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These are Brandon's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series games

Pokémon Emerald

Initial battle
  • Before battle
"Young adventurer... Wouldn't you agree that explorations are the grandest of adventures? Your own wits! Your own strength! Your own Pokémon! And, above all, only your courage to lead you through unknown worlds..."
"Aah, yes, indeed this life is grand! Grand, it is! Eh? I'm Brandon. I'm the Pyramid King, which means I'm in charge here. Most people call me the chief! You coming here means you have that much confidence in yourself, am I right? Hahahah! This should be exciting! Now, then! Bring your courage to our battle!"
  • Being defeated
"That's it! You’ve done great! You've worked hard for this!"
  • If the player is defeated
"Hey! What's wrong with you! Let's see some effort! Get up!"
  • After being defeated
"Hahahah! Grand it was! Grand, yes, indeed! Well done! You've earned recognition! Your Frontier Pass, please!"
"Young explorer! I look forward to our next meeting! "
  • Before battle
"...You've finally returned, young explorer... Your love for adventure seems to come deep from within your heart... Yes... You are exactly as I was in my own youth... ... ... ...Ah... The passionate! The dangerous! The desperate! Those days of death-defying, life-affirming adventures are back..."
"Now, then! I sense my courage is off the meter! Everything you have! I'm braced for it all!"
  • Being defeated
"That's it! You've done it! You kept working for this!"
  • If the player is defeated
"Hey! Don't give up now! Get up! Don't lose faith in yourself!"
  • After being defeated
"Hahahah! Remarkable! Yes, it's grand, indeed! Young explorer! You've bested me through and through! Here! I want you to have this!"
"Ah, yes! It just goes to show that I have much to learn still! May our paths cross again! Farewell for now, young explorer!"

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

TV Mauville
  • Volcanion special: Part One
"Oh! Get back! If it blows, it could send even huge mountains flying! It can change moisture into super-heated steam in an instant with its internal organs causing a massive explosion!"
"Stay alert at all times! Don't forget your courage sensor!"
  • Volcanion special: Part Two
"Get back! Look at those arm-like things growing out of its back! It uses those to suck in moisture and turn it into a thick fog! If we stay here, we'll be trapped in the fog!"
"Stay alert at all times! Don't forget your courage sensor!"
  • Volcanion special: Part Three
"Oh! Get back! An explosion from Volcanion can even change mountain ranges into plains! It's thought that ancient land masses were formed in that way."
"Stay alert at all times! Don't forget your courage sensor!"

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Menu interface (voice clips)
  • During conversation
"Hm-hmm! ♪"
"Well done!"
"Don't lose faith!"
"That's enough!"
"Ghuhuh, hh..."
"Oh, no!"
"Let's do this!"
"Of course!"
"I see!"
"Eh, heheheheh..."
"May our paths cross again."
"I'm braced for it!"
"Bring your courage."
Main Story Arceus Arc - Prelude: Mysterious Stones Chapter - The Echo of a Deity's Voice
  • Adventures to Unknown Worlds
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"Hey, Champion! Out here on an adventure like me?"
  • After appearing, as Brandon
"Hahahaha! I see!"
"My daily adventures have been lacking something lately, too."
"That's why I've been searching around this island every day for new adventures!"
"By the way, Champion..."
"Are you preparing for the upcoming tournament everyone's been talking about?"
"Oh? Why is that?"
"I see... That's an admirable mindset—one I've seen from you before."
"But that's not enough, Steven!"
"Seeing young talent seems to be shaking your confidence. Am I right?"
"No, it's not. It's wonderful to guide young talent and support their growth."
"But that shouldn't stop you from going on your own adventures!"
"It seems like you're trying to play it safe. You're saying the right things, but isn't that you trying to make excuses?"
"What does your courage sensor say?!"
"Adventures are passionate! Dangerous! Desperate!"
"Reliable and fearless Champions confront challenges headfirst! Even if they're worn down, they push through!"
"The next generation of Trainers and the people who know you well..."
"I bet they all want you to go on thrilling adventures!"
"Well, I must say, I'm rather excited to see your new adventures with Metagross!"
"Your own courage will lead you through unknown worlds..."
"Ahh, yes, indeed this life is grand!"
"Young explorer! I look forward to our next meeting!"
Main Story Arceus Arc - Chapter 1 - Three Champions
  • Steven's Adventures
"Hello there, young adventurer..."
"You look as though you've just returned from quite the adventure!"
"Daring...but dangerous. If Metagross had fainted, your adventure could've ended then and there."
"That's great! You've done well!"
"I see... So you've been on a journey of self-discovery."
"Hahahah! Remarkable!"
"Yes, that's grand, indeed!"
"When you're on an adventure, it doesn't my matter who you are—a Champion, an heir to a corporation, a humble Trainer..."
"One should always be willing and ready to take risks!"
"Those with a position to maintain tend to shy away from risk."
"In doing so, they forget to shine—to embrace the spirit of adventure!"
"But look at the two of you now! Even if it means sacrificing everything you've achieved, Steven..."
"you're determined to become the strongest, together with Metagross!"
"That's what courage and adventure is all about! How remarkable!"
"Now then, Steven! Bring your courage to our battle!"
"Everything you have! I'm braced for it all!"
Story Event - Isle Disciples, Arena Tycoon
  • Howdy!
"Hahaha! I see you're fired up!"
"Just so you know, the Trainers here on Pasio aren't easy to beat."