Talk:Dr. Footstep

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Revision as of 22:58, 5 December 2008 by RegalStar (talk | contribs)

Latest comment: 5 December 2008 by RegalStar

Several Pokémon, such as Unown and the Magnemite evolutionary line, do not say anything at any level, other than "Shhnnn... shhnnn..." This should probably be noted but I don't know the best way to word it, nor do I know all of the Pokémon who are like this. They seem to mostly be the "non-biological" ones... DocSigma 13:03, 16 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Adding onto that, both my Drifblim and my Golbat said something about being shunned... but they said it at LV. 4 happiness and LV. 1 happiness, respectively. We should probably put something on there that tells the reader that some Pokémon say different things, but I'm not sure how to word it...--The Kkllnnator blastoise 22:08, 11 November 2008 (UTC)Reply

Okay, based on my Lileep, Haunter, Vulpix and Lickilicky, I added a couple of others. I remember a full L4 Ghost would say something about chomping on the trainer's neck, but I forgot some of it. - unsigned comment from Draikonor (talkcontribs)

Clefairy's quote on level 4 (I got the ribbon on this level): "If I said there can be friendship between Pokémon and people, will Pokémon's friends understand? But if you see Trainer and Pokémon, you will understand. Because Trainer and Pokémon are friends!" - Maybe different Pokémon sometimes have different level 4 quotes as well? RegalStar 22:58, 5 December 2008 (UTC)Reply