Steel (type)

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Revision as of 13:35, 13 October 2008 by Shadow1337 (talk | contribs)

Template:ElementalTypes Template:TypeNotice Some notable trainers that specialize in the Steel-type include Jasmine of Olivine City, Steven Stone, previously champion of the Elite Four of Hoenn, and Byron, Gym Leader of Canalave City.

Statistical averages

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
123 - 170 236 - 330
81 - 150 157 - 295
113 - 190 222 - 375
63 - 129 123 - 254
69 - 136 134 - 267
52 - 115 99 - 225
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.

Battle properties

Steel-type moves:

Steel-type Pokémon:


Defensively, Steel-types are very good. They have resistances to 11 of the 17 types, which can make for a good physical and special tank in battle. They are immune to Template:Type2 attacks, meaning they are not affected by Toxic. They can hold up to many attacks, because of their high Defense. Their Special Defense is lower than their physical, but is still reasonably high.

Offensively, it is not recommended to use Steel-type moves, because there are only two types weak to Steel: Ice and Rock. Steel-types have average Attack and Special Attack, though there are some high-powered outliers in the Special field, such as Lucario and Magnezone.

In total, there are 26 Pokémon with the Steel-type.


Pure Steel-type Pokémon

# Name
303 File:303MS.gif Mawile
379 File:379MS.gif Registeel

Half Steel-type Pokémon

Primary Steel-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
208 File:208MS.gif Steelix Steel Ground
227 File:227MS.gif Skarmory Steel Flying
304 File:304MS.gif Aron Steel Rock
305 File:305MS.gif Lairon Steel Rock
306 File:306MS.gif Aggron Steel Rock
374 File:374MS.gif Beldum Steel Psychic
375 File:375MS.gif Metang Steel Psychic
376 File:376MS.gif Metagross Steel Psychic
385 File:385MS.gif Jirachi Steel Psychic
436 Bronzor Steel Psychic
437 Bronzong Steel Psychic
483 Dialga Steel Dragon

Secondary Steel-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
081 File:081MS.gif Magnemite Electric Steel
082 File:082MS.gif Magneton Electric Steel
205 File:205MS.gif Forretress Bug Steel
212 File:212MS.gif Scizor Bug Steel
395 File:395MS.gif Empoleon Water Steel
410 Shieldon Rock Steel
411 Bastiodon Rock Steel
413 Wormadam* Bug Steel
448 Lucario Fighting Steel
462 Magnezone Electric Steel
476 Probopass Rock Steel
485 Heatran Fire Steel


Damage-dealing moves

Name Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Target Notes
Bullet Punch Physical Smart 40 100% 30 One foe Always attacks first.
Doom Desire Special Cool 120 85% 5 One foe Hits two turns after this move is used.
Flash Cannon Special Smart 80 100% 10 One foe Has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense.
Gyro Ball Physical Beauty Varies 100% 5 One foe Deals more damage the slower the user is compared to the target.
Iron Head Physical Tough 80 100% 15 One foe Has a 30% chance of making target flinch
Iron Tail Physical Cool 100 75% 15 One foe Has a 30% chance of lowering target's Defense.
Magnet Bomb Physical Cool 60 —% 20 One foe Never misses.
Metal Burst Physical Beauty 100% 10 One foe Returns 150% the damage dealt by the foe's last attack.
Metal Claw Physical Cool 50 95% 35 One foe Has a 10% chance of raising user's Attack.
Meteor Mash Physical Cool 100 85% 10 One foe Has a 10% chance of raising user's Attack.
Mirror Shot Special Cute 65 85% 10 One foe Has a 30% chance of lowering target's accuracy.
Steel Wing Physical Cool 70 90% 25 One foe Has a 10% chance of raising user's Defense.

Non-damaging moves

Name Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Target Notes
Iron Defense Status Tough 15 Raises user's Defense 2 levels.
Metal Sound Status Smart 85% 40 One foe Lower's target's Special Defense 2 levels.


  • Although the Steel-type was introduced in Generation II, no pure Steel-type Pokémon would appear until in Generation III.
  • Out of all the types, Steel has most resistances. It also has the highest Defence.
  • There were no 100% accurate Steel-type attacks until Generation IV.
  • There are only two pure Steel-type Pokemon, the least of any type, unless you count flying, which has no Pokémon purely of that type.

In other languages

  • French: Acier
  • German: Stahl
  • Italian: Acciaio
  • Spanish: Acero
  • Korean: 강철 gangcheol
  • Hebrew: פלדה plada or מתכת matehet (metal)