Jetstream (TCG)
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The Jetstream Theme Deck from the EX Deoxys expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game contains the following cards:
- 1× Rayquaza (holofoil)
- 4 Lotad (#63)
- 2 Lombre (#34)
- 1 Ludicolo (#19)
- 4 Electrike (#60)
- 2 Manectric
- 4 Numel
- 1 Camerupt (non-holo)
- 4 Taillow
- 1 Swellow
- 2 Goldeen
- 2 Lady Outing
- 2 Master Ball
- 2 Strength Charm
- 2 Switch (FR/LG)
- 2 Potion (FR/LG)
Like other Theme Decks, Jetstream also includes damage counters, a custom coin, rulebook, and playmat.