It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.
It comes to life only when Regirock, Regice and Registeel are gathered. Therefore, it requires the three to be in the player's party to awaken it within Snowpoint Temple, where it sleeps. It still appears on the map if they are absent, but does not awaken and the player regards it as a statue.
Regigigas shares several traits with the Regis. For instance, it has seven dot-like "eyes" arranged in a specific pattern. It is weak to Fighting-type moves (like Vaccum Wave). It has six spots that are apart from its eyes, which seem to be gemstones. These gemstones seem to represent the Regis with the red gems representing Regirock, the blue gems representing Regice and the silver gems representing Registeel. It has a golem-like shape and long arms with short legs. Its body is covered in black stripes, and it has moss growing in its back and feet, which may indicate it has been asleep for a long time.
Gender differences
Regigigas is genderless.
Special abilities
Regigigas has the ability Slow Start, an ability that causes Regigigas's Attack and Speed to be halved the first few turns. According to its Pokédex entries, the legends say that, its extremely high attack stat, combined with its colossal strength, enables it to move continents.
It resides in the Snowpoint Temple, having done so for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. According to the braille in Generation III games, it was sealed away in order to protect people, and three keys (the Legendary Golems) were created so that only one with the power of Regirock, Regice, and Registeel would be able to catch it.
|- style="background:#9DC1B7"
| colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game, while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
Due to Template:A2 reducing its potential, Regigigas has less in common with other legendaries than it does with Slaking. They share the same base stat total of 670, the same base Attack stat of 160, and abilities that limit their power.
Although it is thought to be unique, it is possible to see and fight another, under the ownership of Palmer along with a Heatran and Cresselia in the 49th consecutive battle in the Battle Tower.
All four of the Regi's types (Rock, Ice, Steel and Normal) are four of the five types that Fighting is strong against (only Dark is missing).
It is the only Pokémon who can learn TMs that cannot learn TM17 (Protect) or TM44 (Rest). This is probably to prevent people from countering its own ability by avoiding damage or healing itself.
While the moss growing on Regigigas is thought to have been caused by the fact that it had slumbered for a long time, it was imprisoned in Snowpoint Temple, a place filled with ice and not a very suitable place for moss to grow in.
Regigigas is also the only one of the Regis that does not use the remix of the "Legendary Golem battle theme" in Platinum. Instead, it uses the "legendary battle theme," much like in Diamond and Pearl.
Despite being called a colossal Pokémon, Regigigas is only the 14th tallest Pokémon and only the 7th heaviest.
Regigigas has 7 starting moves, the most of any Pokémon.
Due to Platinum reducing Regigigas' level to 1, it is currently the lowest leveled legendary to be encountered in the games (not counting Manaphy or Phione, since they had to be hatched instead of battled against).
This also makes it the lowest leveled wild Pokémon to be encountered in the games. (All other wild Pokémon are always level 2 or above, even in the earlier routes).
Regigigas is one of only two Normal type Legendary Pokémon (the other is Arceus).
This Pokémon is based on the golems of Hebrew legend. The legends cast them as servants of higher powers and are said to have writing on their heads. When the writing is removed, the creature would be weakened.
Name origin
The first part of its name is Regi, kings or to rule, govern or control, or possibly regius, royal. The last part of its name, gigas, means Giant. This means it is the King of the Giants.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.