The Cave of Dragonflies

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 02:45, 19 December 2005 by Dragonfree (talk | contribs) (Rewrote the article as the previous article was stylistically, grammatically and factually incorrect)

The Cave of Dragonflies

The Cave of Dragonflies is a Pokémon fan site run and managed by Butterfree, better known under the identity of Dragonfree.

The site focuses primarily on the Pokémon games and various original theories and opinions by the webmistress.


The Cave of Dragonflies started on November 2nd, 2002 as a website called Butterfree's Pokémon Site, later proclaimed by Butterfree herself on the [Site History] page to have had "eye-hurting background colors" and "horrid browser support". It has been continuously updated ever since, on average slightly less than seven times a month.

The original inspiration to create it was Mew's Hangout, but the two are nonetheless not strikingly similar, Mew's Hangout focusing more on art and imagery but The Cave of Dragonflies more on the written word.

In its history, the site has faced some temporary server difficulties but never had a long period of downtime. The site has had over 100 pages of content in all, but quite a few are not accessible from the main site now as they have been taken down for one reason or another.

At the time of writing (December 2005), the site is being revised in its entirety and converted to XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

External links

The Cave of Dragonflies main page