Purity Forest

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Revision as of 07:28, 8 December 2008 by Garmmy (talk | contribs)
← Far-off Sea
Purity Forest
Oddity Cave →
Purity Forest
きよらかな もり
Pokémon recruitable No*
Floors 99
Item allowance 0
Money allowance 0
Team members 1
Starting level 1
Predominant type None
Boss None

Purity Forest (Japanese: きよらかな もり Pure Forest) is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. It is home to Celebi and contains 99 floors. This dungeon is automatically unlocked after clearing Pitfall Valley and obtaining the Blue Sky Meadow Friend Area from an optional mission.

Only one Pokémon is allowed to enter the Purity Forest. That Pokémon will be reduced to level 1, returning to its original level on exiting the dungeon. Wild Pokémon cannot be befriended. At the start, the amount of money carried will be reduced to 0 and no items are allowed to be brought into the dungeon. The game will be saved compulsorily before entering. Purity Forest is generally regarded as the hardest dungeon in the game, mainly as success depends on luck of the items that appear. It is the hardest dungeon that is spoken of in a mail the player receives.

On reaching the 99th floor, Celebi will join the rescue team automatically without a battle.

Plusle is exclusive to Mystery Dungeon Red while Minun and Porygon2 are exclusive to Mystery Dungeon Blue.

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Floors Level Recruit Rate
016 Pidgey 1-3 1 Unrecruitable
039 Jigglypuff 1-3 2 Unrecruitable
069 Bellsprout 1-3 1 Unrecruitable
173 Cleffa 1-4 1 Unrecruitable
265 Wurmple 2-4 1 Unrecruitable
010 Caterpie 2-4 1 Unrecruitable
102 Exeggcute 3-4 1 Unrecruitable
261 Poochyena 4-6 3 Unrecruitable
019 Rattata 5-7 3 Unrecruitable
029 Nidoran♀ 5-7 4 Unrecruitable
175 Togepi 6-10 7 Unrecruitable
263 Zigzagoon 7-8 5 Unrecruitable
035 Clefairy 7-9 8 Unrecruitable
239 Elekid 7-9 4 Unrecruitable
100 Voltorb 7-10 3 Unrecruitable
304 Aron 8-9 6 Unrecruitable
021 Spearow 8-10 4 Unrecruitable
187 Hoppip 9-10 8 Unrecruitable
011 Metapod 10 1 Unrecruitable
311 Plusle 10-11 3 Unrecruitable
312 Minun 10-11 3 Unrecruitable
013 Weedle 11 8 Unrecruitable
280 Ralts 11-13 8 Unrecruitable
183 Marill 11-14 8 Unrecruitable
133 Eevee 11-14 9 Unrecruitable
074 Geodude 12-14 5 Unrecruitable
343 Baltoy 12-14 5 Unrecruitable
307 Meditite 13-14 6 Unrecruitable
374 Beldum 14-16 5 Unrecruitable
103 Exeggutor 15-16 8 Unrecruitable
227 Skarmory 15-17 10 Unrecruitable
177 Natu 16-17 8 Unrecruitable
123 Scyther 16-18 10 Unrecruitable
185 Sudowoodo 17-19 7 Unrecruitable
287 Slakoth 17-20 8 Unrecruitable
264 Linoone 18-20 8 Unrecruitable
043 Oddish 18-24 7 Unrecruitable
161 Sentret 19-21 6 Unrecruitable
220 Swinub 19-22 8 Unrecruitable
192 Sunflora 20-24 8 Unrecruitable
351 Castform 21-22 10 Unrecruitable
165 Ledyba 21-25 7 Unrecruitable
285 Shroomish 21-25 9 Unrecruitable
083 Farfetch'd 23-28 10 Unrecruitable
060 Poliwag 24-26 10 Unrecruitable
328 Trapinch 24-28 11 Unrecruitable
058 Growlithe 25-26 12 Unrecruitable
193 Yanma 26-30 10 Unrecruitable
070 Weepinbell 26-31 31 Unrecruitable
167 Spinarak 26-32 11 Unrecruitable
269 Dustox 27-30 10 Unrecruitable
216 Teddiursa 28-29 10 Unrecruitable
309 Electrike 30-34 12 Unrecruitable
207 Gligar 31-34 12 Unrecruitable
015 Beedrill 31-35 10 Unrecruitable
032 Nidoran♂ 31-35 12 Unrecruitable
234 Stantler 31-36 12 Unrecruitable
181 Ampharos 33 13 Unrecruitable
125 Electabuzz 35-37 12 Unrecruitable
084 Doduo 35-39 14 Unrecruitable
310 Manectric 36-40 10 Unrecruitable
128 Tauros 36-42 15 Unrecruitable
044 Gloom 36-47 10 Unrecruitable
331 Cacnea 37-39 13 Unrecruitable
198 Murkrow 39-40 14 Unrecruitable
214 Heracross 39-42 14 Unrecruitable
286 Breloom 40-41 14 Unrecruitable
332 Cacturne 40-45 14 Unrecruitable
188 Skiploom 42-46 13 Unrecruitable
168 Ariados 42-46 14 Unrecruitable
206 Dunsparce 43-44 13 Unrecruitable
290 Nincada 44-46 14 Unrecruitable
042 Golbat 46-50 10 Unrecruitable
126 Magmar 47-49 21 Unrecruitable
371 Bagon 47-49 16 Unrecruitable
030 Nidorina 47-50 15 Unrecruitable
033 Nidorino 47-50 15 Unrecruitable
114 Tangela 48-50 14 Unrecruitable
314 Illumise 49-51 20 Unrecruitable
059 Arcanine 50-55 18 Unrecruitable
101 Electrode 51-53 20 Unrecruitable
205 Forretress 51-53 23 Unrecruitable
022 Fearow 51-54 17 Unrecruitable
213 Shuckle 51-54 15 Unrecruitable
106 Hitmonlee 51-56 22 Unrecruitable
107 Hitmonchan 51-56 22 Unrecruitable
240 Magby 53-55 17 Unrecruitable
351 Castform 54-59 10 Unrecruitable
322 Numel 55-56 14 Unrecruitable
219 Magcargo 56-57 21 Unrecruitable
262 Mightyena 56-60 17 Unrecruitable
078 Rapidash 57-59 16 Unrecruitable
324 Torkoal 57-59 15 Unrecruitable
111 Rhyhorn 58-61 16 Unrecruitable
333 Swablu 58-64 18 Unrecruitable
361 Snorunt 60-62 20 Unrecruitable
221 Piloswine 60-63 16 Unrecruitable
024 Arbok 60-64 21 Unrecruitable
132 Ditto 60-64 25 Unrecruitable
162 Furret 61-63 18 Unrecruitable
305 Lairon 62-63 17 Unrecruitable
375 Metang 62-64 17 Unrecruitable
204 Pineco 63-64 18 Unrecruitable
051 Dugtrio 65-68 20 Unrecruitable
247 Pupitar 65-68 17 Unrecruitable
335 Zangoose 66-69 18 Unrecruitable
372 Shelgon 66-69 19 Unrecruitable
045 Vileplume 66-70, 72, 74-79 14 Unrecruitable
284 Masquerain 70-71 27 Unrecruitable
362 Glalie 70-73 20 Unrecruitable
289 Slaking 70-75 15 Unrecruitable
109 Koffing 71-75 20 Unrecruitable
351 Castform 71-72, 75-79 10 Unrecruitable
240 Magby 72-76 17 Unrecruitable
112 Rhydon 73-77 23 Unrecruitable
031 Nidoqueen 74-76 20 Unrecruitable
076 Golem 76-79 15 Unrecruitable
034 Nidoking 77-79 21 Unrecruitable
126 Magmar 77-79 21 Unrecruitable
233 Porygon2 79-84 20 Unrecruitable
088 Grimer 80-85 20 Unrecruitable
047 Parasect 80-89 30 Unrecruitable
323 Camerupt 81-85 25 Unrecruitable
353 Shuppet 81-85 28 Unrecruitable
077 Ponyta 83-85 30 Unrecruitable
166 Ledian 86-88 24 Unrecruitable
205 Forretress 86-88 23 Unrecruitable
338 Solrock 86-89 24 Unrecruitable
049 Venomoth 86-93 18 Unrecruitable
110 Weezing 86-98 20 Unrecruitable
334 Altaria 88-92 24 Unrecruitable
356 Dusclops 90-93 24 Unrecruitable
212 Scizor 90-94 24 Unrecruitable
351 Castform 90-98 10 Unrecruitable
047 Parasect 92-98 30 Unrecruitable
142 Aerodactyl 94-97 25 Unrecruitable
330 Flygon 95 25 Unrecruitable
357 Tropius 95 25 Unrecruitable
376 Metagross 95-98 28 Unrecruitable
344 Claydol 97-98 26 Unrecruitable
373 Salamence 98 26 Unrecruitable
251 Celebi 99 45 Auto-Recruit