Entry Pack '08 (TCG)

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Entry Pack '08 and Entry Pack '08 DX are special deck kits released in Japan on November 30, 2007, alongside the Moonlit Pursuit/Dawn Dash expansion of the Pokémon Card Game DP series. Both deck kits consist of three half decks: Torterra, Infernape and Empoleon. Entry Pack '08 DX also contains a Raichu half deck.

Unlike the original Entry Pack released alongside Pokémon Card Game DP, none of the cards in the deck kits have collection numbers, and all 30 Pokémon cards released in the half decks were brand-new. A new Supporter card, Mama's Worries, was also released. All but twelve of the cards (six Trainer cards and the six basic Energy cards) were eventually released in Majestic Dawn, alongside the remaining cards from Moonlit Pursuit and Dawn Dash (those which were not released in Secret Wonders or Great Encounters).

Like other special deck kits, both Entry Packs also include a rulebook, a demonstrative CD-ROM, damage counters, status counters and custom coin. The coin features Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup.

Torterra Half Deck

Collection No. Card Name Type Level Rarity
- Turtwig Grass 11 -
- Grotle Grass 23 -
- Torterra Grass 51 (H)
- Sudowoodo Fighting 25 -
- Hippopotas Fighting 25 -
- Hippowdon Fighting 44 -
- Buneary Colorless 13 -
- Energy Search T - -
- Super Scoop Up T - -
- Double Full Heal T - -
- Switch T - -
- Mama's Worries T - -
- Poké Ball T - -
- Grass Energy E - -
- Fighting Energy E - -

Infernape Half Deck

Collection No. Card Name Type Level Rarity
- Chimchar Fire 6 -
- Monferno Fire 20 -
- Infernape Fire 46 (H)
- Electrike Lightning 18 -
- Manectric Lightning 34 -
- Rotom Lightning 37 -
- Lickitung Colorless 23 -
- Energy Restore T - -
- Energy Search T - -
- PlusPower T - -
- Switch T - -
- Poké Ball T - -
- Mama's Worries T - -
- Fire Energy E - -
- Lightning Energy E - -

Empoleon Half Deck

Collection No. Card Name Type Level Rarity
- Piplup Water 10 -
- Prinplup Water 24 -
- Empoleon Water 49 (H)
- Drifloon Psychic 18 -
- Bronzor Psychic 11 -
- Croagunk Psychic 13 -
- Toxicroak Psychic 32 -
- Glameow Colorless 15 -
- Energy Switch T - -
- Energy Search T - -
- Potion T - -
- Switch T - -
- Poké Ball T - -
- Mama's Worries T - -
- Water Energy E - -
- Psychic Energy E - -

Raichu Half Deck

Collection No. Card Name Type Level Rarity
- Pikachu Lightning 12 -
- Raichu Lightning 37 (H)
- Plusle Lightning 27 -
- Minun Lightning 24 -
- Pachirisu Lightning 25 -
- Aipom Colorless 16 -
- Starly Colorless 10 -
- Staravia Colorless 23 -
- Energy Restore T - -
- Energy Search T - -
- Pokédex HANDY910is T - -
- Poké Ball T - -
- Warp Point T - -
- Lightning Energy E - -

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