Northern Range

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Revision as of 07:22, 8 December 2008 by Garmmy (talk | contribs)
← Western Cave
Northern Range
Pitfall Valley →
Northern Range
きたの さんみゃく
Pokémon recruitable Yes
Floors 25
Item allowance Allowed
Money allowance Allowed
Team members 4
Starting level Current
Predominant type Flying
Boss Latios

Northern Range (Japanese: きたの さんみゃく Northern Range) is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon that contains 25 floors.

The Northern Range can be accessed once HM Surf has been obtained from Solar Cave and the Southern Island Friend Area has been purchased. The morning after these requirements have been fulfilled, a robbery takes place in Pokémon Square. The culprit is followed to the Northern Range and must be defeated to learn the motivation. Once the dungeon has been completed for the first time, a sequence of events will occur to give access to Pitfall Valley.

Latios will stay in Pokémon Square after being defeated. It will freely offer to join the rescue team on the completion of Pitfall Valley.

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Floors Level Recruit Rate
163 Hoothoot 1-5 36 7%
267 Beautifly 1-6 36 Unrecruitable
085 Dodrio 1-7 25 Unrecruitable
189 Jumpluff 1-7 40 Unrecruitable
291 Ninjask 1-7 25 Unrecruitable
167 Spinarak 6-11 34 7.8%
277 Swellow 7-13 20 Unrecruitable
018 Pidgeot 8-16 30 Unrecruitable
166 Ledian 12-18 31 Unrecruitable
178 Xatu 14-20 27 Unrecruitable
022 Fearow 17-24 30 Unrecruitable
176 Togetic 18-24 25 Unrecruitable
164 Noctowl 19-24 30 Unrecruitable
336 Seviper 20-24 25 7.2%
381 Latios 25 30 N/A*