Bulbapedia talk:Project CharacterDex/Archive 1

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Revision as of 02:28, 12 December 2008 by Empoleon97 (talk | contribs) (Join?: new section)

Latest comment: 16 October 2008 by Kumori Satosuke in topic Yellow Trainer Sprites

May I join? (Seeing as most of my knowledge falls in the Games category.) 281Tinaδ282 18:07, 20 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

You don't need to ask, as it would be my pleasure. TheFile:Ani196MS.gifEspeonFile:Ani196MS.gifMaster

Hmm..."Espeon360 (THE BIG CHEESE!)"? O_O -File:Ani038MS.gifうずまき ハルカ 20:53, 20 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

Can I join it? I don't like the anime very much, I love the games though!. (I'm usually glued to the computer or my DS Lite) -- ( '< (o^.^o)Template:Imagelink Template:Imagelink Template:Imagelink Template:Imagelink Template:Imagelink

I think I'm able to allow you in. If I can allow you, you're in. File:Ani154MS.gifNetto-kunFile:Ani394MS.gif 14:02, 21 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

No need to ask, just join! TheFile:Ani196MS.gifEspeonFile:Ani196MS.gifMaster .::. 17:25, 21 November 2007 (UTC)Reply
You don't have to ask for permission to join any project. We want people to help out however they can. --FabuVinny T-C-S 02:02, 22 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

Yellow Trainer Sprites

There is an extremely lack of Yellow non-species sprites both in the archives and in usage throughout the Internet. As I searched google, I could not find one site with the unique Yellow Trainer sprites. That being said, I have whipped back out my Yellow ROM and am capturing Trainer sprites, removing backgrounds with Pixen, and saving them as PNGs to upload onto Archives so that we can have the Yellow Trainers. For example, Brock looks different in Yellow than in RGB, GSC, or FRLG (though the second two sets are a bit obvious). The GSC Red and GSC Blue sprites are based upon the Yellow sprites, but the colours are different. Jessie and James are ONLY in Yellow. These sprites should be here, but they're not. So I'm taking the liberty of joining Project CharacterDex to sprite out Yellow's trainers. Satosuke 19:00, 16 October 2008 (UTC)Reply


I hope I can help and join this project.if so, contact my talk page.