Template talk:Trainerentry/Pokémon

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Revision as of 04:42, 16 December 2008 by S1tHSL4y3r (talk | contribs) (New page: <b><big>H</big></b>mm, do you think it'd be better to just rename this Trainerentry/p instead? It's shorter and doesn't use special characters. It's not entirely necessary, but just in cas...)
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Latest comment: 16 December 2008 by S1tHSL4y3r

Hmm, do you think it'd be better to just rename this Trainerentry/p instead? It's shorter and doesn't use special characters. It's not entirely necessary, but just in case for future's sake?     -–<×vVvvv τλικ to ς1tHςι3r ^^vVv×>–- 04:42, 16 December 2008 (UTC)Reply