Pikachu Project 2009 (Pikachu the Movie 2009) will be the third movie of the Diamond & Pearl series, and the twelfth Pokémon movie overall.
The movie was confirmed in Japanese cinemas at the end of the credits of its predecessor, Giratina and the Sky Warrior, with a teaser that showed Giratina, Dialga and Palkia ready to do battle, over a ruins that seem to be Spear Pillar (thus confirming their appearance in the movie). The same teaser was featured in the credits of the one-hour special of DP096 and DP097. The teaser can be seen in the Japanese website of the movie.
The producers went to Greece in August, 2008; this confirms the basis for the movie's setting.
A new trailer aired on December 4th 2008, which gave hints to the inclusion of a brand new Pokémon, although it was blanked out of the trailer with a question mark.
It is stated by CoroCoro that more details including the title will be revealed on December 15th.
It is also revealed that it will end the Diamond and Pearl movie trilogy.