the player character, a character's EX style is bound to the sync pair that unlocked it—for instance, unlocking the EX style for Blue & Pidgeot will not also unlock the EX style for Blue & Arcanine.

Starting from March 29, 2023, sync pairs who have the same outfit as their originally-released version gained the ability to be raised to 6★ EX without having an EX style. This includes some pairs obtained from Battle Point rewards, some pairs that are exclusively available in special sync pair events, some pairs that are exclusive to variety scouts, and all pairs obtained from Trainer Lodge rewards. The only sync pair with the same outfit as their originally-released version that has an EX style is Blue & Arcanine.

The player characters, Scottie and Bettie, handle EX style differently. If a sync pair involving Scottie or Bettie is raised to 6★ EX, then the unlocked EX style (which has a specific name) is added to the Clothes menu in Trainer Settings. Upon changing the player character's outfit in this menu, it will then change for all sync pairs formed by the player character, even if those pairs are not 6★ EX themselves. Scottie and Bettie's customizations also change how they appear in story scenes, outfit included, which is not possible for any other sync pair's EX style.


When a sync pair is raised to 6★ EX, their pose in menus will change, even if they do not receive an EX style. This pose usually resembles the trainer's pose in official core series artwork.

However, unlike EX styles, a sync pair's pose cannot be changed back to the standard version after undergoing the 6★ EX upgrade.

Scottie and Bettie do not receive a new pose when upgraded to 6★ EX.

Sync move effects

Menu icon representing a character who has been raised to 6★ EX

The sync move upgrade a sync pair receives upon reaching 6★ EX depends on the role of the sync pair:

  • Strike : Sync move targets all opponents without its damage scaling down, even if multiple targets are present.
  • Tech : Power of sync move increases by 50%.
  • Support : The user's first sync move of each battle doubles the number of sync buffs granted to their team (from one to two). A sync move buff acts in stages, similar to a stat buff in the core series, with a +50% increase to overall damage per buff. Effectively, except in special circumstances, this boosts that team's damage from 1.5× after the first sync move to 2× instead.
  • Sprint : The first time the user's sync move is used each battle, the sync move countdown is reduced by three.
  • Field : Implements a specified field effect before the user's sync move is used the first time each battle. Extends the field effect duration only that time.
  • Multi : Lowers the type rebuff of the sync pair's type for all opposing sync pairs by one rank the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.

If a sync pair is both raised to 6★ EX and has their EX role unlocked, then they will have two of the above effects: the ones corresponding to their original role and their EX role.

List of sync pairs with 6★ EX unlocked

Legendary Adventures sync pairs can only access 6★ EX by using Legendary Sprits (they cannot use Champion Spirits). These sync pairs are denoted with an asterisk (*).

EX models

This section displays the EX styles and poses of sync pairs who have been raised to 6★ EX.

Rosa's EX model Sygna Suit Red's EX model Sygna Suit Blue's EX model Sygna Suit Leaf's EX model Lusamine's EX model Gladion's EX model Lillie's EX model Volkner's EX model Elesa's EX model Sygna Suit Grimsley's EX model
Hilbert (Fall 2020)'s EX model Acerola (Fall 2020)'s EX model Morty's EX model Wally's EX model Lisia's EX model Alder's EX model Blue's EX model Nate's EX model Bianca's EX model Rosa (Holiday 2019)'s EX model
Cynthia's EX model Steven's EX model Gloria's EX model Jasmine's EX model Dawn's EX model Brendan's EX model Erika (Holiday 2020)'s EX model Skyla (Holiday 2020)'s EX model N's EX model Iris's EX model
Lillie (New Year's 2021)'s EX model Lance (New Year's 2021)'s EX model Sygna Suit Elesa's EX model May's EX model Wallace's EX model Mallow's EX model Serena (Palentine's 2021)'s EX model Dawn (Palentine's 2021)'s EX model Lysandre's EX model Serena's EX model
Piers's EX model Lance's EX model Sygna Suit Cynthia's EX model Leon's EX model Marnie's EX model Skyla's EX model Korrina's EX model Iris (Alt)'s EX model Hilbert's EX model Barry's EX model
Diantha's EX model Burgh (Spring 2021)'s EX model May (Spring 2021)'s EX model Leaf's EX model Selene's EX model Elio's EX model Guzma's EX model Raihan's EX model Grimsley's EX model Burgh's EX model
Nessa's EX model Bea's EX model Hilda's EX model Ethan's EX model Maxie's EX model Archie's EX model Lana's EX model Kiawe's EX model Hala's EX model The Masked Royal's EX model
Plumeria's EX model Ingo's EX model Emmet's EX model Olivia's EX model Gloria (Summer 2021)'s EX model Marnie (Summer 2021)'s EX model Steven (Summer 2020)'s EX model Lyra (Summer 2020)'s EX model Lear's EX model Falkner's EX model
Sidney's EX model Sygna Suit Leon's EX model Phoebe's EX model Sabrina's EX model Lillie (Anniversary 2021)'s EX model Misty (Swimsuit)'s EX model N (Anniversary 2021)'s EX model Steven (Anniversary 2021)'s EX model Giovanni's EX model Red's EX model
Blue (Classic)'s EX model Sygna Suit Misty's EX model Sygna Suit Erika's EX model Morty (Fall 2021)'s EX model Caitlin (Fall 2021)'s EX model Allister's EX model Darach's EX model Diantha (Special Costume)'s EX model Hilda (Special Costume)'s EX model Guzma (Special Costume)'s EX model
Jasmine (Special Costume)'s EX model Grimsley (Kimono)'s EX model Sygna Suit Lusamine's EX model Elesa (Classic)'s EX model Leon (Holiday 2021)'s EX model Nessa (Holiday 2021)'s EX model Sonia's EX model Candice's EX model Sygna Suit Cynthia (Renegade)'s EX model Volkner (New Year's 2022)'s EX model
Sabrina (New Year's 2022)'s EX model Cyrus's EX model Lucas's EX model Thorton's EX model Marnie (Palentine's 2022)'s EX model Bea (Palentine's 2022)'s EX model Sygna Suit Cyrus's EX model Sygna Suit Dawn's EX model Siebold's EX model May (Anniversary 2022)'s EX model
Siebold (Holiday 2019)'s EX model Skyla (Anniversary 2022)'s EX model Raihan (Anniversary 2022)'s EX model Sygna Suit Serena's EX model Clemont's EX model Calem's EX model Lillie (Special Costume)'s EX model Sonia (Special Costume) Ingo (Special Costume)'s EX model Emmet (Special Costume)'s EX model
Caitlin's EX model Erika's EX model Sygna Suit Morty's EX model Aaron's EX model Bertha's EX model Lucian's EX model Silver's EX model Sygna Suit Giovanni's EX model Pryce's EX model Sygna Suit Ethan's EX model
Sygna Suit Lyra's EX model Sygna Suit Kris's EX model Kris's EX model Lyra's EX model Bede's EX model Hau's EX model N (Summer 2022)'s EX model Hilda (Summer 2022)'s EX model Karen's EX model Gloria (Dojo Uniform)'s EX model
Sygna Suit Korrina's EX model Sygna Suit Brock's EX model Zinnia's EX model Sygna Suit May's EX model Sygna Suit Brendan's EX model Looker's EX model Courtney's EX model Sygna Suit Steven's EX model Giovanni (Classic)'s EX model Blue & Arcanine's EX model
Drake's EX model Ash's EX model Sygna Suit Cynthia (Aura)'s EX model Sygna Suit Red (Thunderbolt)'s EX model Rosa (Special Costume)'s EX model Hapu's EX model Sygna Suit Wally's EX model Gordie's EX model Melony's EX model Victor's EX model
Iris (Fall 2022)'s EX model Allister (Fall 2022)'s EX model Glacia's EX model Ghetsis's EX model Sygna Suit Hilda's EX model Sygna Suit Hilbert's EX model Hugh's EX model Sygna Suit N's EX model Colress's EX model Cheren's EX model
Serena (Champion)'s EX model Calem (Champion)'s EX model Jasmine (Holiday 2022)'s EX model Whitney (Holiday 2022)'s EX model Fantina's EX model Lisia (New Year's 2023)'s EX model Dawn (New Year's 2023)'s EX model Professor Sycamore's EX model Sygna Suit Diantha's EX model Shauna's EX model
Kukui's EX model Mallow (Palentine's 2023)'s EX model Elesa (Palentine's 2023)'s EX model Sygna Suit Lysandre's EX model Anabel's EX model Emma's EX model Viola's EX model Marnie (Champion)'s EX model Hop (Champion)'s EX model Bede (Champion)'s EX model
Ball Guy's EX model Lt. Surge's EX model Erika & Tangela's EX model (No EX style) Lt. Surge & Raichu's EX model (No EX style) Morty & Mismagius/Gastly's EX model (No EX style) Karen & Umbreon's EX model (No EX style) Zinnia & Salamence's EX model (No EX style) Bugsy & Scyther's EX model (No EX style) Clemont & Magenton's EX model (No EX style) Candice & Frolass's EX model (No EX style)
Janine & Crobat's EX model (No EX style) Sophocles & Alolan Golem's EX model (No EX style) Blue & Exeggutor/Alakazam's EX model (No EX style) Silver & Feraligatr/Crobat's EX model (No EX style) May & Wailmer's EX model (No EX style) Cynthia & Gastrodon's EX model (No EX style) N & Sigilyph's EX model (No EX style) Sycamore & Bulbasaur's EX model (No EX style) Lilie & Comfey's EX model (No EX style) Marnie & Toxicroak/Scrafty's EX model (No EX style)
Rosa & Dewott's EX model (No EX style) Raihan & Gigalith's EX model (No EX style) Lucas & Flareon's EX model (No EX style) Kris & Jolteon's EX model (No EX style) Lyra & Vaporeon's EX model (No EX style) Elesa & Joltik's EX model (No EX style) Serena & Fletchling EX model (No EX style) Dawn & Wormadam's EX model (No EX style) Gloria & Thwackey's EX model (No EX style) Steven (Special Costume)'s EX model
Steven & Cradily's EX model (No EX style) Shauna (Special Costume)'s EX model Zinnia (Special Costume)'s EX model Lyra (Special Costume)'s EX model Lorelei & Cloyster's EX model (No EX style) Bruno & Onix's EX model (No EX style) Roxanne's EX model Scottie & Solgaleo's Fiery style Bettie & Solgaleo's Fiery style Sygna Suit Hau's EX model
Sygna Suit Mina's EX model Acerola & Banette's EX model (No EX style) Agatha & Arbok's EX model (No EX style) Lance & Dragonair/Kingdra's EX model (No EX style) Sygna Suit Acerola's EX model Sygna Suit Lana's EX model Mina's EX model Adaman's EX model Adaman & Vaporeon's EX model (No EX style) Irida's EX model
Eusine's EX model Sygna Suit Silver's EX model Roxie's EX model Tate (Summer 2023)'s EX model Irida & Flareon's EX model (No EX style) Liza (Summer 2023)'s EX model Hop's EX model Rose's EX model Oleana's EX model Kiawe & Arcanine's EX model (No EX style)
Mallow & Shiinotic's EX model (No EX style) Clair's EX model Leon (Alt.)'s EX model Calem & Fennekin's EX model (No EX style) Gloria (Alt.)'s EX model Olympia's EX model Drasna's EX model Nemona's EX model Victor & Spectrier's EX model (No EX style) Marley's EX model
Barry & Roserade's EX model (No EX style) Olivia & Carbink's EX model (No EX style) Valerie & Mawile's EX model (No EX style) Falkner & Pidgeot's EX model (No EX style) Red (Champion)'s EX model Leaf (Champion)'s EX model Blue (Champion)'s EX model Leaf & Clefable/Blastoise's EX model (No EX style) Paulo's EX model Tina's EX model
Giovanni & Rhydon's EX model (No EX style) Archer's EX model Ariana's EX model Petrel's EX model Proton's EX model Palmer's EX model Argenta's EX model Koga's EX model Akari's EX model Giovanni & Nidorino's EX model (No EX style)
Rei's EX model Thorton & Magnezone's EX model (No EX style) Noland & Ninjask's EX model (No EX style) Phoebe (Fall 2023)'s EX model Roxanne (Fall 2023)'s EX model Lenora's EX model Shauntal's EX model Sygna Suit Roxie's EX model Red & Venusaur's EX model (No EX style) Gladion & Golbat/Weavile's EX model (No EX style)
Sygna Suit Piers's EX model Ryuki's EX model Penny's EX model Elaine's EX model Elio & Espeon's EX model (No EX style) Selene & Umbreon's EX model (No EX style) Valerie's EX model Nate (Champion)'s EX model Jasmine & Magnemite's EX model (No EX style) Viola (Holiday 2023)'s EX model
Sycamore (Holiday 2023)'s EX model Rosa (Champion)'s EX model Lorelei's EX model Clair (New Year's 2024)'s EX model Wallace (New Year's 2024)'s EX model Volkner & Raichu's EX model (No EX style) Iono's EX model Grusha's EX model Acerola's EX model Chase's EX model
Wally & Delcatty/Altaria's EX model (No EX style) Falkner & Noctowl's EX model (No EX style) Victor (Palentine's 2024)'s EX model Candice (Palentine's 2024)'s EX model Riley's EX model Sygna Suit Gladion's EX model Bruno's EX model Geeta's EX model Silver (Champion)'s EX model Skyla & Unfezant's EX model (No EX style)
Adaman (Special Costume)'s EX model Irida (Special Costume)'s EX model Tierno's EX model Dahlia's EX model Noland's EX model Volo's EX model Volo & Gible's EX model (No EX style) Jacq's EX model Barry (Special Costume)'s EX model Selene (Special Costume)'s EX model
Agatha's EX model Rika's EX model Brycen-Man's EX model Rika & Whiscash's EX model (No EX style) Blue (Classic) & Charizard's EX model (No EX style) Bellelba's EX model Guzma & Ariados's EX model (No EX style) Plumeria & Gengar's EX model (No EX style) Poppy's EX model Bugsy's EX model
Cheren & Purrloin's EX model (No EX style) Cheren (Champion)'s EX model Bianca (Champion)'s EX model Larry's EX model Kabu's EX model Sophocles's EX model Gardenia (Summer 2024)'s EX model Hugh & Unfezant's EX model (No EX style) Nemona & Lycanroc's EX model (No EX style) Acerola (Summer 2024)'s EX model
Kabu & Torkoal's EX model (No EX style) Klara's EX model Avery's EX model Greta's EX model Gardenia's EX model Elio (Alt.)'s EX model Iono & Wattrel's EX model (No EX style) Selene (Alt.)'s EX model Arven's EX model Professor Oak & Nidorino's EX model (No EX style)
Sygna Suit Nemona's EX model Professor Oak's EX model Will & Slowbro's EX model (No EX style) Arc Suit Cynthia's EX model Cheryl & Wailord's EX model (No EX style) Evelyn's EX Model Nita's EX Model Dana's EX Model Morgan's EX Model Lillie (Anniversary 2024)'s EX Model (No EX style)
Lusamine & Lilligant's EX model (No EX style) Rose & Perrserker's EX model (No EX style) Arc Suit Steven's EX model Arc Suit Lance's EX model Malva's EX model Chuck's EX model Trevor's EX model Rachel & Gimmighoul's EX model (No EX style) Sawyer & Gimmighoul's EX model (No EX style) Sygna Suit Lear's EX model

Sync pairs without 6★ EX unlocked

This section is for sync pairs who cannot be raised to 6★ EX.

5★ Sync Pairs
4★ Sync Pairs
3★ Sync Pairs

Upcoming 6★ EX

This section is for sync pairs who will have 6★ EX unlocked in future updates.


  • In September 2020, a poll rally was held in which players could vote for which sync pair available through the main story would receive the ability to be raised to 6★ EX. When the results were revealed on October 30, 2020, it was announced that the three winners - Skyla, Barry, and Korrina - would have 6★ EX unlocked in the future.[3] The 6★ EX Skyla Sync Pair Support Rally was held in January 2021 to give players the materials to maximize Skyla & Swanna's potential.[4] Skyla and Korrina finally received the ability to be raised to 6★ EX on February 26, 2021, and Barry received it on March 29, 2021. However, the first sync pair featured in the poll to receive the ability to be raised to 6★ EX was the eighth-place sync pair, Iris & Haxorus.

In other languages

Language Title
Japanese ★6EX
Mandarin Chinese ★6EX
French 6★ EX
German 6★ EX
Italian 6★ EX
Korean ★6EX
Spanish 6★ EX
EX Style
Language Title
Japanese EXカラー衣装 EX Color Costume
Chinese Cantonese EX服裝 EX Fúzhuāng
Mandarin EX服裝 EX Fuhkjōng
French Tenue Couleur EX
German EX-Farboutfit
Italian Costume EX
Korean EX컬러 의상 EX Color Uisang
Spanish Traje EX


  1. Formatted as "6★ EX", with a space between the ★ and EX, in-game. "Sygna Suit Leaf is here with 6★ EX unlocked! Get sync orbs as a present when she joins your team!" "Steven is here in a special costume with 6★ EX unlocked! Check out the presents in the Tiered Scout as well!"
  2. Capitalized as "EX style" in-game. "You received this sync pair's EX style."
  3. Announcement of poll results
  4. Announcement of 6★ EX Skyla Sync Pair Support Rally
This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.