Flying (type)
Template:ElementalTypes Template:TypeNotice
(English: flying, French: vol, German: flug, Italian: volante, Spanish: volador, Dutch: vlieg, Portuguese: voador, Hebrew: מעופפים , Swedish: flygande, Danish: flyvende, Finnish: lentävä)
Some notable Flying trainers include Falkner of Violet City and Winona of Fortree City.
Statistical Averages
Stat | Range | ||
At Lv. 50 | At Lv. 100 | ||
HP: 67
127 - 174 | 244 - 338 | |
70 - 137 | 135 - 269 | |
63 - 129 | 123 - 254 | |
66 - 133 | 128 - 260 | |
71 - 138 | 137 - 271 | |
79 - 148 | 153 - 291 | |
Total: 432
Other Pokémon with this total | ||
Battle Properties
Flying-type attacks:
- Are super-effective against: Grass, Bug, Fighting
- Are not very effective against: Electric, Steel, Rock
- Have no effect against: None
Flying-type Pokémon:
Defensively, the Flying type is useful for its immunity to the common Ground-type move Earthquake and its resistance to Fighting. The flying type's weaknesses aren't rare types and can often offset the benefits of immunity to Ground.
Offensively, Flying-type moves are usually only useful when benefited by same-type attack bonus. The types Flying is super-effective against aren't common, and being not very effective against Steel is never good.
Pure Flying-type Pokémon
Half Flying-type Pokémon
Primary Flying-type Pokémon
- None
Secondary Flying-type Pokémon
- Charizard (Fire/Flying)
- Butterfree (Bug/Flying)
- Pidgey (Normal/Flying)
- Pidgeotto (Normal/Flying)
- Pidgeot (Normal/Flying)
- Spearow (Normal/Flying)
- Fearow (Normal/Flying)
- Zubat (Poison/Flying)
- Golbat (Poison/Flying)
- Farfetch'd (Normal/Flying)
- Doduo (Normal/Flying)
- Dodrio (Normal/Flying)
- Scyther (Bug/Flying)
- Gyarados (Water/Flying)
- Aerodactyl (Rock/Flying)
- Articuno (Ice/Flying)
- Zapdos (Electric/Flying)
- Moltres (Fire/Flying)
- Dragonite (Dragon/Flying)
- Hoothoot (Normal/Flying)
- Noctowl (Normal/Flying)
- Ledyba (Bug/Flying)
- Ledian (Bug/Flying)
- Crobat (Poison/Flying)
- Togetic (Normal/Flying)
- Natu (Psychic/Flying)
- Xatu (Psychic/Flying)
- Hoppip (Grass/Flying)
- Skiploom (Grass/Flying)
- Jumpluff (Grass/Flying)
- Yanma (Bug/Flying)
- Murkrow (Dark/Flying)
- Gligar (Ground/Flying)
- Delibird (Ice/Flying)
- Mantine (Water/Flying)
- Skarmory (Steel/Flying)
- Lugia (Psychic/Flying)
- Ho-oh (Fire/Flying)
- Beautifly (Bug/Flying)
- Taillow (Normal/Flying)
- Swellow (Normal/Flying)
- Wingull (Water/Flying)
- Pelipper (Water/Flying)
- Masquerain (Bug/Flying)
- Ninjask (Bug/Flying)
- Swablu (Normal/Flying)
- Altaria (Dragon/Flying)
- Tropius (Grass/Flying)
- Salamence (Dragon/Flying)
- Rayquaza (Dragon/Flying)