Sento Cherry Town

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Sento Cherry Town
セントチェリータウン St. Cherry Town
Region Unknown
Debut Johto Photo Finish

Sento Cherry Town (Japanese: セントチェリータウン St. Cherry Town) is an animated series-exclusive location that was mentioned in Johto Photo Finish. It is the hometown of Jon Dickson, the winner of the Silver Conference. It is unknown where it is located, but it is thought to be in Johto.

Other animated series-exclusive locations
Region unknown: Bloom CanyonBrindille TownCero IslandForest of OkoyaFula CityGanga Town
Genesect's homeInua TownLapidarian HighlandsLapras SeaLaquaLaxton FarmMarnya's house
Milyfa TownMocha TownMount TenseiNorth PolePigton TownPokémon Nurse School
Raizen MountainsSamiyaSento Cherry TownSlowpoke IslandSteelbound TownTonari Town
Extraterrestrial locations: Millennium Comet
Inter-dimensional locations: Deoxys's unnamed worldGhost WorldMirror WorldPoipole's worldReverse WorldUnown Dimension
Animated series-exclusive location templates
KantoOrange IslandsJohtoHoennSinnohUnovaDecolore IslandsKalosAlolaGalarPaldeaOther

This article is part of both Project Anime and Project Locations, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Anime and Locations, respectively.