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Ringtown is a small town in Fiore featured in the Pokémon Ranger video game. It is the home of the Ringtown Ranger Base run by Spenser. This town's Ranger Base is where the hero of the Pokémon Ranger game is stationed for duty.

This town in the video games is located in western Fiore, connected to Lyra Forest to the north, and the Kisara Plains grassland capture challenge to the east.

One resident, Larry, owns a Taillow.

The Rookie mission and missions 1, 5, and 6 are also began here.

Ringtown Rangers


RingtownFall CitySummerlandWintown
East RoadNorth Road
Lyra ForestKrokka TunnelWaterworksSafra SeaOlive JungleJungle Relic
Kisara PlainDusk FactoryPanula CaveSekra RangeGo-Rock BaseFiore Temple