Entry Pack '08 (TCG)

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The Entry Pack '08 is a special Deck Kit for the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It was released in Japan only.

The symbol for the Entry Pack '08 is a yellow "D" and green "P".

Release Date

  • The set was released on 30th November 2007.


  • This kit was released based on the success of its predecessor, the Entry Pack, which was released alongside Pokémon Card Game DP: Diamond & Pearl.
  • The kit focuses on the Diamond & Pearl starters and their evolutions, with new attacks and artwork. A new Supporter card is also featured, Mother’s Concern.
  • None of the Pokémon cards feature collection numbers.
  • In addition to the cards, the set contains a demonstrative DVD, a rulebook, damage counters, status counters and custom coin. The coin features Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup.
  • Released simultaneously with the Entry Pack '08 was the Entry Pack '08 DX, a larger version with an additional Half Deck.

Torterra Half Deck

Collection No. Card Name Type Level Rarity
- Turtwig Grass 11 -
- Grotle Grass 23 -
- Torterra Grass 51 (H)
- Sudowoodo Fighting 25 -
- Hippopotas Fighting 25 -
- Hippowdon Fighting 44 -
- Buneary Colorless 13 -
- Energy Search T - -
- Super Scoop Up T - -
- Double Full Heal T - -
- Switch T - -
- Mother’s Concern T - -
- Poké Ball T - -
- Grass Energy E - -
- Fighting Energy E - -

Empoleon Half Deck

Collection No. Card Name Type Level Rarity
- Piplup Water 10 -
- Prinplup Water 24 -
- Empoleon Water 49 (H)
- Drifloon Psychic 18 -
- Bronzor Psychic 11 -
- Croagunk Psychic 13 -
- Toxicroak Psychic 32 -
- Glameow Colorless 15 -
- Energy Switch T - -
- Energy Search T - -
- Potion T - -
- Switch T - -
- Poké Ball T - -
- Mother’s Concern T - -
- Water Energy E - -
- Psychic Energy E - -

Infernape Half Deck

Collection No. Card Name Type Level Rarity
- Chimchar Fire 6 -
- Monferno Fire 20 -
- Infernape Fire 46 (H)
- Electrike Lightning 18 -
- Manectric Lightning 34 -
- Rotom Lightning 37 -
- Lickitung Colorless 23 -
- Energy Restore T - -
- Energy Search T - -
- PlusPower T - -
- Switch T - -
- Poké Ball T - -
- Mother’s Concern T - -
- Fire Energy E - -
- Lightning Energy E - -

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