Far-Off Sea

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Revision as of 07:28, 8 December 2008 by Garmmy (talk | contribs)
← Joyous Tower
Far-Off Sea
Purity Forest →
Far-off Sea
さいはての うみ
Pokémon recruitable Yes
Floors 75
Item allowance Allowed
Money allowance Allowed
Team members 4
Starting level Current
Predominant type Water
Boss None

Far-off Sea (Japanese: さいはての うみ Farthest-off Sea) is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon that contains 75 floors. It is automatically unlocked on purchasing the Calm Sea Friend Area. HM Dive and a Water Pokémon are required to enter the dungeon. The leader cannot be switched.

Two TMs unique to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon are found in this dungeon, both requiring keys to obtain. Vacuum-Cut is found on 50F and Wide Slash is found on 72F.

Lapras is exclusive to Mystery Dungeon Blue.

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Floors Level Recruit Rate
090 Shellder 1-8 25 12.2%
138 Omanyte 1-9 30 8%
098 Krabby 1-10 32 8%
079 Slowpoke 6-14 25 12%
086 Seel 6-14 18 3.9%
363 Spheal 10-19 22 8.8%
347 Anorith 14-23 26 8.7%
134 Vaporeon 20, 30, 50, 60, 70 25 Unrecruitable
088 Grimer 20-29 20 12.2%
139 Omastar 20-29 35 Unrecruitable
099 Kingler 26-35 35 Unrecruitable
080 Slowbro 30-36 27 Unrecruitable
318 Carvanha 30-39 27 8.9%
121 Starmie 35-44 22 Unrecruitable
348 Armaldo 35-44 33 Unrecruitable
364 Sealeo 35-44 24 -19%
320 Wailmer 41-50 35 8.2%
131 Lapras 45-50 30 6.7%
370 Luvdisc 45-54 30 8.6%
147 Dratini 50-59 30 11%
199 Slowking 50-59 38 Unrecruitable
087 Dewgong 55-64 35 Unrecruitable
224 Octillery 55-64 30 -30%
089 Muk 60-69 36 Unrecruitable
319 Sharpedo 60-69 35 Unrecruitable
365 Walrein 60-69 28 Unrecruitable
366 Clamperl 65-75 35 8.5%
230 Kingdra 70-75 40 Unrecruitable
321 Wailord 70-75 40 Unrecruitable