Crunch (move)
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Crunch かみくだく Crunch | ||||||||||||
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Crunch is a damage-dealing Template:Type2 move introduced in Generation II.
Generation II and III
Does damage. May lower Special Defense.
Generation IV
Does damage. May lower Defense.
Generation II
By leveling up
Generation III
By leveling up
- Nidoran♀ at Lv.47
- Nidorina at Lv.53
- Girafarig at Lv.49
- Steelix at Lv.49 (R/S/E)
- Steelix at Lv.52 (FR/LG)
- Snubbull at Lv.53
- Granbull at Lv.61
- Houndour at Lv.49
- Houndoom at Lv.59
- Raikou at Lv.61
- Larvitar at Lv.43
- Pupitar at Lv.47
- Tyranitar at Lv.47
- Poochyena at Lv.41
- Mightyena at Lv.47
- Mawile at Lv.36
- Carvanha at Lv.22
- Sharpedo at Lv.22
- Trapinch at Lv.33
- Vibrava at Lv.33
- Flygon at Lv.33
- Seviper at Lv.28
- Corphish at Lv.43 (FR/LG)
- Crawdaunt at Lv.51 (FR/LG)
- Snorunt at Lv.28
- Glalie at Lv.28
- Huntail at Lv.36
- Bagon at Lv.41
- Shelgon at Lv.56
- Salamence at Lv.61
- Rayquaza at Lv.35
Generation IV
By leveling up
- Rattata at Lv.22
- Raticate at Lv.24
- Arbok at Lv.22
- Nidoran♀ at Lv.37
- Nidorina at Lv.43
- Growlithe at Lv.42
- Kangaskhan at Lv.31
- Aerodactyl at Lv.33
- Snorlax at Lv.44
- Totodile at Lv.27
- Croconaw at Lv.30
- Feraligatr at Lv.32
- Girafarig at Lv.46
- Steelix at Lv.41
- Snubbull at Lv.49
- Granbull at Lv.59
- Houndour at Lv.48
- Houndoom at Lv.54
- Raikou at Lv.43
- Larvitar at Lv.37
- Pupitar at Lv.41
- Tyranitar at Lv.41
- Poochyena at Lv.53
- Exploud at Lv.40
- Mawile at Lv.36
- Carvanha at Lv.28
- Sharpedo at Lv.28
- Trapinch at Lv.33
- Seviper at Lv.28
- Corphish at Lv.47
- Crawdaunt at Lv.57
- Snorunt at Lv.31
- Glalie at Lv.31
- Walrein at Lv.--
- Huntail at Lv.42
- Bagon at Lv.46
- Shelgon at Lv.50
- Salamence at Lv.53
- Rayquaza at Lv.35
- Turtwig at Lv.37
- Grotle at Lv.42
- Torterra at Lv.45
- Shinx at Lv.29
- Luxio at Lv.33
- Luxray at Lv.35
- Floatzel at Lv.26
- Garchomp at Lv.48
- Hippopotas at Lv.31
- Hippowdon at Lv.31
- Skorupi at Lv.45
- Drapion at Lv.49
- Carnivine at Lv.37
- Heatran at Lv.33
By breeding
In other languages
Spanish: triturar, Italian: Sgranocchio.