Oasis (TCG)

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Oasis Box featuring Armaldo

The Oasis Theme Deck from the EX Sandstorm Expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game predominantly focuses on Water and Fighting type Pokémon and contains the following cards:

Quantity Card Name Type Rarity
Anorith Fighting Uncommon
Armaldo Fighting Rare HolographicH
Sandshrew Fighting Common
Sandslash Fighting Rare
Azurill Colorless Uncommon
Marill Water Common
Azumarill Water Uncommon
Lotad Water Common
Lombre Water Uncommon
Zigzagoon Colorless Common
Claw Fossil T Common
Energy Search (EX Ruby & Sapphire) T Common
Wally's Training T Uncommon
Switch (EX Ruby & Sapphire) T Common
Double Full Heal T Uncommon
Multi Energy E Uncommon
12× Fighting Energy (EX Ruby & Sapphire) E
12× Water Energy (EX Ruby & Sapphire) E

Like other Theme Decks, Oasis also includes a rulebook, damage counters, status counters, a custom coin, single-player mat and card list. Template:ThemeDeck4