Talk:Scizor (Pokémon)

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Revision as of 14:33, 29 September 2008 by Jonouchi (talk | contribs)

Latest comment: 29 September 2008 by Jonouchi in topic Seeing red

Seeing red

In the episode Showdown at Dark City it was stated that Scyther hate the color red. So how can it evolve into the Red pokemon Scizor?idk how to make it the shiny green onejapaneese name was luckyan espeonSLE_Amanmy favorite pokemon

Well, for one thing, Scizor wasn't created yet. Secondly, Scyther and Scizor are two different Pokémon, and how one feels probably doesn't affect the other upon evolution. Thirdly, it was never shown other than in that episode, and was probably just a reference to the myth that bulls hate the colour red (it's actually the waving of the cape that makes them charge; it could be powder blue for all they care). --DarkfireTaimatsu 06:36, 24 November 2007 (UTC)Reply
I wonder if Scizor hates green. xD --Ricco 14:33, 29 September 2008 (UTC)Reply