Dawn's Piloswine (Japanese: ヒカリイノムー Hikari's Inomoo) was the fifth Pokémon captured by Dawn in the anime, and her sixth Pokémon in all. It is voiced by Tomoe Hanba in Japanese.
Piloswine's debut was in Hungry For the Good Life! as a Swinub, in which it appeared at Mr. Backlot's mansion, and caused trouble by devouring all of Dawn's Poffins (much to the displeasure of Dawn's other Pokémon), revealing its gluttonous nature. However, after helping to take down Team Rocket, Dawn decided she wanted Swinub to go with her.
Piloswine is the first capture Dawn has made since Buizel, exactly 50 episodes ago. It is also her only capture in which she didn't battle the Pokémon twice, or even at all.
Piloswine is the fifth, and most recent, Pokémon introduced in Generation II that is in the party of a member of the main cast during the Diamond & Pearl series.
Piloswine is also the second Pokémon that Dawn owns that was introduced in a generation other than the one she was introduced in, after Aipom.
It's interesting to note that Dawn's best friend, Leona, owns three Swinub of her own.
Piloswine has some similarities with May's Munchlax: Swinub loves to eat mass quantities of Poffin; likewise, May's Munchlax enjoys mass quantities of Pokéblock (the Generation III counterpart of the Poffin).