Double-Edge (move)
Double-Edge すてみタックル Life-Risking Tackle | ||||||||||||
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Double-Edge is a very highly-damaging Template:Type2 move introduced in Generation I.
Generation I
Double-Edge does damage, and the user receives recoil damage equal to 25% of the damage done to the opponent.
If the user of Double-Edge attacks first and faints itself due to recoil damage, the opponent will not attack or be subjected to recurrent damage during that round. However, the user will still be subject to recurrent damage.
Self-inflicted recoil damage from Double-Edge from the previous turn can be countered if the opponent does not make a move on the following turn. If Double-Edge breaks a substitute, the user will take no recoil damage.
In Stadium, no recoil damage is taken if Double-Edge knocks out an opponent.
Double-Edge has a power of 100 in this generation.
Generation II and on
Same as before, only with a power of 120.
In the anime
Chimecho using Double Edge.
Brock's Sudowoodo using Double-Edge on James's Carnivine.
Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto towards its opponent and slams into it at full force.
- Used by Ash's Pidgeotto from The Battle for the Badge to ???.
Chimecho. Chimecho glows yellow and tackles the opponent at a great force.
- Used by James's Chimecho in Lessons in Lilycove!.
Bonsly and Sudowoodo. They tackle the opponent at a great speed.
- Used by Brock's Sudowoodo from Leave it to Brocko! to ???.
Hippowdon. Hippowdon tackles the opponent at a great speed.
- Used by a wild Hippowdon in Sleight of Sand!
Generation I
By leveling up
By TM10
- Bulbasaur
- Ivysaur
- Venusaur
- Charmander
- Charmeleon
- Charizard
- Squirtle
- Wartortle
- Blastoise
- Butterfree
- Beedrill
- Pidgey
- Pidgeotto
- Pidgeot
- Rattata
- Raticate
- Spearow
- Fearow
- Ekans
- Arbok
- Pikachu
- Raichu
- Sandshrew
- Sandslash
- Nidoran♀
- Nidorina
- Nidoqueen
- Nidoran♂
- Nidorino
- Nidoking
- Clefairy
- Clefable
- Vulpix
- Ninetales
- Jigglypuff
- Wigglytuff
- Zubat
- Golbat
- Oddish
- Gloom
- Vileplume
- Paras
- Parasect
- Venonat
- Venomoth
- Diglett
- Dugtrio
- Meowth
- Persian
- Psyduck
- Golduck
- Mankey
- Primeape
- Growlithe
- Arcanine
- Poliwag
- Poliwhirl
- Poliwrath
- Abra
- Kadabra
- Alakazam
- Machop
- Machoke
- Machamp
- Bellsprout
- Weepinbell
- Victreebel
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
- Geodude
- Graveler
- Golem
- Ponyta
- Rapidash
- Slowpoke
- Slowbro
- Magnemite
- Magneton
- Farfetch'd
- Doduo
- Dodrio
- Seel
- Dewgong
- Shellder
- Cloyster
- Gengar
- Onix
- Drowzee
- Hypno
- Krabby
- Kingler
- Exeggcute
- Exeggutor
- Cubone
- Marowak
- Hitmonlee
- Hitmonchan
- Lickitung
- Rhyhorn
- Rhydon
- Chansey
- Tangela
- Kangaskhan
- Horsea
- Seadra
- Goldeen
- Seaking
- Staryu
- Starmie
- Mr. Mime
- Scyther
- Jynx
- Electabuzz
- Magmar
- Pinsir
- Tauros
- Gyarados
- Lapras
- Eevee
- Vaporeon
- Jolteon
- Flareon
- Porygon
- Omanyte
- Omastar
- Kabuto
- Kabutops
- Aerodactyl
- Snorlax
- Articuno
- Zapdos
- Moltres
- Dratini
- Dragonair
- Dragonite
- Mewtwo
- Mew
Generation II
By leveling up
By breeding
Generation III
By leveling up
- Jigglypuff at Lv.49
- Geodude at Lv.46
- Graveler at Lv.62
- Golem at Lv.62
- Onix at Lv.57 (R/S/E)
- Onix at Lv.56 (FR/LG)
- Cubone at Lv.45
- Marowak at Lv.61
- Chansey at Lv.57
- Ledyba at Lv.50
- Ledian at Lv.60
- Togepi at Lv.41 (R/S/E)
- Togepi at Lv.37 (FR/LG)
- Togetic at Lv.41 (R/S/E)
- Togetic at Lv.37 (FR/LG)
- Marill at Lv.28
- Azumarill at Lv.34
- Sudowoodo at Lv.57
- Pineco at Lv.50
- Forretress at Lv.59
- Steelix at Lv.57 (R/S/E)
- Steelix at Lv.56 (FR/LG)
- Phanpy at Lv.49
- Blissey at Lv.47
- Skitty at Lv.39
- Aron at Lv.44
- Lairon at Lv.53
- Aggron at Lv.63
- Volbeat at Lv.37
- Numel at Lv.49
- Spinda at Lv.45
- Chimecho at Lv.33
- Relicanth at Lv.57
- Bagon at Lv.53
- Shelgon at Lv.78
- Salamence at Lv.93
- Kyogre at Lv.65
- Jirachi at Lv.35
By move tutor
==In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen and Emerald
- Bulbasaur
- Ivysaur
- Venusaur
- Charmander
- Charmeleon
- Charizard
- Squirtle
- Wartortle
- Blastoise
- Butterfree
- Beedrill
- Pidgey
- Pidgeotto
- Pidgeot
- Rattata
- Raticate
- Spearow
- Fearow
- Ekans
- Arbok
- Pikachu
- Raichu
- Sandshrew
- Sandslash
- Nidoran♀
- Nidorina
- Nidoqueen
- Nidoran♂
- Nidorino
- Nidoking
- Clefairy
- Clefable
- Vulpix
- Ninetales
- Jigglypuff
- Wigglytuff
- Zubat
- Golbat
- Oddish
- Gloom
- Vileplume
- Paras
- Parasect
- Venonat
- Venomoth
- Diglett
- Dugtrio
- Meowth
- Persian
- Psyduck
- Golduck
- Mankey
- Primeape
- Growlithe
- Arcanine
- Poliwag
- Poliwhirl
- Poliwrath
- Abra
- Kadabra
- Alakazam
- Machop
- Machoke
- Machamp
- Bellsprout
- Weepinbell
- Victreebel
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
- Geodude
- Graveler
- Golem
- Ponyta
- Rapidash
- Slowpoke
- Slowbro
- Magnemite
- Magneton
- Farfetch'd
- Doduo
- Dodrio
- Seel
- Dewgong
- Shellder
- Cloyster
- Gengar
- Onix
- Drowzee
- Hypno
- Krabby
- Kingler
- Exeggcute
- Exeggutor
- Cubone
- Marowak
- Hitmonlee
- Hitmonchan
- Lickitung
- Rhyhorn
- Rhydon
- Chansey
- Tangela
- Kangaskhan
- Horsea
- Seadra
- Goldeen
- Seaking
- Staryu
- Starmie
- Mr. Mime
- Scyther
- Jynx
- Electabuzz
- Magmar
- Pinsir
- Tauros
- Gyarados
- Lapras
- Eevee
- Vaporeon
- Jolteon
- Flareon
- Porygon
- Omanyte
- Omastar
- Kabuto
- Kabutops
- Aerodactyl
- Snorlax
- Articuno
- Zapdos
- Moltres
- Dratini
- Dragonair
- Dragonite
- Mewtwo
- Mew
- Chikorita
- Bayleef
- Meganium
- Cyndaquil
- Quilava
- Typhlosion
- Totodile
- Croconaw
- Feraligatr
- Sentret
- Furret
- Hoothoot
- Noctowl
- Ledyba
- Ledian
- Spinarak
- Ariados
- Crobat
- Chinchou
- Lanturn
- Pichu
- Cleffa
- Igglybuff
- Togepi
- Togetic
- Natu
- Xatu
- Mareep
- Flaaffy
- Ampharos
- Bellossom
- Marill
- Azumarill
- Sudowoodo
- Politoed
- Hoppip
- Skiploom
- Jumpluff
- Aipom
- Sunkern
- Sunflora
- Yanma
- Wooper
- Quagsire
- Espeon
- Umbreon
- Murkrow
- Slowking
- Misdreavus
- Girafarig
- Pineco
- Forretress
- Dunsparce
- Gligar
- Steelix
- Snubbull
- Granbull
- Qwilfish
- Scizor
- Shuckle
- Heracross
- Sneasel
- Teddiursa
- Ursaring
- Slugma
- Magcargo
- Swinub
- Piloswine
- Corsola
- Remoraid
- Octillery
- Delibird
- Mantine
- Skarmory
- Houndour
- Houndoom
- Kingdra
- Phanpy
- Donphan
- Porygon2
- Stantler
- Tyrogue
- Hitmontop
- Smoochum
- Elekid
- Magby
- Miltank
- Blissey
- Raikou
- Entei
- Suicune
- Larvitar
- Pupitar
- Tyranitar
- Lugia
- Ho-Oh
- Celebi
- Treecko
- Grovyle
- Sceptile
- Torchic
- Combusken
- Blaziken
- Mudkip
- Marshtomp
- Swampert
- Poochyena
- Mightyena
- Zigzagoon
- Linoone
- Beautifly
- Dustox
- Lotad
- Lombre
- Ludicolo
- Seedot
- Nuzleaf
- Shiftry
- Taillow
- Swellow
- Wingull
- Pelipper
- Ralts
- Kirlia
- Gardevoir
- Surskit
- Masquerain
- Shroomish
- Breloom
- Slakoth
- Vigoroth
- Slaking
- Nincada
- Ninjask
- Shedinja
- Whismur
- Loudred
- Exploud
- Makuhita
- Hariyama
- Azurill
- Nosepass
- Skitty
- Delcatty
- Sableye
- Mawile
- Aron
- Lairon
- Aggron
- Meditite
- Medicham
- Electrike
- Manectric
- Plusle
- Minun
- Volbeat
- Illumise
- Roselia
- Gulpin
- Swalot
- Carvanha
- Sharpedo
- Wailmer
- Wailord
- Numel
- Camerupt
- Torkoal
- Spoink
- Grumpig
- Spinda
- Trapinch
- Vibrava
- Flygon
- Cacnea
- Cacturne
- Swablu
- Altaria
- Zangoose
- Seviper
- Lunatone
- Solrock
- Barboach
- Whiscash
- Corphish
- Crawdaunt
- Baltoy
- Claydol
- Lileep
- Cradily
- Anorith
- Armaldo
- Feebas
- Milotic
- Castform
- Kecleon
- Shuppet
- Banette
- Duskull
- Dusclops
- Tropius
- Chimecho
- Absol
- Snorunt
- Glalie
- Spheal
- Sealeo
- Walrein
- Clamperl
- Huntail
- Gorebyss
- Relicanth
- Luvdisc
- Bagon
- Shelgon
- Salamence
- Metang
- Metagross
- Regirock
- Regice
- Registeel
- Latias
- Latios
- Kyogre
- Groudon
- Rayquaza
- Jirachi
- Deoxys
Generation IV
By leveling up
- Bulbasaur at Lv.27
- Ivysaur at Lv.31
- Venusaur at Lv.31
- Rattata at Lv.31
- Raticate at Lv.39
- Jigglypuff at Lv.49
- Geodude at Lv.36
- Graveler at Lv.44
- Golem at Lv.44
- Onix at Lv.46
- Cubone at Lv.43
- Marowak at Lv.53
- Chansey at Lv.46
- Cyndaquil at Lv.46
- Quilava at Lv.53
- Typhlosion at Lv.53
- Ledyba at Lv.38
- Ledian at Lv.48
- Togepi at Lv.46
- Togetic at Lv.46
- Marill at Lv.27
- Azumarill at Lv.33
- Sudowoodo at Lv.46
- Pineco at Lv.42
- Forretress at Lv.50
- Steelix at Lv.46
- Phanpy at Lv.42
- Blissey at Lv.46
- Skitty at Lv.39
- Aron at Lv.43
- Lairon at Lv.51
- Aggron at Lv.57
- Volbeat at Lv.45
- Numel at Lv.51
- Spinda at Lv.46
- Chimecho at Lv.33
- Relicanth at Lv.50
- Bagon at Lv.55
- Shelgon at Lv.61
- Salamence at Lv.70
- Kyogre at Lv.65
- Jirachi at Lv.40
- Bonsly at Lv.46
- Hippopotas at Lv.44
- Hippowdon at Lv.50
By breeding
- Koffing and Weezing are the only Generation I Pokémon that can learn TMs that cannot learn Double-Edge by TM or move tutor.
- Since the introduction of abilities in Generation III, Double-Edge became a good strategy with the trait Rock Head, which prevents recoil damage, since most Pokémon with that ability can learn Double-Edge.
In other languages
- Spanish: Doble Filo
- French: Damoclès
- German: Risikotackle
- Italian: Sdoppiatore
Template:Project MoveDex notice
Variations of the move Double-Edge | ||
Generation I TMs | |
01 • 02 • 03 • 04 • 05 • 06 • 07 • 08 • 09 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 26 • 27 • 28 • 29 • 30 • 31 • 32 • 33 • 34 • 35 • 36 • 37 • 38 • 39 • 40 • 41 • 42 • 43 • 44 • 45 • 46 • 47 • 48 • 49 • 50 | |
Generation I HMs | |
01 • 02 • 03 • 04 • 05 |