May's Glaceon (Japanese: ハルカのグレイシアHaruka's Glacia) was the seventh Pokémon obtained by May. As an Eevee and Glaceon its Japanese voice actress is 林原めぐみ Megumi Hayashibara and its English voice actress as an Eevee is Michele Knotz. In Brazil, as an Eevee, in some episodes when its voice couldn't be retained, it was voiced by Gilmara Sanches.
In DP075, May called Ash from Snowpoint City. When she arrived at Valor Lakefront in the following episode, she soon revealed that she and Eevee had discovered an icy rock near Snowpoint City, and that it was now a Glaceon. In DP079, May used Glaceon in the finals of the Wallace Cup against Dawn's Piplup and was defeated by only a few points.
When it was an Eevee, it was the third Template:Type2 Pokémon that May owned. This may be a reference to her father Norman who also specializes in Normal-types.
Glaceon is the only evolved pokémon belonging to May that isn't part of a 3 stage evolution. However seeing as it was present in its egg stage it has gone through 3 different stages
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For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Eevee and Glaceon.