Kasado City

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The subject of this article has no official English name.
The name currently in use is a fan romanization of the Japanese name.
Kasado City
カサドシティ Kasado City

Kasado City
Region Johto
Debut Plant It Now... Diglett Later

(Japanese: カサドシティ Kasado City) is an animated series-exclusive city on Silver Rock Isle, one of the Whirl Islands in the Johto region.

It first appeared at the end of Plant It Now... Diglett Later as Ash and his friends reached Silver Rock Isle. The trio explored Kasado City's sprawling markets and met up with local gift shop owner Ariene in Hi Ho Silver... Away!. She escorted the group to meet her friend Jenaro, a local silver rock craftsman, to learn more about the Silver Wing. The city's streets are decorated with Silver Wing banners.

Kasado City was also mentioned to be the hometown of Shinji in The Legend of Thunder!.

Pokémon seen in Kasado City


Animated series-exclusive locations in Johto
Alto MareArborvilleBattle ParkBig TownBloomingvaleBluefinlandBlue LagoonBlue Moon FallsBlue Point IsleBonitavilleCatallia City
Charicific ValleyCoastline GymColossal Tree Tribe ruinsDiglett VillageDragon Holy LandEclipse CastleEggseterFlorandoGreenfieldHappy Town
Ho-Oh ShrineI.S.S. Raspberry shipwreckInland CityKasado CityLake LucidLake of LifeLake SlowpokeLen TownMarine Pokémon Laboratory
Marion TownMaroon TownMegi CityMount QuenaOgi CityOgi IsleOnix TunnelPalm HillsPalmponaPokémon Jujitsu AcademyPudgy Pidgey Isle
Red Rock IsleRemoraid MountainRikishii TownScarlet CitySecret GardenSilver Rock IsleSilver TownSlowpoke TempleSnowtop Mountain
Sunflora LodgeTransit TownWay Away IslandWhitestoneWobbuffet VillageYellow Rock Isle
Animated series-exclusive location templates
KantoOrange IslandsJohtoHoennSinnohUnovaDecolore IslandsKalosAlolaGalarPaldeaOther

This article is part of both Project Anime and Project Locations, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Anime and Locations, respectively.