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Scyther is a bipedal, insectoidPokémon. Its body is primarily green and has a thin, cream-colored section between its head, thorax, and abdomen. Female Scyther have larger abdomens than male Scyther. Its reptilian head has two narrow, triangular eyes and three blunt horns extending from its forehead. Its arms end in large, white scythes, which it uses for both hunting and fighting. Two pairs of cream-colored wings extend from its back. While these wings do allow Scyther to fly, it rarely does so. Scyther's thighs have large, upward-pointing spikes. Its feet are tall, rounded, and conical, almost extending to its thighs; each foot ends in three small, white claws on its front side.
Scyther is an adept hunter that tears at its prey with its scythes. Thanks to its green coloration, it can camouflage itself well in the grasslands and forests where it lives. Humans rarely encounter wild Scyther in these areas, however. Said to be like a ninja, Scyther can move so quickly that it cannot be followed, increasing the effectiveness of its scythes. It maintains the sharpness of its blades through battle as well as by cutting through hard objects, such as trees; it can cut down a massive tree with just a single slice, although it cannot penetrate Tarountula's elastic threads. The Pokémon the Series episode Tracey Gets Bugged showed that wild Scyther form swarms with a single leader chosen through combat. When a challenger successfully defeats a current leader and replaces it, the defeated leader is exiled from the swarm. It has also been shown that Scyther becomes aggressive when faced with the color red.
Pokémon Snap: A Scyther appears at two points on the Beach level. At the first point, the use of a Pester Ball will chase it out. (This also triggers a special Multiple Pikachu Photo opportunity.) The second point is close to the end of the Beach level.
Pokémon Stadium 2: Scyther stars in a mini-game alongside Pinsir called "Clear Cut Challenge." Each player chops a falling log for each round of the game. The score for each player is determined by how close the player is to the white line on the log. Cutting anywhere above the log will cause the player to lose points.
It slashes through grass with its sharp scythes, moving too fast for the human eye to track. (Pokémon Red, Silver, or Crystal inserted) When it moves, it leaves only a blur. If it hides in grass, its protective colors make it invisible. (Pokémon Blue, Gold, or Yellow inserted)
Scyther is blindingly fast. Its blazing speed enhances the effectiveness of the twin scythes on its forearms. This Pokémon's scythes are so effective, they can slice through thick logs in one wicked stroke.
Scyther is blindingly fast. Its blazing speed enhances the effectiveness of the twin scythes on its forearms. This Pokémon's scythes are so effective, they can slice through thick logs in one wicked stroke.
The large, wickedly sharp scythes on its forearms are truly fearsome weapons. Prey’s attempts to flee are unfailingly thwarted by this Pokémon's nimble motions.
In Tracey Gets Bugged, Traceycaught an elderly Scyther after it resolved its conflict with the horde of Scyther it once led. Even in its old age, it is very aggressive, and as such, Tracey tries not to use it.
In Gettin' The Bugs Out, Bugsy used a Scyther during his Gymbattle against Ash. This Scyther was trained to block Fire-type attacks by using Swords Dance as a fan. Ash discovered that this defensive strategy doesn't work if a Fire-type move is used from above, which allowed his Cyndaquil to win in his Gym match.
In Celebi and Joy!, a demolition crew employed a Scyther. After the demolition crew became a construction crew in the new timeline, its status was left unknown.
Scyther, the Mantis Pokémon. Its claws are sharp as swords, and it is a powerful flyer. This Pokémon is rarely seen by humans and almost never captured.
In the Pokémon Red and Blue beta, Scyther's prototype name was "Stryke". This is a corruption of the word "strike", which is also its romanized Japanese name.
Despite having different base stats, Scyther and its evolved forms all have a base stat total of 500. This makes Scyther the only pre-evolved Pokémon to have the same base stat total as its evolved forms.
Scyther is the only Pokémon with a split evolution to have had both of its evolutions introduced after its debut.
Scyther's evolution into Kleavor is programmed into Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. However, the Black Augurite needed for evolution is unobtainable, preventing the Pokémon from evolving. It shares this trait with Ursaring and Stantler.
As indicated by its category, Scyther seems to be based on a mantis — most closely resembling the European mantis and the Chinese mantis — with arms shaped like scythes. It also possesses some reptilian characteristics (e.g. head, teeth, claws, bipedal stance) that give it similarities to dromaeosaurid dinosaurs, as well as to therizinosaurids (scythe lizards) due to the shape of its arms. As indicated in its Pokédex entries, it may also be based on a ninja. There are similarities to the kamikiri, a haircutting yokai with sharp claws and teeth that may look like an insect.
Name origin
Scyther may be a combination of scythe and the suffix -er (something that does an action).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.