Buried Relic

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← Pitfall Valley
Buried Relic
Wish Cave →
Buried Relic
ちてい いせき
Pokémon recruitable Yes
Floors 99
Item allowance Allowed
Money allowance Allowed
Team members 4
Starting level Current
Predominant type None
Boss Regirock

Buried Relic (Japanese: ちてい いせき Underground Ruins) is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. It contains 99 floors and is the location of Mew. There is a compulsory save upon entry.

It is possible to visit Buried Relic after the first completion of Stormy Sea. After receiving a letter about it and talking to Lombre, Shiftry will grant access to the dungeon.

There is a chance of finding buried items and Monster Houses on any floor.

Floors 15, 25 and 35 are a fight with each of the legendary golems, Regirock, Regice and Registeel. On defeating them, the Rock Part, Ice Part and Steel Part respectively will be received. Once all three are obtained, they will join together to form the Music Box. When this item is in the bag, Mew can randomly be found from floors 36 to 98. However, doing anything with the music box will break it. The player will be automatically teleported out of the dungeon on befriending Mew.

Four HMs are found in this dungeon: Rock Smash on 45F, Strength on 60F, Flash on 70F and Cut on 80F. Cut, Flash and Rock Smash require a key to obtain while Strength requires a Ghost Pokémon or a Pokémon that knows Rock Smash to reach. Cut also requires a Water Pokémon that knows Rock Smash.

Porygon is exclusive to Red version while Porygon2 is exclusive to Blue version.

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Floors Level Recruit Rate
042 Golbat 1-4 10 -19%
215 Sneasel 1-4 15 7.7%
360 Wynaut 1-4 20 9.6%
020 Raticate 4-8 19 Unrecruitable
066 Machop 4-8 22 10.5%
293 Whismur 4-8 20 8.8%
163 Hoothoot 5-9 36 7%
106 Hitmonlee 5-11 22 Unrecruitable
107 Hitmonchan 5-11 22 Unrecruitable
137 Porygon 5-10 30 7.6%
092 Gastly 9-14 23 1%
096 Drowzee 9-14 35 7.9%
063 Abra 10, 20, 30 16 10.4%
233 Porygon2 10-18 20 10%
304 Aron 14-19 35 7.8%
316 Gulpin 14-19 20 6.9%
377 Regirock 15 18 0.1%
074 Geodude 16-20 27 9.1%
164 Noctowl 16-20 30 Unrecruitable
132 Ditto 16-34 25 6.8%
307 Meditite 17-22 30 5.5%
202 Wobbuffet 19-24 30 Unrecruitable
097 Hypno 23-29 33 Unrecruitable
237 Hitmontop 24-29 22 Unrecruitable
378 Regice 25 23 0.1%
292 Shedinja 26-39 5 Unrecruitable
296 Makuhita 30-34 25 10.2%
379 Registeel 35 25 0.1%
151 Mew 36-98 40 0.9%
027 Sandshrew 36-59 30 10.4%
064 Kadabra 40-49 30 -19%
239 Elekid 41-59 34 10.3%
122 Mr. Mime 50-69 29 7.4%
247 Pupitar 60-70 35 -19%
111 Rhyhorn 61-73 16 7.7%
024 Arbok 65-74 35 Unrecruitable
275 Shiftry 68-74 35 -30%
303 Mawile 68-90 30 7.1%
075 Graveler 74-79 35 -19%
067 Machoke 80-87 24 -19%
093 Haunter 82-93 25 -19%
076 Golem 91-99 29 -30%