Crawdaunt are large crustacean Pokémon. They have three pairs of limbs in total: two claws, one pair of legs that resembles Corphish's and a back pair that looks almost elephantine. They possess two blue stripes on their chin that are sometimes mistaken for a pair of lips. On the top of their head is a yellow star-shaped object, the purpose of which is currently not known.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Crawdaunt is a very powerful, if violent Pokémon. Its strong pincers allow it to use moves such as ViceGrip and even Guillotine. Its tough outer armor also provide it with a sturdy armor, which can be seen with its ability Shell Armor.
Crawdaunt are extremely aggressive Pokémon that will bully others enough to drive them away from their homes, this is similar to Whiscash
Crawdaunt has an extremely violent nature that compels it to challenge other living things to battle. Other life-forms refuse to live in ponds inhabited by this Pokémon, making them desolate places.
Crawdaunt molts (sheds) its shell regularly. Immediately after molting, its shell is soft and tender. Until the shell hardens, this Pokémon hides in its streambed burrow to avoid attack from its foes.
|- style="background:#9DC1B7"
| colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game, while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
Crawdaunt's original name was Lobstar, referring to the star on its head and the word lobster.
Up to date, Crawdaunt is the only Pokémon with a catch rate of 155.
Crawdaunt's name suggests it is based on a crayfish. However, its size and dark type would suggest it based on a larger, more powerful type of creature, a lobster.
Name origin
Crawdaunt's name is a pun on crawdad, an alternate name for a crayfish. It is also in combination with daunt, to cause to lose courage. Its Japanese name is based on シザー shizā, scissors, and ザリガニ zarigani, crayfish. The German name is based off of crab and attack.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.